Full Intregrated Marketing Communication Plan

Integrated Marketing Communications Plan
Presented By:
Professor Donna Wertalik
Will Chang, Cort Highfield,
Matt Renton & Ashley Bunce
1.1 Table of Contents
True Vision Solutions- The Agency
Who Is Our Client
Who is Plaid Avenger?
1.2 Executive Summary
Where They Came From- The Past
Where They Want to Go- Future
How We Will Get There
2.0 Corporate and Brand Strategies
2.1 Corporate Image Strategy
2.2 Brand Development Strategy
2.3Brand Positioning Strategy
2.4Public Relations
2.5E-Active Marketing
Promotional Opportunities Analysis
3.0 Communications Market
3.1.1 Competitors
3.1.2 Opportunities
3.1.3 Target Market
3.1.4 Customers
3.2 Distribution Strategy
4.0 Integrated Marketing
Communications Management
4.1 Communications Objectives
4.2 Communications Budget
4.3 Agency Selection
4.4 IMC Evaluation
1.1 Table of Contents
5.0 IMC Objective One: Consumer
5.1 Objective One Budget
5.2 Advertising
5.3 Media Plan
5.4 Consumer Promotions
5.5 Database Management
5.6 Sponsorship, Cause-Related, and
Green Marketing Programs
5.7 Alternative Marketing Programs
6.0IMC Objective Two: Distribution
6.1 Objective Two Budget
6.2 Advertising
6.3 Media Plan
6.4 Trade Promotions
6.5 Database Management
7.0 IMC Objective Three:
Business to Business
7.1 Objective Three Budget
7.2 Advertising
7.3Media Plan
7.4 Business Promotions
7.5 Database Management
7.6 Sponsorship, CauseRelated, and Green
Marketing Programs
Who We Are
Our Mission: “We aim to make one man’s vision visible to
Our Members: Cort Highfield, Will Chang, Ashley Bunce
and Matt Renton
Who Is Our Client
The Plaid Avenger
“ Don’t Just Hear the News, Understand the News”
“ A Unique Educational Experience”
“International Geography Crime Fighter… fighting for a
creative learning experience”
Mission Statement: “Educating the country through an
entertaining textbook that students can relate to.”
The Plaid Crew:
John Boyer- Joboyer@vt.edu
Katie Pritchard- Kpritcha@vt.edu
Who Is Plaid Avenger
The Plaid Avenger is a fictional character that
was created by John Boyer to be the main
character in his World Region textbooks and
 The textbooks and comics feature the Plaid
Avenger as a superhero who travels the world
protecting the public by educating them about
the world news.
 The character is an extension and tool that
John Boyer uses to make his product unique
and teach the news in a comical and
educational way.
1.2 Our Executive Summery
 Client – World Regions professor with unique textbook and
teaching method
Consumer Strategy – Reach out to students and professors
at other campuses across the nation
Set up production of smaller, more marketable book
Target – Younger, new professors; students
Sponsorship – Contact international organizations to gain
their support
Where They Came From
John Boyer always felt that textbooks for World Regions were
too expensive for students and so he never had a textbook for his
classes. Boyer had all of these lecture notes for his classes
throughout the years and Klaus his comic artist came up with an
idea of a comic textbook idea that John Boyer could create. The
textbook was a revolutionary idea because it taught students in a
unique way. Boyer wanted a textbook that students actually
wanted to read and wasn’t just educational but also comical so
that students didn’t get bored.
Since the books release the textbook has been used by twelve
professors across the nation and also recently in the Libya
where protestors have used characters from the textbook.
Where They Want To Go
As we can see from past cases, there is major potential for
Plaid Avenger to create a whole new revolution of textbooks
and education.
True Vision Solutions plans to take the vision and
mission of Plaid Avenger through different
marketing strategies geared to national awareness,
expansion, and funding.
Two Year Goals: Widely watched podcast show, Textbook adoption in 200+
universities, monthly comic book on current events, and be on TED Talks
Five Year Goals: High School and Junior High editions of the Textbook,
nation wide TV show, Professional keynote speaker at Conferences.
