Dry Ice Demonstration(powerpoint)

Fun with Dry Ice!!!
Demonstration by:
Jon Wilson
The University of Mississippi
History of Carbon Dioxide
 Who do we owe credit for Dry Ice?
– A Chemist from Belgium named Jan Baptist
van Helmont (1580-1644) discovered Carbon
Dioxide in the early 1600’s.
– He was also the first person to use the word
“gases” when dealing with Carbon Dioxide and
other common gases (example: Oxygen)
Jan Baptist van Helmont
History of Carbon Dioxide
 Carbon Dioxide in the past
– It is thought that Carbon Dioxide dominated the
Earth’s atmosphere 4.5 billion (4,500,000,000)
years ago.
– Living on Earth during that time would have
been impossible because there was not enough
Oxygen for us to breathe. The atmosphere was
similar to the current atmosphere on Mars.
Earth’s Atmosphere 4.5 billion
years ago?
Properties of Dry Ice
 Temperature
– -109 degrees Fahrenheit (-80 degrees Celsius)
– That is 150 degrees colder than it is outside
right now (it is around 41 degrees F in Oxford)
 Density
– Heavier density than the air around us.
 Special Property
– Goes directly from a solid to a gas (called
sublimation) under normal temperatures. It
does not leave a puddle of ice like regular ice.
Common Uses of
Dry Ice (Solid - CO2)
 By plants for photosynthesis (most
 Freezing different things for transport
 Keeping different things frozen during
 Adding carbonation to our soda
 Fire extinguishers
Carbon Dioxide vs. Water
 CO2
– It has a greater density
than Water.
– It goes directly from a
solid to a gas under
normal temperatures.
– Vital for
photosynthesis in
 H20
– It has a density less
than Carbon Dioxide.
– It goes from a solid to
a liquid to a gas under
normal temperatures.
– Everyone needs water
to survive.
Playing It Safe with Dry Ice
What Do You Think?
 Why does the Ice Cream man use Dry Ice
instead of regular Ice?
What happened and Why
 The ice cream man uses dry ice because
when it melts there is not a puddle of water.
Dry ice turns directly into a gas. This does
not make a mess or make your ice cream
soggy on summer days.
What Do You Think?
 What will happen when an “air” filled
balloon is placed into the aquarium with dry
– Will the balloon be crushed?
– Will the balloon sink to the bottom?
– Will the balloon float out of the aquarium
What happened and Why
 Carbon Dioxide gas has a higher density
than air. The carbon dioxide gas fills the
aquarium from the bottom to the top as it
turns from a solid into a gas. The air filled
balloon floats on the Carbon Dioxide gas
because it is less dense. Depending on the
amount of Carbon Dioxide in the aquarium,
the balloon will either float inside or be
pushed out over the top.
What Do You Think?
 What will happen when regular “air” filled
soap bubbles are blown into the aquarium
with the dry ice?
– Will the bubbles freeze?
– Will the bubbles change colors?
– Will the bubbles float like the balloon in the
earlier experiment?
What happened and Why
 Since the air filled soap bubbles have a
density less than the carbon dioxide gas,
they float on the Carbon Dioxide gas as
well. Like the balloon in the first
experiment, some of these bubbles might
also be pushed over the top out of the
What Do You Think?
 What will happen when dry ice and water
are placed into one of the small film cans?
– Will the can crack open violently?
– Will the can just sit there and look boring?
– Will the can deform?
What happened and Why
 When water is added to dry ice, it
sublimates or changes from a solid to a gas
much more quickly. If you seal them up
inside the container, the pressure of the
carbon dioxide gas builds up and pops the
top off the can. It is important not to seal
dry ice in an air tight container!!!
What Do You Think?
 What will happen when 4 candles at
different heights are lit in the aquarium with
the dry ice?
– Will they all be put out by the dry ice?
– Will they keep burning until there is no more
candle left?
– Will they make sparks and really big flames?
What happened and Why
 Fire needs oxygen to burn much like
humans need oxygen to breathe. Carbon
dioxide smothers the oxygen, extinguishing
the candle’s flame.
 Carbon dioxide is used in fire extinguishers.
Deadly Carbon Dioxide
Lake Nyos, Cameroon
What happened and Why
 This volcano in Cameroon, a country in
Africa, has a lake sitting inside of it. Some
slight activity occurred in 1984 and 1986
releasing a Carbon dioxide gas bubble from
within the lake. Since the gas is heavier
than air, it rolled down the sides of the
volcano like fog into the surrounding
village. Lots of people and animals died
from suffocation.
Conclusions About Dry Ice
 Dry Ice is fun
 Dry Ice is used any many ways to keep
things frozen and cold for transport
 Dry Ice is a substance that goes directly
from a solid to a gas under normal
temperatures and pressure
 Carbon Dioxide is important to our lives
 Materials
– aquarium (10 gallon)
– 50 lb block of dry ice
– thick rubber gloves
– tongs
– candles
– lighter
– latex gloves
– metal spoon
soap bubbles
plastic volcano
lighter with long flame
styrophone cups
water and container
cooler for dry ice
Powerpoint slides
Dry Ice write-ups
 Web References
– http://www.dryiceinfo.com/
– http://www.gomilpitas.com/homeschooling/explore
– http://oror.essortment.com/dryiceprojects_opl.htm
– http://ousd.k12.ca.us/~codypren/4f.html
– http://www.howstuffworks.com/question264.htm
– http://www.rockitscience.com/dryice.html
– http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ranch/8785/exp1.html
– http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ranch/8785/exp2.html
 Literature
– Good Web Resources
• DryIceInfo.com
• Howstuffworks.com
– Good Fun Demo Book
Dry Ice Investigations
$15.64 @ booksamillion
Grades 6-8
Getting Dry Ice
 Local Contact Information
– Nex-Air of Batesville, MS
• Phone: (662) 563-8613
• Oxford Delivery Driver: Mr. Tony Arnold
• Call on Wednesday to reserve a block (usually only
one block can be reserved from the shipment)
• Delivery comes every Thursday and blocks can be
picked up late Thursday or early Friday
• Price per block = ~$16.00
• Always very helpful people for teachers!
 Images to be added later!