American Chemical Society Growing Your Local Section’s Outreach to Area High Schools May 22, 2013 What is the ACS High School ChemClub Program? • ACS supports educators and students as they experience chemistry outside the classroom • Founded Fall 2005 with 15 clubs – now 559 ChemClubs in 47 states, DC, Puerto Rico and abroad (Brazil, Canada, and Nigeria) American Chemical Society Where are ChemClubs? American Chemical Society Visit, then click “Directory” link at top. American Chemical Society ACS ChemClub Structure • Free to teachers — ACS membership not required! • Free resources and Club-sponsored events • No requirements on how you run your club • Advisory Board helps to guide ACS ChemClub staff American Chemical Society What do ChemClubs do? ACS-sponsored events Chemists Celebrate Earth Day (April 22) National Chemistry Week (October 20–26) American Chemical Society 6 Poll During the last school year, my local section held an event for: A. National Chemistry Week (NCW) only B. Chemists Celebrate Earth Day (CCED) only C. Both NCW and CCED D. Neither NCW or CCED American Chemical Society 7 What do ChemClubs do? ACS ChemClub-sponsored events ChemClub Community Activities Grant (Due: June 3) ChemClub projects—Coins for Cleaner Water ChemClub blog— ChemClub contests—cookbook American Chemical Society 8 American Chemical Society American Chemical Society ACS ChemClub Program Resources Examples of free resources for clubs: • Framed charter certificate • Quarterly resource packets • Weekly e-mail update* • Membership cards • Student Certificates • Pins or Iron-on decals for t-shirts • Polo shirts for the advisor • And much more . . . * You’ll have a chance to sign up for the email update at the end of the presentation American Chemical Society ACS Local Sections + ACS ChemClubs American Chemical Society ACS ChemClub Program Perfect Synergy! Establishing connections between ACS ChemClubs and ACS Local Sections, ACS Student Affiliate Chapters, and the Community Ami LeFevre Niles West High School Skokie, IL Why ACS ChemClubs? • Social component to chemistry • Raises morale of chemistry students • See the “faces” and “real people” behind chemistry • Student driven and student centered • Pathway to continued involvement with ACS, such as networking, Project SEED, US National Chemistry Olympiad • Clubs of varying sizes and structures can have a significant impact on students ACS ChemClubs is the only program of the Society that is accessible to all high school students regardless of curriculum or grade level. American Chemical Society Niles West ChemClub Meetings • Monthly meetings - KOOL Aid experiment, ice cream making, tie dye, Club t-shirts • Club Collaboration - Students communicate involvement in science programs beyond the classroom – Medical explorers Northwestern Hospital – NYLF National Youth Leadership Forum in Medicine – American Cancer Society Research – Argonne National Lab – Project SEED – USNCO (United States National Chemistry Olympiad) – ACS Chicago Section Scholarship Exam – University of Chicago Medical Camp – Museum of Science & Industry Science Minors – Volunteering at hospital American Chemical Society Niles West ChemClub Edison Elementary School Visit American Chemical Society Niles West Outreach Activities • Niles West Health Fair • Summer work–Sizzling Summer Science assistants for 3rd -6th grade students • TAP (The Awareness Project) Programcreated by students American Chemical Society GEMS Girls Empowering Math & Science The Niles West Chemistry Club worked with 5th and 6th Grade Girls • Sponsored by the National Girls Collaborative Project. • ACS Policy Priority Encourage the best and the brightest to pursue scientific careers, particularly more women, underrepresented minorities, and people with disabilities. American Chemical Society How can ACS local sections support ACS ChemClubs? Involve high school teachers & students in activities that will enhance their appreciation for and cultivate interest in chemistry • Invite ChemClub sponsors to a monthly local section meeting • Send local section newsletters to the ChemClub sponsors • Send information and invitations to the local section monthly meetings. American Chemical Society How can ACS local sections support ACS ChemClubs? Promote awareness of and/or participation