Where is Judaism Practiced Cont.

Honors World History
12.2.2 World Religions
= where Judaism is practiced
= where Judaism originated
Judaism originated in Israel
According to the Israel Central Bureau of
Statistics there are 14,993,000 Jews worldwide
In Israel alone there is 5,703,700
United States has 5,275,000
Canada has 375,000
Mexico has 39,400
Abraham- The Hebrew founder from whom all Jews
trace their descent
 The first founder of Judaism
 Physical and spiritual ancestor of the Jewish people
 Father of the faith
Covenant- is an agreement between God and His
people in which God makes specific promises and
Hanukkah- A Jewish festival, lasting eight days from the
25th day of Kislev (in December) and commemorating the
rededication of the Temple in 165 BCE by the Maccabees
after its desecration by the Syrians. Symbolized by the
Moses- He is the most important prophet in Judaism. Moses
is the leader who freed them from slavery in Egypt. Moses
protected the Jews from the wrath of God, and negotiated
with God on their behalf.
Passover- is celebrated to commemorate the liberation of the
Children of Israel who were led out of slavery in Egypt by
It is a major eight day festival
Matzah is eaten throughout the festival
Great spring cleaning in the home before the festival
Rabbi- A Jewish scholar or teacher especially one who
studies or teaches Jewish law. A person appointed as a Jewish
religious leader.
Rosh Hashanah- Jewish new year, it commemorates the
creation of the world.
Synagogue- House of worship for Jewish congregation
The place of worship and communal center of a Jewish congregation
Men and women usually sit separately in the Synagogues
Talmud- The book of Jewish law- Jewish Holy Book
Collection of ancient Jewish writings that forms the basis of Jewish
religious law
Torah- the most holy Jewish book. It’s the first five books of
the Hebrew Bible
Yahweh- Hebrew name of God
The Wailing Wall- Thought by the Jews to be the most sacred
of places, temple itself was thought to be the place where God
resides on earth
Yom Kippur- Jewish holy day
The holiest day of the Jewish year, on which Jews fast and say prayers of
Jews believe that there is a single God who not only
created the universe, but with whom every Jew can
have an individual and personal relationship
They also believe that their Savior has not come
They believe that everyone was created in the image
of God
 For this reason every person is equally important
and has an infinite potential to do good in the
They are both special ceremonies where Jewish boys at age
13 and girls at age 12 can become adults in the eyes of the
Jewish religion
Bar mitzvah is for boys and means Son of the Commandments
Bat mitzvah is for girls and means Daughter of the
It is a celebration of them becoming adults in the Jewish
The couple gets married under a huppah
 Huppah is a canopy
The couple make a written contract or promise
together which is called a Ketubah
Glass is broken at the end of the ceremony to
remind them that their joy will never be complete
until the Holy Temple in Jerusalem is rebuilt
The Star of David
On their heads a devout Jew wears a Kippah to remind him
that he is always duty bound to follow the laws of God at all
times and in all places.
Before beginning to worship or pray the devout Jew will often
put on a tallit. The fringes on the shawl remind him of the
many commandments of the Torah.
Tallit is a prayer shawl
The boxes are worn on the left forearm and on the forehead.
Inside the boxes are passages from the scriptures. A tefilin
on the left arm is a reminder to keep God's laws with all your
heart, because it is near to the heart. A tefilin on the
forehead remind the Jew to concentrate on the teachings of
the Torah with all your full mind.
Tefilin are small leather box with a long leather straps attached
 Tefilin are worn when praying at the home or in the synagogue
LO: To learn about the features of a
synagogue and how Jewish people
worship God.
It is where Jewish people study, pray,
worship and celebrate.
Orthodox Jewish people believe
women should sit separately to
The little round hat they wear is called a kippah. They often
wear a prayer shawl over their shoulders, called a tallit.
This is a special cupboard where the Torah Scrolls,
which contain the text of the Hebrew bible, are kept.
Are there any symbols or images you have seen before?
The search for that original Ark formed
the plot of the movie Raiders Of The
It also represents the pillar of fire that
guided the Jewish people on their early
During the service, the Ark is
ceremonially opened, and the Torah
scroll is carried in procession to the
reading desk, unrolled to the reading
chosen for the day and laid on the
Their stained glass often shows special objects, such as
the menorah, the tree of life or the Star of David .