Chapter 17-18

The Scarlet Letter
Chapter 17-18
By: Miguel Villanueva
Nick Lucero
Chapter Summary
As Hester and Dimmesdale escaped the public,
they go sit together near a brook. Hester then tells
Dimmesdale that Chillingworth is her husband, which
causes Dimmesdale to get angry and blame Hester for all
the pain he has felt. Dimmesdale soon forgives Hester
and realizes that Chillingworth is going to reveal their
secret. They then plan to leave to Europe to where they
can live with Pearl.
The thought of going to Europe got them excited
that Dimmesdale said he felt happy again. Hester then
threw off her “A” and let her hair go and beauty. The
light of the forest shines on her as she is now free.
Hester wants Pearl and Dimmesdale to have daughter
and father time, but Pearls is very cautious to be with
Character Analysis
• Hester- When she removes the “A”, she
becomes free and the light shines upon her
• Dimmesdale- Has no more pain in his chest
since Hester is now with him and they are
• Pearl- Gets to finally meet her real father
and go and live with him and Hester.
• Chillingworth- Knows about Dimmesdale
and Hester and is going to reveal their secret
to the public
• The Letter “A”- This represents when Hester
rips it off her chest and she is free from her
sin. The sunlight then shined over her which
before it would stay hidden.
• The Sunshine- the sunshine that floods the
forest when Hester takes off the “A” is the sign
of purity.
Literary devices
• Irony- How Dimmesdale keeps his secret to keep
Hester and Pearl safe is actually killing him.
• Irony- Hester and Dimmesdale kept secrets to stay
protected and Chillingworth had secrets to harm
• Personification- “…foolish and tiresome little
brook…why art thou so sad?” This shows that when
Hester and Dimmesdale were at the brook that the
area was very gloomy.
• Simile- “She has wandered without rule or guidance
in a moral wilderness; as vast, as intricate and
shadowy, as the untamed forest…”
That secrets will eventually catch up
and hurt you.
The theme can relate to
everyone because everyone has
gone through and been in
situations when lying and keeping
secrets from people will catch up
to you and bite you in the.
• Pearl got to meet her real father who is
• Hester takes off her “A” since she is now free
• Hester lets her hair loose and it can now flow
• Dimmesdale and Hester think about moving out
of Europe
• Chillingsworth is going to reveal Hester and
Dimmesdale secret
• Hester and Chillingsworth meet outside of the
city in the forest.
1. Who is Pearls real father?
Queen Latifah
Santa Clause
She’s an orphan and doesn’t know who her
father is because it can be anyone from the
2. Where do Hester and Chillingworth meet
and talk?
a) The hood
b) The Forest
c) A club where Chillingsworth & Hester
d) A sewer
3. What happens to Hesters “A”?
a) It bursts into flames
b) She was never wearing an “A”…
c) She took it off
d) No one cares
4. What happens to Hesters hair?
a) She shaved it all off like Brittany spears
b) It was a weave and out of anger
Chillingworth yanked it out
c) She let it loose because she is now free
d) She never had hair
5. Do Hester and Dimmesdale think about
moving out of Europe with Pearl?
a) T
6. What is Chillingsworth going to do with
Hester and Dimmesdales secret?
a) Reveal it to the public
b) Pinky swear to never tell a soul
c) Lock his mouth with a key and put it in his
d) What Secret?