Male Reproductive System

Ms. Kehoe
9th Grade Health
- External organ that functions in sexual
reproduction, sexual pleasure and
elimination of body waste.
Made up of 3 cylinder like spongy tissues. When the
penis fills with blood it causes the penis to become
firm, enlarged and erect.
This is called an erection.
The penis is neither a muscle nor a bone. Erections
result entirely from blood flow.
- When a male goes through puberty,
hormones cause the penis to become more
sensitive, and the male will begin to have
erections more.
Penis Cont.
-In order for semen to leave the penis, the penis
must be erect.
-The release of semen is called ejaculation.
Urethra: tube coming from the bladder going through
the penis. Both semen and urine travel through the
urethra but not at the same time.
Glans penis (head)s is at the end of the penis. It is
covered by a thin sensitive tissue.
Foreskin is the loose fold of skin the covers the Glans
Circumcision is the surgical removal of the foreskin
is this surgery done?
The Scrotum:
-Loose bag of skin that is outside the males
body that holds the testes in place.
-Regulates the temperature of the testes.
Why is the scrotum an important
-Provides protection from disease and the
-During puberty it will grow, become
darker, will be covered with fine pubic
hair and becomes wrinkled.
The Testes:
oval shaped organs that are made up of 1000’s of
threadlike structures called Seminiferous tubules.
They are tightly packed tubes inside each testis.
 Seminiferous tubules produce sperm cells by the
millions each day and billions in a mans life time.
 Cells in the testes also produce testosterone that
changes a boy into a man.
 When their combined length is put together they
stretch several hundred yards.
 During fetal development the testes are inside the
males body and lower 2 months before birth.
 Testes must be slightly lower than body temperature
to produce sperm cells.
Sperm Cells:
There are 3 parts to a sperm cell.
 Head that contains the nucleus. Only the head of the
sperm cell unites with the egg cell.
 Neck or connecting piece.
 Tail which is its guiding mechanism.
The sperm may live 4 plus or minus days inside the female.
20% of the sperm cells may be deformed or unable to
fertilize an egg. Sperm count has been slowly
Up to 500 million sperm cells may be released during one
Sperm cells are about 5% of the fluid found in semen.
100,000 sperm cells can fit on the head of a pin.
Why would a pin hole in a condom be a problem?
A coiled like tube about 15 to 20 feet long found at the
upper back side of the testes closest to the males body.
Sperm cells are temporarily stored in the epididymis
where they mature. It takes 6 to 8 weeks for sperm to
A nerve response tells the epididymis to release the
sperm cells when the male reaches orgasm, climax or
sexual peak.
It is possible for the male to have an erection and not
ejaculate. “Blue balls” when the male is close to
orgasm but does not ejaculate is not harmful to the
The sperm cells go from the epididymis into the Vas
The man can feel the epididymis on the back of his
Vas Deferens:
The Vas Deferens is also called the sperm duct .
It is a tube coming from the epididymis going up into
Males body around the bladder where it meets the
Prostate Gland.
The sperm then enter the ejaculatory duct inside the
Prostate gland.
The male has two Vas Deferens.
The sperm move through the Vas Deferens by the
movement of cilia (small hair like structures) and
muscle contractions.
The Vas deferens is between 14 to 18 inches in length
Seminal Vesicles & Prostate
The male has two seminal vesicles that releases a
mucus like substance that provides nourishment
which enables
the sperm cells to live inside
the females body.
Sperm cells can go into the seminal vesicles from
a previous ejaculation.
The Prostate Gland is just below the bladder and is
the size of a chestnut. It releases fluids that
combine with the sperm cells and seminal fluid
and is called semen.
The Prostate Gland fluids have a base or alkaline
that neutralizes the acid environment inside the
female and allows them to move and live.
The Cowper’s Glands
Cowper's Glands are also called the preejaculatory
ducts and release cowper’s
fluids or
pre-ejaculatory fluids.
They release their fluid before the male ejaculates
and it cleans and lubricates the urethra.
The male does not have control over the release
of cowper’s fluids.
Sperm may enter Cowper’s Glands causing
accidental pregnancy if the couple is not
birth control before there is any
contact between the penis and vulva.
Bladder, Rectum and Anus:
 The
Bladder, Rectum and Anus have no
reproductive role in the male.
 A valve at the base of the Bladder closes
when the male reaches orgasm
preventing urine and semen from mixing
during ejaculation.
 The rectum is the last portion of the large
intestine where solid waste is stored.
Concerns of the Male Reproductive
 When a body part pushes through the structure that is holding it in.
 Inguinal Hernia is when a portion of the intestines pushes through
an abnormal opening or weakening of the abdominal wall and
into the groin or scrotum . The intestines can go into the scrotal
 Sperm of the males is weak, malformed, sparse or nonexistent.
 Common causes - Temp changes, smoking, untreated STD, faulty
operation of other reproductive organs
Undescended or Partially Descended Testicle:
 when a testicle does not lower into the scrotal sac or does not
lower all the way – termed pre-cancerous and may be removed.
Testicular torsion
 Even a mild injury to the testicles can cause severe pain, bruising,
or swelling. Most testicular injuries occur when the testicles are
struck, hit, kicked, or crushed, usually during sports or due to other
trauma. Testicular torsion (when one of the testicles twists around,
cutting off the blood supply.
Concerns Cont.
Nocturnal Emission (wet dreams)
Testicular Cancer
The releasing of semen during sleep is normal. The male is producing
hormones and this is the bodies way adjusting to these changes during
sleep. He may get erection that may or may not be related to what
he may be dreaming. It is normal to or not to have these emissions.
This is one of the most common cancers in men under 30 years old. It occurs
when cells in the testicle divide abnormally and form a tumor. If it's detected
early, the cure rate is excellent. All guys should perform testicular selfexaminations regularly to help with early detection. Check for lumps, change is
size or consistency of one of the testes, fluid or blood in the scrotum, and pain or
ache in the lower abdominal and groin.
Problems of Prostate
Increase in size can block urethra and bladder causing frequent
urination, pain or discomfort, blood in the urine. Only prevention is an
exam by a doctor. 50% of the men over 50 will have some kind of
problem with their prostate gland. Prostate cancer is the second most
common form of cancer in men after lung cancer. Signs are frequent
or painful urination, blood in the urine.