How We Will Get There
Through various research efforts, we will:
o Expand our knowledge on previous textbook and comic
book marketing strategies and improve the plan.
oGather information through surveys on what students
look for in a textbook and comic book and what would
get them interested in demanding these outside of
oCreate awareness programs targeted towards
Teachers/Faculty and students, as well as corporate and
professional organizations for funding, support and
oBuild Continuous branches of the brand and product to
revolutionize and expand Plaid Avenger
2.1 Corporate Image Strategy
The Corporate Image is the consumer perception of the corporate
entity behind the brand. A positive corporate image can greatly increase
the speed of a new product adoption because of credibility.
Corporate Image is also affected by the chosen marketing tactics used
by the company.
Image John Boyer- We believe the image of John Boyer helps to
define the company of Plaid Avenger. We want to expand not only the
products offered by the image or the organization. This will help in the
expansion into future markets such as TV shows and being a Keynote
Marketing TacticsoAdvertising: Print ads in education magazines, Online Ads, Outdoor boards, TV
oEvents: Book Fairs, Book stores and signings, Comic book conventions, School
o Direct Marketing: Emails to Colleges, Book Publishers, Stores, advertising
agencies, build on current success of YouTube Channel and Podcasts
2.2 Brand Development Strategy
Brands are the identity of a specific product or service.
They should distinguish the product or service from the
competitors and help with the recognition and recall.
What Makes the Brand Unique:
oIts an entertaining twist on real world events.
oProvides fun, educational textbook and comic books.
oComical but still has important information.
o Only textbook like this out there.
o So many extensions of the textbook ( Podcast, comic book,
live chat, and future extensions of TV show and keynote
logo and
Brand Elements to improve on:
oHow can we start a new genre of teaching and education ( Comical, Fun, Interactive)
oResearch if the brand is part of the niche market
oBreak into the Bookstore published market ( Move past just textbooks)
oBranch into the Online Textbooks and Schools
2.3 Brand Positioning Strategy
Brand Positioning is the place in the mind of the target market
that product or service holds.
Our goal is to position Plaid Avenger as a entertaining,
education, and interactive way to learn about world issues.
A textbook that students never complain about and enjoy
oThis is proof the product is working
The first textbook of its kind to involve college interests and
humor to world issues and events.
Its educational without even realizing it
2.4 Public Relations
Through public relations, we will expand the brand of
Plaid Avenger, nationwide.
oEducational Blogs
oNotebooks ( 5-Star)
Cause-Related Marketing
oCollege Scholarship Fund
Have a crazy essay contest
Events Marketing
oBook Fairs
oComic Book Conventions
oCollege Visits
Campus Rep Team
oBook Signings
oDonate a $1 to world issue or educational fund
for every textbook
Potential Projects include: Transparency
International, Micro-lending, International Read
Cross, Project Esperanza
2.5 Digital/Social Media
Through public relations, we will expand the brand of
Plaid Avenger, nationwide.
o Our Virtual strategy is to grab the attention of college students and try to get
them to engage in the web offerings of Plaid Avenger ( online readers, podcasts,
website). We want them interested in going to the site to find out more by the
tactics of….
Social Networks
oE-mail marketing
oE-mail newsletter
oViral Marketing
Online Discussions
oConsumer Reviews
oInteractive webpage
oLive chats
oProduct store
3.0 Promotional Opportunity Analysis
Promotional Opportunity Analysis: The process marketers use to identify target audiences
for a company’s goods and services and the communication strategies needed to reach these
The process is done through the examination of our:
oCompetitors -both direct and indirect
oOpportunities -Events, Sponsorships, social media, cause-related
oTarget Market -Students and Faculty. Eventually branch into other market
oCustomers - the purchaser ( the university) & the influencer ( the students)
3.1 Communication Market Analysis
Communication Market Analysis: the process of discovering the organizations
strength and weaknesses in the areas of marketing communication and combining that
information with the analysis of opportunities and threats in the films external environment.
