Web Quest Day 1 - claseconsrtafannoney

Nicole Fannoney
CALL Unit Project
Unit 4, Etapa 1
Unit Overview:
The City
In this unit students will learn to talk about places within the city, modes of transportation,
and describe where things are located. The cultural theme is based on Oaxaca, Mexico. In
the previous unit students learned about México City, so in this current unit they will use
their previous knowledge about México City to make comparisons about the two places.
They will also compare their own community to the cities of the target culture. The
duration of this unit is approximately 9 days with room to expand based on student needs.
Day 1: La Ciudad
Unidad 4, Etapa 1
Daily Objectives
 Students learn vocabulary for identifying places and transportation
 Students are introduced to Oaxaca Mexico
 Students understand meaning of plaza and zócalo in Mexico
Required Materials:
 Textbook “En Español 1B”
 Power Point Presentation
 Whiteboards and Markers?
 Spanish Notebook
1.2: Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of
 Listen to several situations in Spanish using etapa vocabulary. Based on what
students hear they will choose the best form of transportation.
2.1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices
and perspectives of the culture studied.
2.2: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the
products and perspectives of the culture studied.
 Understand the significance of a Plaza and Zócalo in México. Students will see how
these places are a part of daily life in México.
 Students will examine the two Zócalos of México City and Oaxaca comparing
similarities and differences of what surrounds them, life within them, and history
behind them.
3.1: Students reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines through the
foreign language.
 Choose transportation based on geography of specific places.
 Listen to music in target language and make connections to new vocabulary
Learn some history behind the zócalo of Mexico City and how Mexican cities have
been developed around this central point or town square.
2.1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices
and perspectives of the culture studied.
 Linguistic- Students learn Spanish vocabulary by comparing to their own language.
Students will recognize cognates, loan words, and other patterns found in the
vocabulary & grammar of the language studied.
Cultural- Compare their own town centers to the zócalos in México. Students will
also compare the meaning of a plaza in México and the meaning of a plaza in the
United States.
Activator: Preview the vocabulary on page 109 of the textbook for 5 minutes at beginning
of class. Students will watch a short video of the song “Quiero Vivir en la Ciudad” at the
beginning of the Power Point. They will be asked to seek out images that show examples of
new vocabulary and images that stuck out about the city in the video. The class will also
discuss why people might like to live in the city.
Students will be introduced to the vocabulary using an interactive power point. During the
power point they will listen to the correct pronunciation of the vocabulary and they will
practice saying the words.
Guided Practice
The Students and the teacher will create word webs that connect or associate other related
vocabulary to the new vocabulary for places.
Students will make some cultural comparisons of target culture and their own using some
guided questions during the power point.
They will also practice listening skills by completing a short activity at the end of the power
point in which they must choose the best form of transportation to get to specific places.
Posters will be hung up around the room labeled with specific places (la librería, el centro
commercial, etc.) Students will move in groups of 4-5 and will list vocabulary associations
to each place. This activity will be timed for approximately 45 seconds at each station.
They will move from poster to poster and add words to each place.
Independent Practice and Closure
We will come back as a class and summarize what we learned in class. We will review
group work from the posters and homework will be explained.
Students will choose five places (not done in class) from the vocabulary and create word
webs with a minimum of 4 related words for each place.
Day 2: La Ciudad
Unidad 4, Etapa 1
Lesson Objectives:
 Students will learn vocabulary to identify places in Spanish
 Students will be able to relate associated vocabulary to specific places
 Students will reinforce their listening skills in the target language and learn
strategies for listening
 Students will practice listening, writing, and speaking skills in this lesson.
Materials Needed:
Picture Prompts of places
Audio Activity and worksheets
Note- Classroom desks should be arranged in a horse shoe of pairs.
Standards: Communication
1.1: Students engage in conversation, provide and obtain information, express feelings and
emotions, and exchange opinions.
Students will discuss in Spanish where they would like to go on vacation, what they need to
do and where they need to go to prepare prior to trip, how they would get there, and
activities they would do when they arrive.
1.2 Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics.
Students will be paired and each will have different picture prompts to give hints for their
partner to guess the place. This activity is an extension from yesterday’s vocabulary lesson.
Vocabulary List:
Los Lugares
El Aeropuerto
El Banco
El Café
La Carnicería
El Centro
El Centro Comercial
El Correo
La Estación de Autobuses / de tren
La Estación de Policía / de Bomberos
La Farmacia
El Hotel
El Transporte
El Metro
El Avión
La Iglesia
La Joyería
La Librería
La Panadería
La Papelería
La Pastelería
La Plaza
La Tienda de Música y Videos
El Mercado
El Museo
El Zócalo
El Taxi
El Autobús
El Tren
El Carro
El Barco
A Pie
La Motocicleta
¿Cómo llego a?
¿Está lejos o está cerca?
Comprehension / Instruction/ Guided Practice
Today students will listen to an audio that incorporates the new vocabulary into a context
related to the chapter theme. They will learn listening strategies to better understand
what they hear. During the audio they will take notes and write down key vocabulary.
