File - Mr Finlayson

Example essay – TOPIC 1
Some statement on Buddhism ( Grab readers attention)
According to Ninian Smart religion can be classified into seven
dimensions. These are….. This essay will discuss…./
In Buddhism the 3 most evident dimensions are….
Ethics are….
(give some explanation on ethics – you must have researched this
information – using in text referencing).
(give some explanation on narratives – you must have researched this
information – using intext referencing).
Religions have a social dimension which include….
(give some explanation on ethics – you must have researched this
information – using intext referencing).
After investigating the ethical, narrative and social dimensions of
Buddhism it is evident that Buddhism responds to a human’s search for
Body of Essay
Paragraph 1.The ethical dimension of Buddhism involves…
(Buddhist Precepts???)
Paragraph 2.The narrative dimension of Buddhism includes….
Paragraph 3.The social dimension is addressed in Buddhism by….
All three paragraphs should refer to how this dimension in Buddhism can
help with the search for meaning in life by…
(Meditation, Buddhist Precepts, four noble truths)
Restate Hypothesis this is where your synonyms will be useful.
Reword topic sentences for each paragraph explaining succinctly how
this dimension allows people to find meaning. Finish with some profound
statement about Buddhism .
Reference List and Record of research and Annotated Bibliography
Example Essay – TOPIC 2
Some statement on the Dimension you have chosen to explore ( Grab
readers attention)
A doctrine is…..
According to Ninian Smart religion can be classified into seven
dimensions. These are…..
Islamic, Buddhist and Christian religions all have an identifiable doctrinal
dimension. This essay will discuss….
Doctrines in the Buddhist Religion…..
The Islamic religion also uses to doctrines to assist followers to
In the Christian religion doctrines …….
State Hypothesis - Doctrines assist in humans search for meaning in their
lives by…
Body of Essay
Paragraph 1. Islamic doctrines include….
Paragraph 2.The doctrinal dimension is also evident in the Buddhist
dimension through…
Paragraph 3. Finally doctrines in the Christianity are strongly
Restate Hypothesis- this is where your synonyms will be useful.
Reword topic sentences for each paragraph explaining succinctly how
this dimension is displayed in the three religions you researched. Finish
with some profound statement about the Dimension e.g.the Islamic,
Buddhist and Christian religions all have a strong doctrinal dimension….
Reference List and Record of research and Annotated Bibliography