Media Usage Habits of Target Audience
o Facebook, Twitter, and other social networks
oPrint ads in magazines with world issues
o direct mail and emails
oOnline blogs
oPrint ads on campus
oBus graphic wrap ads
oCampus rep speakers
Media use of competitors
oLook at how other textbooks market
No textbook targets the students and engages the students like Plaid Avenger
oLook at other online E-activities for textbooks
3.1.1 Competitors
Competitors: There are approximately 4352 Universities and/or
colleges in the United States and only 12 of them are currently using the
Plaid Avenger Textbook. Our competition resides in the idea of every other
textbook or form of educational material, specifically for world regions
Finding ways to prove we are different and better then the traditional
way of teaching.
oWe need to find ways to connect with Professors and push them
away from traditional teaching methods and textbooks into this new
wave of learning
Direct: Traditional Textbooks
In-direct: quick reads on world issues, magazines, non
educational outlets, non- educational comics
3.1.2 Opportunities
Opportunities: Plaid Avenger is a completely
new concept of teaching in the world of education.
oOur opportunities are almost endless in the idea that it
has created a fresh new market for education with no other
products like it in the field
oPlaid Avenger has the possibility to be sponsored by a
large charity organization that it can partner with
oHas a comic book and famous character to complement
and strengthen the textbook we are trying to sell
The comic book is given away for free– even if 1 in every 50 sells
a textbook, its still helping to make a profit
3.1.3 Target Market
Target Markets: Primary focus is students and professors
at the University level. Eventually, a focus will also be placed
on students and teachers at a high school level.
oStudents: ages 18-26, income is minimal, variety of
interests, some college education
oFaculty: Ages 26-60, middle class, concentration in world
issues, college educated.
oStudent: media oriented, interactive, interest in learning, sick of old
fashion learning
oFaculty: passion for teaching, wants to engage students, looking for
new ways to inspire students
3.1.4 Customers
Customers: We have to keep the interest of
customers and support people who buy our book,
which is easy since Boyer already has a live office
hours for anyone who wants to visit
oThe college/ school board
oThe professor
oStudents should demand the book
3.2 Distribution Strategy
Distribution: Distribution can vary upon where textbooks are sold.
Primary in school bookstores as well as online (Publisher, Amazon.com,
etc). Eventually, We plan to get a new version of the textbook into retail
stores such as Barnes and Noble and Borders Bookstore. We can send
out free comics, web links, and other products to anyone we want.
oWe plan to focus our efforts on brand awareness and
retention, which in return will bring in more distribution needs
and benefits.
Word Of Mouth:
 Social Networks
 Direct Phone calls
Interactive website
 magazines
Keynote speaker
Direct emails
Wrap ads on
Campus rep team
campus buses
Blogs/ blog ads
4.0 Integrated Marketing Communication
Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC): is the
coordination and integration of all marketing communication tools,
avenues, functions and sources within a company into a seamless
program that maximizes the impact on consumers and other end
users at a minimal cost.
Marketing Plan
oStrategies/ Tactics
oEvaluation of Performance
4.1. Communication Objective
1. Brand Awareness
We want the national attention with the brand of plaid avenger. This awareness
needs to be generated through the marketing efforts and and brought to the
attention of the target audience.
2. Generate Demand
Most students don’t realize that education and textbooks can be fun and
interested to engage in. They are so used to the old way of thinking and learning
that they have never thought to demand a new form. Our goal is to get the
students interested in the product and the idea of interactive, exciting ways of
learning. We want the students to be engaged in this process and be asking the
professors for this textbook.
3. Create Positive Response and Interaction
We want the students to be engaged in this product and interact with it. The
online website provides many opportunities for students all over the world to
interact with the product and John Boyer. We want the positive understanding
that this is a unique product and world issues should be something everyone
should want to learn more about.
4.2 Communication Budget
Objective and Task Method: Based on our objectives we
plan to use the objective and task budget. We plan to use this
budget because we will relate our goals and objectives to each
specific task that needs to be accomplished.
oAround $2,000 is the starting budget for the tasks needed
to be accomplished in the first year.
