Early Christian and Byzantine Art

The Early Middle Ages
7th to the 10th Century
Roman Empire Decline
German Invasions Affecting Artistic
Development and Other
Radical Changes in Social &
Political Organizations
In addition to the German invasions were those from Islam.
Islamic Art
 Idolatry forbidden
 Consisted mainly of abstracts, floral patterns,
or other geometric objects
 Sculpture almost nonexistent
 Abundance of monumental architecture &
architectural decorations
Islamic Art Expressions
 Mosque:
A place to pray and face
towards Mecca
Sahn: enclosed
courtyard that all
mosques have.
Qibla: prayer wall
 Exterior:
Tall minarets
Large and elaborate
Mihrab: small nitche to
indicate the direction of
Hagia Sophia changed into a mosque
 Islam means “submission to God’s will”
 Founded by the prophet Muhammed
 Message is “brotherhood of Man” & equality before
God (Allah)
 Differs from Christianity
No priesthood, no religious hierarchy, sacraments or
requirements of literagy
Does include rulers and leaders in prayer
Islamic Instruction
 Faithfully conduct their daily lives
 Circumcise male infants
 Pray to Allah five times a day facing Mecca.
 Worship in the mosque on Fridays
 Give to the poor, Fast and practice abstinence
in the daylight during Ramaden
 Allowed multiple wives
The Great Mosque, Cordoba
 Mosque built in capital city
 Striking example of Islamic art
 Double arches first used here
were duplicated in additions.
(11.1,11.2, 11.3 & 11.4)
Christians later turned this into a
cathedral but it still conveys the
original orientation of Islam.
Northern European Art
 Influenced by the Germanic tribes
 New focus on artistic and political activities
 No monumental structure, paintings or
sculpture was done to the constant invasions
Invaders stimulated a new craft. . .
Metalwork designs and techniques
Anglo-Saxon Metalwork
 Purse cover from the 17th
 Found among a pagan ship
wreckage treasures
suggesting royalty
 Is of gold decoration;
cloisonne enamel
originally on ivory or bone
& dark red garnets.
 Early Christian intelace
designs and Near Eastern
SuttonHoo purse cover from East
Anglia, England, 630 AD
Merging animal forms suggest invasion
 Earliest surviving
European epic
 German folklore with
strong Christian
 A strange king child
found adrift Denmark
“Scyld Scefing”
Famed was this Beowulf:
far flew the boast of him,
son of Scyld, in the Scandian lands.
So becomes it a youth
to quit him well
with his father's friends,
by fee and gift,
that to aid him, aged, in after days,
come warriors willing,
should war draw nigh,
liegemen loyal: by lauded deeds
shall an earl have honor
in every clan.
Hiberno-Saxon Art
 Ireland escaped invasions at this time
 St. Patrick spread Christianity throughout
Ireland and for years later it became a haven
for scholars, missionaries, monasteries, . .
 Christian art also prevailed across Ireland.
Style has been called Insular and Hiberno-Saxon
(Hiberno is Latin for “Ireland”)
Manuscript Illumination
 Illuminated manuscripts
produced by monks in
 Illustrated the Word of
God; Visual pleasures
 Used a strict unity of color
and form.
Crisp, clear sometines
contrasting colors; flat
surfaces; patterning
Lion Symbol of St. John, from the Book of
Durrow, After AD650. Represents St. John,
Evangelist as a lion . . . .later an eagle.
Carolingian Period
 Book of Kells
Corresponds with the crowning of
Charles the Great-Roman empr.
 Charlemagne ruled over the
Holy Roman Empire and
surrounding territories and
revived culture.
 Network of learning was created
Latin manuscript texts. . .7LibArts
11.7 Tunc Crucifixerant XPI,
from the Book of Kells
(Matthew 27:38) Then
they crucified Christ & with
him two thieves
 Charlemagne’s rule involved the Roman revival of
culture with manuscripts
 Manuscripts worked towards development of a
practical form of portable artistic and educational
 They continued after Charlemagne’s death but more
apocalyptic approach
Flatter space, figures connected by geometric design
rather than landscapes.
Revelation &
the Four Symbols of Evangelsits
 Revelation-last book of the New
 Written by St. John
 John’s account of Christ’s word in
his appearance to him.
Visionary work with scripture,
literary tradition and symbols: lion,
bull, man, eagle.
11.8 Four Evangelists, from a
Carolingian Gospel Book
Lion: St. Mark; Bull: St. Luke; Man:
St. Matthew, Eagle: St. John.
 Each monastery:
Network for artists and
scholars to
Religious and
Administrative Center
for economic functions
Communal living
quarters for Monks
Plans for monstery of St.Gall,
Switzerland; plan placed church in the
center; building around in order of
importance of education
Ottonian Period
 Charlemagne’s grandsons were ineffective
rulers of the European reign & fell to invaders.
 After the Vikings takeover, the Saxons crowned
Otto I as Otto the Great, emperor.
 Ottonian refers to rulers named Otto who
worked to continue Charlemagne’s revival of
Classical antiquity.
Major Works of the
Ottonian Period
 Ottonian refers to 3 rulers
Otto(s) who stabilized Holy
Roman Empire
 Architectural work:
Benedictine abbey church of
St. Michael’s
 Metalwork at Hildesheim
by Bishop Bernward
Originally an entrance
Old and New Testament
figures in high relief by thin,
lively figures
Bronze doors, St. Michael’s ,
Bishop Bernward (fig 11.13)
Abbey Church of St.
Michael’s (Fig.11.11)
Chapter Summary &
Important Information