Scarlet Letter Chapter Symmaries

Scarlet Letter Chapter Summaries
Chapter 1 – The Prison Door
The significance of the Prison and Cemetery are shown for a new colony. The
rosebush gives hope to some of the people that are taken to the prison and is also
protected by the covering of some of the trees. See also pages 149-151.
Chapter 2 – The Market Place
The women speak of the “naughty baggage’s” (56) sentence to wear the letter as too
easy of her. She makes the letter look good and surprises everybody by it. Hester
goes to scaffold to display her guilt. She has the look of the Divine Maternity, a.k.a.
the Virgin Mary.
Chapter 3 – The Recognition
Introduce Roger Chillingworth. Hester recognizes him but he tells her to keep quiet.
Chapter 4 – The Interview
Roger Chillingworth is sent to speak with Hester so that he may tend to their
medical needs. Gives Pearl a sleep potion, and tells Hester to never speak of their
marriage. Chillingworth learned medicine from the forest and Indians that he stayed
with. Chillingworth vows to find out whom she committed adultery with.
Chapter 5 – Hester at Her Needle
She makes elegant clothes for people of power and those that nave died, and she
bring her rep up. Letter seen burning like hell fire at night.
Chapter 6 – Pearl
Pearl is perfect in nature, both in looks and the fact that she has wild characteristics.
Called devilish names and has her own form of witchcraft. A trickster to her mother,
and claims to not have a Heavenly Father.
Chapter 7 – The Governor’s Hall
The Governor and the pastors are deciding on whether or not to take Pearl away
form Hester. Pearl is entranced by the armor. She tries to get Pearl to appreciate
something other than the woods.
Chapter 8 – The Elf-Child and the Minister
Dimmesdale decides that Pearl is fine with Hester. Then she saves Hester from the
Black Man when Mistress Hibbins comes by to ask Hester if she would like to meet
Chapter 9 – The Leech
Dimmesdale becomes sick. Chillingworth stays in his house to help him. But
Chillingworth pries his mind and soul to find his secret.
Chapter 10 – The Leech and his Patient
Chillingworth continues his search of Dimmesdale. He knows of Dimmesdale’s
infidelity and works hard to get him to confess.
Chapter 11 – The Inside of a Heart
Dimmesdale knows the Chillingworth is searching his soul for his faults, but he is
also letting his sin take control of his life. He tries to confess to his congregation, but
they don’t understand. He tortures himself over his sin, it even seems like he is
trying to kill himself.
Chapter 12 – The Minister’s Vigil
Dimmesdale walks to the scaffold and stands there for the entire town to see. He
tries to confess of his sin again, but the people of Boston love him the more for it. He
calls for Hester and Pearl to join him, and Chillingworth fully knows that he can now
control Dimmesdale. Giant “A” shows in the sky, and people think it is for “Angle”
because the governor died.
Chapter 13 – Another View of Hester
Hester is seen as better than before. She decides that she will speak to
Chapter 14 – Hester and the Physician
Hester talks with Chillingworth, and she tells him that she will talk to Dimmesdale of
their situation. Chillingworth allows her.
Chapter 15 – Hester and Pearl
Hester and Pearl go for a walk in the forest, and they see Dimmesdale.
Chapter 16 – A Forest Walk
Hester and Pearl sit by a brook. Hester isn’t allowed to be in sunlight. See Page 54.
Chapter 17 – The Pastor and His Parishioner
Hester and Dimmesdale talk about Chillingworth being her husband. She apologizes
for the torture that he had to go through.
Chapter 18 – A Flood of Sunshine
Hester and Dimmesdale sit by the brook. She takes the letter off and lets her hair
down. The sun immediately shines on her. They make plans to leave.
Chapter 19 – The Child at the Brookside
Hester calls Pearl over, but she won’t cross the brook because Hester doesn’t have
the letter on. Pearl continues to torture her mother with the letter.
Chapter 20 – The Minister in a Maze
Dimmesdale immediately runs home. On the way he encounters many temptations
that could daunt his spirit but he denies them all. He then writes a new sermon for
Election Day.
Chapter 21 – The New England Holiday
The holiday is Election Day, and Dimmesdale gives an amazing sermon. Pearl dances
around. The captain of the ship Hester and Dimmesdale will be taking gives her a
message that Chillingworth will be joining them.
Chapter 22 – The Procession
Hester and Pearl watch Dimmesdale and other officials travel throughout the city.
Chapter 23 – The Revelation of the Scarlet Letter
At the scaffold, he stops and calls Hester and Pearl to join him there. He speak of his
sins to the people, he then dies shortly after.
Chapter 24 – Conclusion
After Dimmesdale dies, Hester disappears. Years later she comes back, and is found
knitting clothes for a baby that is so elegant that anyone would be jealous to see
someone wearing them.