oA lot of our marketing tactics ( i.e. emails and social
networks) require little spending
4.2 Communication Budget
4.2.2 Sources of Budget
Sponsorships- Eventually want to be a major source
of income
Textbook Sales ( 10 percent goes comes back to
Professor Boyer and the Plaid Avenger Team)
Initially may need to come from pocket but after
promotion of brand, sales will dominate the source of
4.3 Agency Selection #1
Martin Agency
Martin Agency: Experience and visions from top agencies around the
o"US agency of the year” Adweek January, 2010
o"Ranked #4 in the US" Advertising Age Agency A-list 2010
oCEO is a VT Alumni and may be willing to help or discount from this connection
Brand First Entertainment
non-traditional and experimental campaigns with extra-ordinary success
Consumer forensics
Data Analytics
Direct Marketing
List of Clients
American Cancer Societ
Pizza Hut
4.3 Agency Selection #2
Red Venture
Red Venture Agency – An online marketing services company that acquires
new customers on behalf of brands in a variety of vertical markets.
oSatellite Television
oHome Security Monitoring
oInternet Services
 Offerings
oSearch Engine Marketing
oSearch Engine Optimization
oOnline lead generation
oOnline affiliate work
oDistributed Sales Force
oDirect Mail and Shared Mail
oNew Mover Programs
oStrategic cross
oSell and up sell partnerships
4.3 Agency Selection #3
Stimulus Advertising
Stimulus Advertising: “WE BELIEVE IT COMES DOWN TO
Media Offerings
oAdvertising, Print, Portfolio, Publication, Design, Packaging, Design, Outdoor
Advertising, Web Design, Web Development, Web Design portfolio, Web hosting,
Search optimization, Marketing and Branding Tactical and Strategic Marketing,
and Brand Support.
oVirginia Tourism
oBrady and Crist Dentist
oLife Support Team
oVirginia Downtown Development Association
4.4 IMC Evaluation
Previous Marketing Tactics Used:
oPublishing Company Sent out Flyers to Contracted Schools ( Example
on next slide)
oWord of Mouth
oA variety of media forms have used Plaid Avenger in their
and stories
oNo formal measured results
oBook has been picked up by 12 schools using these tactics
What Has Worked In the Past With Other Textbooks:
oPrevious Textbook marketing has been very traditional and
done through the professor or publisher
oWe plan to implement Representatives and Advertisements to
expand away from the traditional marketing tactics.
Flyer-Made By Publishing Company
Research & Comparison
Zogby International, a noted survey-research firm, surveyed faculty
on Textbook Usage, Zogby’s finding included:
o84% believe students absolutely need a textbook to complete their course
Plaid Avenger is ( of course) a textbook. It also goes beyond the traditional
textbook format and expand onto an online outlet with is important in this
digital era.
o80% say it is important for textbook materials to be as current as possible
Plaid Avenger is up-to-date current events and material along with constant
updates online and personal interaction for most recent information.
o86% require or recommend the use of supplemental materials with a textbook
Plaid Avenger goes beyond traditional supplemental materials with the
website, podcasts, live chats, and comic books.
o74% say they place higher importance on effectiveness rather than price when choosing a
learning tool
Plaid Avenger is interesting, fun and interactive which is very effective when
educating college students. However, improvements in this area can be made by
finding ways to reduce the price of the book and/ or add extra value to the book
to make it worth the price, (i.e. Cause related Marketing).
5.0 Integrated Marketing Communication Objective One
Consumer Advertising:
oMarketing towards individuals ( target audiences) that can be
directly influenced by product benefits.
oTrying to effectively intersect the consumers path
Plan to Influence Consumers By:
o Cause Related Marketing Tactics
oWord of Mouth
oCampus Rep Teams
oOnline Advertisement
oOutdoor Advertisements
5.1 Objective One Budget
5.2 Advertising
oBuild Brand Awareness
oCreate Strong Brand recognition and image
oEncourage Purchase of Textbook
oEncourage students to demand the textbook on
University Campus’
Message Theme:
o When students think Plaid Avenger they know it’s a
Unique Educational Experience… and it’s “ more then a
textbook… it’s a world regions Experience”
oLarge mass we are trying to attract with a far reach (
United States)
5.2 Advertising
Product Attribute
oTextbook and Comic Book with interactive website
Consumer Benefit
oEducational, entertaining, Unique
Leverage Points
oCompletely different then any other textbook on the market
oNew, innovative way of thinking
Personal Values ( ASK CLIENT MORE VALUES)
oEducation, Awareness, innovation, creativity, inspiration and
taking action
5.2 Advertising
oRational & Humor
Executional Framework
oAnimation- Plaid Avenger is a cartoon comic character
oSlice of life
Fighting the Clutter
o We plan to reach the consumer by showing how unique this
educational experience is
oWe will also use a variety of advertising techniques that has
never been used or seen done by other textbooks.
