Molecular Genetics

 DNA – deoxyribonucleic acid
 DNA carries our _______________ information.
 Recall where is DNA found? ____________
 What is type of macromolecules is DNA an example of?
 Levene – said that ___________ are the subunits of nucleic
 Two types of nucleic acids
- _________
 A scientist named _____________ was the first to do an X-
Ray model of __________.
 Watson and ___________ determined that DNA has a
 They were able to determine this with the help of Franklin’s
X-Ray Model.
DNA is __________ stranded and helical. It is composed of
three things:
A 5-carbon _________ called deoxyribose, a nitrogenous
base, and a ___________________ group.
 There are ________ different types of nitrogenous bases
- Adenine (A)
- Thymine (T)
- Cytosine (C)
- Guanine (G)
 A will bond to T , G will bond with C! A-T , G-C
Pyrimidines – Cytosine and Thymine
Purines – Adenine and Guanine
Purines will always bond to _______________.
 Chargaff’s Rule – states that the amount of _____ should
equal the amount of C and the amount of A should equal the
amount of ______.
 DNA is like a _______________ where the sides are made
up of phosphate and ___________. The rungs of the
ladder are made up of ______________.
 Phosphate is bonded to Sugar. They make up the “backbone”
of DNA. Bonded to the Sugar is the ____________.
 The bases are held together by a ________________ bond!
How to make a protein
 There are three steps involved in making a protein.
 1st – The DNA must be _________________
 2nd – The DNA must be transcribed. This means the DNA
must be made into ____________
 3rd- The RNA must be translated. This means the RNA must
be made into _______________.
Central Dogma
RNA → Protein
DNA Replication
 To make a protein, first __________ replication will occur.
 It occurs during the _______ phase of the cell cycle.
 Where is DNA being replicated in the cell?
DNA Replication
 First the double stranded DNA will unzip or unwound
 DNA helicase is the ____________ responsible for the
 Now with a single strand of DNA , DNA polymerase,
another enzyme will add the complementary
______________ to the new __________ strand.
 After replication, the new DNA strand will be
complementary to the old DNA strand.
 After DNA has been replicated, the DNA must be
 Transcription is _________ being converted into RNA.
 DNA codes for many ________________, but DNA
can not leave the nucleus.
It must be made
into __________ to leave the ___________________.
 RNA – Ribonucleic Acid
 Single ___________________
 Contains a ___________ sugar, a nitrogenous base, and a
phosphate group.
G-C and A-U There is no Thymine in RNA, Thymine
is replaced with Uracil!!!!!
mRNA, used to ________ the information from the nucleus
to the ribosome. * Used in transcription (M-Messenger)
tRNA, used to carry or ____________ amino acids to the
ribosome * Used in translation (T-Transfer)
rRNA, used to ________the structures of ribosomes (RRibosomal)
 Occurs in the _______________ of the cell
 RNA polymerase, an enzyme, will unzip the DNA
 The new ___________ strand will be complementary to
the unzip part of the DNA.
 It will follow the base pairing rule! Recall different for RNA!
 The ___________ from transcription is ____________
 The mRNA will release and go to the
_________________ where ribosomes are located
 Translation is converting RNA into protein.
 What are the subunits of proteins? _______________
 There are 20 amino acids.
 Proteins are made on ribosomes; therefore, Translation will
occur on a ribsome.
 Recall –Where can ribsomes be found in a cell?
 Codons are a triplet of bases. mRNA is read in codons.
 There are ________codons
 Only ______ codons actually code for an __________ acid
 There is 1 start codon – it also codes for the amino acid
 There are ____ stop codons
 What is the start codon? ________
 What are the stop codons? _________, UAA, UAG
 Three base code – can be in DNA or mRNA
 Occurring on the _________________ where
mRNA made in transcription will travel outside the
_____________ to a ribosome.
- During translation, the ___________will come and attach
to the codon regions on the mRNA.
tRNA has a sequence of bases, called the _____________.
tRNA is also carrying the ____________ acid.
 The anticodon will be complementary to the codon region of
 Recall again what is the function of tRNA……
 tRNA will _____________the amino acids to the ribosome
to begin translation.
 So, on one end of the tRNA is the ________________ and
the other end has the amino acid attached.
 Once the tRNA anticodon has attached to the mRNA codon,
the appropriate ______________ acid will be released.
Now, the next ____________will be read and the tRNA
will release appropriate amino acid.
That amino acid will link with the _______________
amino acids.
Recall- What type of bond holds amino acids together?
These chains of amino acids will build a
________________ chain which will create a specific