They will hear the audio three times and then complete two comprehension activities.
Audio Script / Listening Activity
¡Hola! Me llamo Rosa y estoy muy emocionada porque voy de vacación a Oaxaca para
visitarles a mis tíos y mi prima Sofía. Voy a salir por tren este sábado. ¡Ay… Tengo mucho que
hacer para prepararme y no hay mucho tiempo! Ya es jueves. Necesito ir a la estación de tren
para comprar un boleto. Tengo que ir al centro comercial para encontrarle el regalo perfecto
para mi tía Ana. Posiblemente hay algo bonito en la joyería, la zapatería, o la tienda de
música y videos. El domingo es su cumpleaños. Antes de ir de compras voy a ir al banco para
sacar dinero. Espero que tengo suficiente dinero en mi cuenta de cheques. Entonces, tengo
que ir al correo para comprar estampillas y sobres. Finalmente tengo que regresar a casa
para empacar mi maleta. ¡Adiós tengo que salir… hay tantas cosas que necesito hacer!
Interpretation/ Application/ Independent Practice
Homework: Rosa and Sofia are planning a birthday party for Sofia’s mother. Make a list in
Spanish of places they need to go and what they need from each place. You need a
minimum of five complete sentences in Spanish.
There will be a brief vocabulary quiz in two days on identifying places and choosing
Extension (Hablar)
Imagine that you are planning a vacation. Where would you like to go? How would you
prepare for the trip? How will you get there?
Work with your partner to talk about a vacation in Spanish. Use the following questions to
help guide your conversation. Students will be in a horseshoe in pairs and will rotate every
60 seconds to a new partner. Within partners they switch asking and responding roles
every 30 seconds.
¿Adónde quieres ir de vacación? ¿Cómo vas a llegar? ¿Está lejos o cerca? ¿Qué vas a hacer
en tu vacación? ¿Qué necesitas hacer antes de salir?
El Nombre:____________________________________________________
La Fecha:______________________________________________________
Strategy: Read the directions for the audio activities so you know what you will be
listening for. You will hear the audio three times. The first time, take notes jotting down
key information. Don’t worry about writing full sentences, just try and get as much
information as you can. You will hear the audio two more times. Complete the following
activities based on what you hear.
A. Apuntes (Notes)
El Vocabulario
Where does Rosa need to go to do the following things?
Encontrar un regalo
Comprar un boleto
Sacar Dinero
Comprar Estampillas y Sobres
Empacar su maleta
Preguntas de Comprensión
1. ¿Adónde va de vacación Rosa?
2. ¿Quiénes viven en Oaxaca?
3. ¿Cómo va a llegar Rosa a Oaxaca? (El Transporte)
4. ¿Cuándo es el cumpleaños de la tía de Rosa?
5. ¿Cuáles son algunas tiendas que Rosa quiere ir para buscar un regalo?
D. La Tarea: Después de llegar a Oaxaca
Rosa and Sofia are planning a birthday party for Sofia’s mother. Make a list in Spanish of
places they need to go and what they need from each place. You need a minimum of five
complete sentences in Spanish.
E. Extensión (Follow up activity)
Más Práctica: Work with your partner to talk about a
vacation in Spanish.
Imagine that you are planning a vacation. Ask and respond in groups of two. You will have
approximately 1 minute with each partner to discuss the following questions in Spanish.
We will take turns asking and responding.
¿Adónde quieres ir de vacación?
¿Cómo vas a llegar?
¿Está lejos o cerca?
¿Qué vas a hacer en tu vacación?
¿Qué necesitas hacer antes de salir para prepararte?
Day 3: La Ciudad
Daily Objectives:
Students will be able to Give Addresses
Students will be able to describe location with prepositional phrases
Students will prepare themselves for the research of the web quest by
brainstorming necessary preparations for a vacation
Materials Needed:
New Vocabulary List & Spanish Notebook
Power Point
Prepositional Poem
Map of Legacy Place Shopping Center
Pencil, Book, and Desk (fmanipulatives)
Day 1 Web Quest Worksheet
Brief Description:
This lesson will begin with new vocabulary and grammar for describing location with
prepositional phrases and giving addresses. This will take approximately 30 minutes. The
remainder of the class will be dedicated to introducing the Web Quest to students. They
will begin preparing for the web quest that will be completed over the course of the next 7
school days.
Standards for first ½ of lesson:
1.1: Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and
emotions, and exchange opinions.
Students will be able ask for and give addresses in Spanish.
Students will be able to ask about location and describe location of things
1.2 Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics.
Students will listen and read descriptions using the targeted prepositional phrases and complete
comprehension tasks to show their understanding.
4.1: Students demonstrate understanding of the nature of language through
comparisons of the language studied and their own.
Students will compare Estar and Ser and its uses using the verb To Be in English.