5.3 Media Plan
Traditional Media
oDirect Mail: Email and postcards
oFlyers and campus awareness
E Marketing
oSocial Networks: Facebook, Blogs, Twitter
oPodcasts, blog on website
oInteractive Website
oYouTube Channel
Viral Video
Expansion of brand videos and informative
Outdoor Marketing
oBus Wraps marketing
5.3 Media Plan
and Events
5.4 Digital Promotions
oAlready a well-established website
E-mail ListServ
oKey is to keep everything updated regularly and
keep people involved
5.5 Database Management
Keep comprehensive list of:
oProspective colleges
oProspective sponsors/organizations
oCurrent colleges
oCurrent groups/organizations
oPeople to contact / already contacted
Also track social media followers
oIncorporate people across different social media
outlets and into e-mail notifications
5.6 Sponsorship & Cause Related
Cause Related
• National Children’s Literacy organization “Because Children Need
to Read”- For every textbook sold 4% of the profits goes towards
fighting children illiteracy and successful reading.
•Transparency International “The Global Coalition Against
Corruption”- Profits from the textbook and comic sales can go into
fighting corruption around the world.
•Speaker Series- The Plaid Avenger can appear in costume to inner
city children or teenagers and do a geography lecture to spread
awareness about world events and his own product.
• Project Esperoniza- Helps the poor in the Dominican with the community here at Tech.
• GreaterGood.Org- Contribute to Children’s Literacy by donating books.
• Japan Tsunami Relief- Red Cross, Global Giving, and savethechildren are all sites dedicated
to helping the disaster. Partnering with them would look good to the public eye.
• Red Cross International- Largest Humanitarian and development network with millions of
volunteers and the logo is recognized world wide.
5.7 Alternative Marketing Programs
Word of Mouth
•Since Plaid Avenger is smaller using guerilla
marketing tactics to create “Buzz” is something to look
Social Networking Sites
•Twitter, Facebook, Classmates.com, Stumbleupon
Co-op Advertising
•This allows you to advertise for half the cost and to get
prime advertising space
Charity Promotion
•The purchase of products result in donation to charity.
6.0 IMC Objective Two
Distribution Channels
Distribution Channels: traditional channels, nontraditional
channels and electronic channels are used with the message or
theme to aid in the promotion of information
Traditional Channels
Print Ads
Direct Mail
Nontraditional Channels
oCampus Rep Team
oWord of Mouth
Buzz marketing
Electronic Channels
oSocial Networking Sites
6.1 Objective Two Budget
Distribution Channels
6.2 Advertising
Distribution Channels
oBrand Awareness within Distribution Channels
oCreate Strong Brand recognition and image
oEncourage Actions ( Purchase of textbook, donation, website visits)
Message Theme:
oUnique Educational Experience… and it’s “ more then a textbook…
it’s a world regions Experience”
oCooperation of Channels
oFinding new Channels
6.2 Advertising
Distribution Channels
Product Attribute
oEasy distribution through publisher
Consumer Benefit
oReduce search time, confident in product
oReadily available
Leverage Points
oOrganized distribution
oEfficient and supportive
Personal Values
oEducation, Awareness, innovation, creativity, inspiration and
taking action
6.2 Advertising
Distribution Channels
oRational & Humor
Executional Framework
oAnimation- Plaid Avenger is a cartoon comic character
oSlice of life
Fighting the Clutter
o We plan to reach the distribution channels by helping them
with advertising and expansions of success.
oWe will also use a variety of advertising techniques that has
never been used or seen done by other textbooks.
