Night reading notes questions chapter 1

Night by Elie Wiesel
Reading Notes Chapter 1
While reading Night, pause to make some observations. These observations are intended to improve your
ability to see and interpret key ideas and events in the story. Write your responses to these questions below.
It’s fine to type your responses if you prefer. Responses to each question should be thorough, not just a few
words or a single sentence. Reference chapter 1 (p. 3-22 in hard cover book) only.
1. Generate: Create a list of FIVE words that describe Elie. After making the list, choose the ONE word you
think best describes him, then explain why, using examples (!) from the text to support your idea.
Five words to describe Elie:
The best one word from above used to describe Elie:
Elie is ______________________. I think this because on page _____ it says,
_____________________.” Additionally, on page _____ it says, “
2. List three facts and (page number it is on) about Elie’s time in the ghettos. After each fact, use one
adjective to describe your reaction to it.
A. Fact_____________________________________________________________________________
1. adjective ______________________________
B. Fact _____________________________________________________________________________
1. adjective ______________________________
C. Fact _____________________________________________________________________________
1. adjective _____________________________
3. Complete/Make Inferences/Make Predictions: Finish the following sentence: The relationship between
Elie and his father is like…After you complete the sentence, explain why their relationship is like X, then
provide examples to support and illustrate your idea. Explain how these examples relate to the main
The relationship between Elie and his father is like ___________________________________________
One example of this is when _________________________ says/does/explains “__________________
Night by Elie Wiesel
Reading Notes Chapter 1
___________________________________________________________________________” (p. ____).
This illustrates the main idea that Elie’s relation ship with his father is ____________________ because
_______________________________________________________________________________. Also,
________________________________________________________________” demonstrates the idea
that Elie’s relationship with his father is __________________________________ because __________
_____________________________________________________________________________ (p. ___).
I can infer this about Elie’s relationship with his father and I think that inference might shape the rest
of the action between them for the remainder of the story. I base this prediction on _______________
4. Develop two test questions based on the first chapter.
A. Right there (literal question): This is a factual question you can answer by pointing “right there” on
the page to find the answer. Create a question then answer it. Cite page number.
B. Between the lines (inferential question): This question is more complex. The answer cannot be
pointed to on the page but must be inferred from other details in the story. Create a question then
answer it. Cite page number.