Sample Preservation and Storage

Quantification of marine
microbial population
Students will be able to:
• explain the significance of marine microbial for human life
• describe techniques used to get microbial samples from marine
sediment and water
• explain important key that should be considered for sampling
• Explain method to approch marine microbe quantification
Key concept
• Marine microbes exist in huge numbers and form a major
component of biomass on Earth.
• Although there is a wide range of sizes, most marine
microbes are exceptionally small.
• A wide range of physical and chemical conditions provide
diverse specialized habitats.
• Microbes are major components of plankton and marine
• Microbes are important in sediment formation and there is
abundant life below the seafloor.
• Microbes colonize the surfaces of inanimate (non-living)
objects and other living organisms by the formation of
Water sampling - microbes
• Sterile technique:
– Containers must be
sterilized by autoclaving
or with gas used to kill
– Take care not to
contaminate the container
– Water samplers should be
swabbed with 70 %
Sampling from water
• The best is to collect samples directly into the
appropriate bottle or jar
• use of an intermediate container should be
avoided, but if have to 
• intermediate containers have to be
prewashed (for example syringes and filters)
or flushed with existing site water before
being used for the final collection of samples
if possible.
• If sampling using a pole with a large clamp (or
other suitable device) to hold the sampling
(see Figure 3.2), the rod may becomes
contaminated  wash it promptly,
• make sure the washings cannot contaminate
any samples or any material about to be
sampled (for example by disposing of
washings downstream of the sampling site).
Sequence of Sampling Matrices
• Project deals with multimedia and/or multiple parameters use
following sequence:
– Collect from least to most contaminated sampling locations
– If sediment and water is being collected, collect water first to
minimize effects from suspended bed materials
– For shallow streams, start downstream and work upstream to
minimize sediment effects due to sampling disturbances
– If sampling at different depths, collect surface samples first and
then proceed deeper
Sample Amount
Minimum sample required depends on the concentration of the analytes present
Should take enough for all analyses and additional for any QA/QC work required
Heterogeneous samples generally require larger amounts to be representative of sample
Taking too much sample can lead to problems with storage and transportation
Sample Preservation and Storage
Purpose – minimize physical, chemical and biological changes
3 approaches:
– Refrigeration
– Use of proper sample container
– Addition of preserving chemicals (formalin or glutaraldehyde)
Proper Sample containers
• For microbiological analysis,
strong, thick-walled, glass sample
bottles with a minimum capacity
of 300 ml should be used.
• They should have screw caps of a
type that will maintain an
effective seal, even after they
have been sterilised many times
in an autoclave.
• Some technicians fasten a Kraft
paper cover over the bottle caps
before autoclaving to protect
them from contamination during
• Alternatively, plastic or
aluminium sleeves may be used.
• The neck of the bottle should not
be plugged with cotton wool. To
prepare sample bottles,
• they should be washed with a
non-ionic detergent and rinsed at
least three times (five is better)
with distilled or deionised water
before autoclaving.
• New bottles require the same
preparation. If distilled or
deionised water is not available,
clean chlorine-free water may be
Sample carrier boxes
• keep samples at suitably
low temperatures, by
adding block or crushed
ice, dry ice, freezerblocks, or other similar
substance, or are
refrigerated by a power
• then transported in
cleaned/ uncontaminated
insulated carrier boxes
• Dry ice (solid carbon
dioxide) is used where
samples must be frozen
immediately after
• When storing chilled or
frozen samples in coolers,
note that the coolers can
be a source of sample
contamination under
some circumstances. 
be sure to clean it
thoroughly before use
Sample Preservation and Storage
Maximum Holding Time (MHT) is the length of time a sample can be stored after
collection and prior to analysis
• On arrival at the laboratory,
samples for bacteriological
analysis should be placed in a
refrigerator and analysis should
be started within 2 hours.
• Any samples arriving more than
24hours after they were
collected, or arriving unchilled
more than 2 hours after they
were collected, should be
• Analysis of such samples is
unlikely to reflect the
bacteriological condition of the
water at the time of sampling.
Selection of Sampling Equipment
Surface Water and Wastewater Sampling
• Grab sampler, weighted bottle sampler, Kemmerer bottle
Water sample collection – grab
Grab samples for fecal
coliforms are taken with
sterile containers
Selection of Sampling Equipment
Groundwater Sampling
• Collected from wells using a bailer or by pumps (peristaltic and bladder)
• Samples do not come into contact with mechanical components of the pump
Nansen bottle  for nonsterile water sample
Niskin sampler for sterile
water sample
Selection of Sampling Equipment
Soil Sampling
• Soil depth and whether or not each soil horizon is necessary to sample are main
• Scoops and trowels, tube sampler, augers, split spoon sampler (drilling)
Selection of Sampling Equipment
Sediment Sampling
• Dredges (Ekman dredge,
Peterson dredge,
Ponar dredge)
• Core samplers (Livingstone,
Kullenberg, and
sample labeling
• An unlabeled sample
may as well just be
dumped down the
• Use good labels not
masking tape, etc. Poor
labels often fall off when
frozen samples are
• Use permanent markers
NOT ball point pens,
pencils in a pinch
Where are they live?
• The largest population
present in the uppermost
layer of water
• Upperlayer of sediments
• Location that contain high
organic matter
• Seasonal influence
coiciding with changed with
temperature, tides, etc
• The greater population in
the shore
Regular sampling
is necessary
Factor affecting fluctuation in
microbial population
Complex nutritional
Physico-chemical condition in ecology
Interaction with other microorganism, ex L
grazing rates by zooplankton app. 106 cell/ml or
33-50% elimination
Number of marine microbial
• Number of bacteria in
the marine environmen
t reach between 103106/ml
• Max 108 in upper layer
• Number of amoeba
reach 1,2-1,3x103/ml
• Ciliated 0-23/ml
• Dinoflagellates 103-107/l
• Flagellated 3-2400/l
• Phytoflagellates 103105/l
• Yeast 10-8400/l
• No data of fungi due to
a lack of method
Where are thet located?
• Many bacteria located
on particulates
• Seawater bacteria
occured in association
with marine snow
• Some bacteria are freeliving in the sea
• In the sediments
Approch to estimation of bacteria
• It is difficult to ascertain which method provide the
most meaningful data
• Direct method : present of dormant bacteria/non
culturable cells, clumping, dead cell and uninformly
shaped particles
• The viable count only reach 0,1 % of organisms
• Approch :
– microcospy of viable cell using nalidixic acid
– Transmission electron microscopy
– Spread technique
• Thank You