6.3 Media Plan
Distribution Channels
Traditional Media
oDirect Mail: Email and postcards
oFlyers and awareness within distribution channels
E Marketing
oSocial Networks: Facebook, Blogs, Twitter
oPodcasts, blog on website
oInteractive Website
oYouTube Channel
Viral Video
Expansion of brand videos and informative
6.3 Media Plan
Distribution Channels
Direct Mail
6.4 Trade Promotions
Trade Promotions are a great way to increase short
term sales by decreasing the price of the end item to
the consumer.
o In store displays- The Plaid Avenger could make himself stand out more
with more in store displays like floor stickers, carton displays, banners, signs, or
feature display.
oTemporary Price Reduction- Packaging the Plaid Avenger products into
discounted bundles where consumers receive both a comic and a textbook with a
Plaid sticker.
oSampling- The consumer can sample the textbook online to see whether or
not they like it. This way consumers are able to cure their curiosity and
experience the product first hand.
6.4 Trade Promotions
oCooperative Merchandising Agreement- It’s a more
aggressive marketing approach where the retailer is given payment
and in return Plaid is able to purchase shelf and advertising space.
The Plaid Avenger can really improve brand exposure and consumer
awareness with this agreement.
oPromotional Allowance- Pay retailers extra for the premium
shelf space in order to maximize exposure time.
oPull Advertising- Follow traditional media advertising where the
Plaid Avenger goes on radio, has a billboard, TV, and print ads to pull
the consumer into the website or bookstore to buy the textbook and
6.5 Database Management
 Use mostly Facebook and Twitter to keep track of people
interested; lots of interaction and updates
 Inter-link social media pages with website – announce new
plaidcasts, generate interest
 Track people that go to site – Use cookies to figure out where
people are going to and coming from
7.0 IMC Business-to-Business
Business-to-Business Marketing: the practice of individuals, or
organizations, including commercial businesses, governments and institutions,
facilitating the sale of their products or services to other companies or
organizations that in turn resell them, use them as components in products or
services they offer, or use them to support their operations.
Businesses we are trying to focus on:
oGovernment Organizations
7.1 Objective Three Budget
7.2 Advertising
oBrand Awareness within other Business, Universities, and
government organizations.
oCreate Strong Brand recognition and image
oEncourage Actions ( Purchase of textbook, donation, website visits)
Message Theme:
oUnique Educational Experience… and it’s “More Than a Textbook…
it’s a World Regions Experience”
oCooperation B2B Channels
oFinding interested schools and businesses
7.2 Advertising
Product Attribute
oUnique and Educational way to engage people in learning
about World Regions
Consumer Benefit
oReduce search time, confident in product
oReadily available
Leverage Points
oOrganized distribution
oEfficient and supportive
Personal Values
oEducation, Awareness, innovation, creativity, inspiration and
taking action
7.2 Advertising
oRational & Humor
Executional Framework
oAnimation- Plaid Avenger is a cartoon comic character
oTestimonial: Of Universities that have teamed up with Plaid
Avenger and use the textbook in their classes.
oSlice of life
Fighting the Clutter
o We plan to reach other businesses by helping them with
advertising and expansions of success.
oWe will also use a variety of advertising techniques that has
never been used or seen done by other textbooks.
7.3 Media Plan
Traditional Media
oDirect Mail: Email and postcards
oFlyers and campus awareness
E Marketing
oSocial Networks: Facebook, Blogs, Twitter
oPodcasts, blog on website
oInteractive Website
oYouTube Channel
Viral Video
Expansion of brand videos and informative
oWord Of Mouth
7.3 Media Plan
Direct Mail
Word Of
7.4 Business Promotions- DIGITAL
 Create marketing campaign specific to cause
o Detail how a relationship with Amnesty International or
Transparency International
 Use art to advantage to spread word
 Not about selling, but getting attention
 Create general ads to put on website/social media to generate interest
7.5 Database Management
 Keep a list of schools and their status
o Contacted or not, declined or accepted book, etc.
 Send businesses to website / social media pages
to show them our product and all the things
that come with it
7.6 Sponsorship & Cause-Related
Cause Related Marketing (CRM)
Form a strategic alliance with an non-profit organization to gain mutual
benefits. Example: HP and Livestrong.
CRM strategy
1. Define your territory
2. Develop the CRM concept
3. Choose a partner
4. Implement a campaign.
This strategy allows for more publicity and improved brand image. Campaigning for good
holds a special place in consumers these days.
Corporate Social responsibility
Old school way of doing social good by corporations
The Plaid Avenger could get involved with or create an Philanthropy by setting up an
Plaid foundation for the world and make it non-profit.