in ACS opportunities for high school teachers and their students • Host ACS Chemistry Day at local universities or colleges • Administer annual inter-chemistry club competitions (poster contest, haiku contest, crystal growing contest, etc.) • Promote the Chemistry Olympiad, Project SEED, ChemMatters, National Chemistry Week, Chemists Celebrate Earth Day, and the Journal of Chemical Education classroom activities • Help cultivate a more positive attitude toward chemistry and chemical enterprise. American Chemical Society How can ACS local sections support ACS ChemClubs? Provide mentoring program for students interested in pursuing research or careers in STEM. •Invite ChemClubs to learn about chemistry careers •Field trips to facilities along with science career speakers •College preparatory & research information sessions •Promote ACS national meetings & high school days •Organize events between high school ChemClubs and local university Student Affiliates American Chemical Society American Chemical Society Growing the Local Section’s Outreach to the Area ChemClubs Carmen Valdez Gauthier Councilor, Florida Local Section Examples of outreach to area ChemClubs • Organize events for high school teachers at local section meetings • Foster collaborations between local colleges and ChemClubs • Involve ChemClubs in NCW and CCED events Self-nominate for a ChemLuminary award sponsored by CCA for the Best HS ChemClub NCW • Apply for an Innovative Project Grant • Reach out to members in industry American Chemical Society Organize events for high school teachers at local section meetings • Teachers need to know what ACS has to offer American Chemical Society High School Teacher Programs hers try Teac Chemis 6 School 0 h 0 2 ig , H r 14 ium fo nuary and, FL Sympos Saturday, Ja e, La kel n Colleg Souther a id or Fl Program 9:00-9:30 Registra tion 9:30-10:30 ACS Progra ms Keynote address by 1996 Nobel Laureate Sir Harold Kroto 10:30-11:30 Share-A-Thon 11:30-12:15 Lunch 12:15-2:00 Dead Chemist’ s Society Dead Chemists Society Professor William C. Deese Louisiana Tech University 2:00-3:00 Inquiry-Based Labs 3:00-4:00 Keynote address Registration Dateline: January 5, 2006 - Share-A-Thon information: American Chemical Society Foster collaborations between local colleges and ChemClubs American Chemical Society Benefits of the Program • For the college students: – Improve and refine written and oral communication skills. – Use concepts learned in foundation chemistry courses in adapting laboratory experiences for high school students. – Serve as mentors to high school students. • For the high school students: – Use instrumentation not available in a traditional high school lab. – Explore career opportunities in the sciences. – Improve writing skills. – Evaluate information. American Chemical Society Involve ChemClubs in NCW and CCED Events American Chemical Society ChemLuminary Award • Recognizes a local section for a unique NCW event in which ChemClubs play a major role. Florida Section nomination: – Chemistry at the mall event hosted by a Student Affiliates Chapter and two high school ChemClubs – Student Affiliates hosted handson activities at the Explorations V Children’s Museum. – Florida Southern College hosted a career day, sponsored by the high school ChemClubs, SA-ACS chapter, local industries, and the generous support of the Local Section through an Innovative Activity Grant. American Chemical Society Apply for an Innovative Project Grant • Host a career day • Organize a high school program at a regional meeting for professional development • Partnerships: – Division – Local Sections – Industries • Support NCW and CCED American Chemical Society Reach out to members in industry and research institutes • Florida Phosphate Institute • Local Industries – Mosaic – CF Industries – Arr-Maz Industries American Chemical Society Thank you for joining us! American Chemical Society Thank you to today’s presenters: Erica K. Jacobsen ACS consultant, The Dalles, OR Ami LeFevre Niles West High School, Skokie, IL Carmen V. Gauthier Florida Southern College, Lakeland, FL Marta Gmurczyk ACS Office of High School Chemistry, Manager Karen M. Kaleuati ACS Education, ChemClub Program Administrator American Chemical Society Contact Information Q&A American Chemical Society