This method is doing good with the least amount of effort and money good for smaller
7.6 Sponsorship & Cause-Related Cont’d
Strategic Corporate Philanthropy
oMore new school with Charity Promotion
oCharity Promotion involves the purchase of products
resulting in a donation to the charity that Plaid is supporting.
oConsumers are more willing to pay for an item that has a
charity connected to them because it makes them feel better
about their purchase and that they did an act of good will.
oExample: Kenneth Cole “Have a heart, give a sole” was a
charity promotion where the customer could bring in a pair of
old shoes and get a discount on a new shoe at the store.
oStrategic doesn’t take a huge investment, customers purchase
more Plaid products, and it creates internal marketing.
Online College Campuses
University of Phoenix
F0r-Profit Institution of Higher Learning with 420,700 undergraduates
and 78,000 graduate students.
oHas over 200 campuses worldwide
oOver 100 degree Programs
oIn over 40 states, D.C, Puerto Rico, Canada, Mexico, Chile and The
oUses eCampus software
 What Plaid Avenger Can Do:
oBecome a faculty member and create online course
oHave the a world regions class use the book
How this will benefit Plaid Avenger
oBrand Recognition and Awareness
oNew Distribution Channels
oStrong Encouragement for Purchase
Our aim is to help a visionary professor market his
educational tool
We plan to spread the brand’s reach by targeting
students, professors, and universities
Our Key Points:
o Expand into the Online Educational Market
oCreate a Campus Rep Team across the nation at a
variety of Universities
oExpand brand across social Media Networks
oGain support from sponsor organizations
Appendix: Table of Contents
Creative Materials
Total Budget
Survey Of Students
Polled 100 Random Students
Variety Of Colleges:
oVirginia Tech, SUNY Albany, High Point University, Washington
College, West Point, JMU, Syracuse, WVU, Duquesne, VMI, Florida
Atlantic, and others
Popular Answers to Short Answer
What Makes Textbooks Likable?
oEasy To Read
oReal World Examples
oPictures/ Graphs/ Color
oSections are broken up and divided What Makes you Dislike a Textbook?
oHard to Read, too Much Text
oSpeaks in an understandable language
oVery big and heavy
o Cheap
oToo Expensive
oSupplemental videos or interaction online oOut of Date
oSmall font, no illustrations
oLong Chapters
oHard to understand terminology
oDoesn’t Capture my Interest
Total Budget
Total Budget Cont.
Lepionka, Mary Ellen. "How to Compete in the College Textbook Market." Teaching Point (2003): n. pag.
Web. 17 Apr 2011. <http://www.teachingpoint.net/pma_09.2003_Compete_College_Textbook_Market.pdf>.
"The Higher Education Textbook Market." Association for American Publisers
(2006): 1-26. Web. 1 Apr 2011.
Boyer, John. The Plaid Avenger. John Boyer. Web. 11 Apr. 2011. <http://www.plaidavenger.com/>.
Esposito, Greg, and Albert Raboteau. "Tech strkes back again Plaid Avenger."
Roanoke.com 05 March 2007, Print.
Transparency International. Transparency International. Web. 12 Apr. 2011. <http://www.transparency.org/>.
Project Esperanza. Project Esperanza. Web. 10 Apr. 2011. <http://www.esperanzameanshope.org/>.
"Plaid Avenger on Vimeo." Vimeo, Video Sharing For You. Plaid Avenger. Web. 19 Apr. 2011. <http://vimeo.com/plaidavenger>.
"International Committee of the Red Cross." International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) - Home. Red Cross. Web. 10 Apr. 2011.
<http://www.icrc.org/eng/>. Collegiate Times. (2011). Exterior Advertising. Retrieved March 25, 2011 from
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Facebook. (2011). Facebook Ads. Retrieved April 3, 2011 from
Salvatore, M. (2011, April 19). RE: Question Commercial Rates [Electronic Mailing List Message] Retrieved from cdptpaomtalb.mail.rr.com
Wertalik, D. (2011, April 17). RE:2011-REAL WORLD MKGT COMM: Commercial Rates [Electronic Mailing List Message]
Retrieved from dagger.cc.vt.edu