Part I of Lesson Plan
Activator/ Preparation
1. Copy the following vocabulary list into your Spanish notebooks.
Vocabulary List:
Encima de
Delante / Enfrente
A la Derecha
on top
in front
to the right
A la Izquierda
Al lado (Al otro
to the left
Next to / On the
other side
Debajo / Abajo
La Avenida
La Calle
El Camino
La Dirección / El
2. What do you know about the verbs Ser and Estar? Explain how they are similar and
Comprehension / Instruction/ Guided Practice
Students will be presented an Interactive Power Point that will teach the new vocabulary
and allow opportunities for them to receive guided practice. Students will learn a poem
that uses the prepositional phrases with body movements to facilitate their learning.
Izquierda,(point to the left)
Derecha, (point to the right)
Delante, (point in front of
you with both hands)
Detras, (point behind you with both hands)
Cerca, (hold hands
close to your chest)
Lejos, (move hands out in front of your body)
y algo más!
(point up)
Abajo, (point down)
Enfrente, (place one hand in front of the
Encima, (place one hand on top of the other)
y ahora muchachos, se acabó la
Interpretation/ Application/ Independent Practice
Students will manipulate objects on their desk with their partners and ask and respond
about the location of the items using prepositional phrases.
Study for vocabulary quiz on places and transportation for tomorrow. This will
consist of multiple choice and picture matching of current vocabulary. It will cover
identifying places and choosing transportation.
2. Students will complete the first day of the Web Quest.
Part II of Lesson:
Students will be introduced to the web quest and how it will be assigned over the course of
7 days. We will discuss the various tasks for each day and the culminating projects and
assessments with their due dates. If time permits students may begin the preparation
activity for their web quest that must be fully completed for homework.
Web Quest Assessment Outline
Days 1- 5 (10 points each) Guided Research using specific sites and completing activities for
daily homework
Day 6 (50 points) Research the tradition of Guelaguetza. Design and present a poster.
Total Points = 100 / Equivalent to 1 Test Grade
Cultural Assessment
Research the unique tradition of Guelaguetza and create a poster that outlines what this tradition
celebrates and how it is celebrated. You must include pictures and include captions to describe
each picture. The posters will be described to the class.
FCA’s for the Culture Project: GUELEGUETZA
30 Points / Content: Poster is colorful, neat, and informative. (Explains the Holiday, its history,
and its traditions)
10 Points/ Research and Writing: Research is evident and everything is put into one’s own
10 Points / Presentation: The student is well prepared to present their research and is able to
share opinions and reflections about what they learned.
Web Quest Standards Outline
1.1: Students engage in conversation, provide and obtain information, express feelings and
emotions, and exchange opinions.
1.2 Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics.
1.3: Students present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a
variety of topics.
2.1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and
perspectives of the culture studied. They will learn about daily life at El Zócalo in Oaxaca.
2.2: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the products and
perspectives of the culture studied. Students will be learn about the currency, specific places, art,
food, and traditions of Oaxaca.
3.1: Students reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines through the foreign
language. Converting pesos and dollars will reinforce mathematics. Art, history, and culture
will be explored by visiting museums, churches, and other historic/cultural sites of Oaxaca.
3.2: Students acquire information and recognize the distinctive viewpoints that are only
available through the foreign language and its cultures. Students will learn about the largest
celebration in Oaxaca that brings all of its regions together every year called Guelaguetza.
4.1: Students demonstrate understanding of the nature of language through comparisons of the
language studied and their own. They will learn vocabulary and recognize cognates, understand
the difference between the uses of “To Be” in both languages, and learn how to give commands
in Spanish. All of these new skills relating vocabulary and grammar evolve from comparing
one’s one language to the one studied.
4.2: Students demonstrate understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the
cultures studied and their own. Students will compare how much things cost, the zócalo (daily
life), and other observations of Oaxaca to their experience in the United States.
5.1: Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting.
Students will use the target language though various quests on the web, allowing them authentic
exposure to the language and the culture studied.
5.2: Students show evidence of becoming life-long learners by using the language for personal
enjoyment and enrichment. Students will explore places of their own personal interest in
Oaxaca, Mexico and must find their way using the target language. Students will learn about
regional foods offered and be able to print recipes. They may share and sample these foods in
class, with family, or with community (Knight of Excellence).
Web Quest Day 1 (Homework)
Lee la siguiente información para entender más del escenario para la próxima tarea,
luego contesta las preguntas abajo en español. Read the following information to
understand more about the scenario for your upcoming task, then answer the questions
below in Spanish.
Imagínate que estás en la capital de México por un semestre estudiando la cultura mexicana y el
idioma de español al colegio de Justo Sierra. Quieres explorar otros lugares de México, entonces
vas a visitar a la ciudad de Oaxaca por un fin de semana. Oaxaca puede referir a tres lugares: el
estado, la ciudad, o la valle. Tú necesitas planear para el viaje y crear un itinerario.
Comprensión de Lectura:
1. ¿Dónde estás estudiando?
2. ¿Adónde quieres visitar?
3. ¿Qué necesitas crear?
Preguntas Personales
1. ¿Sabes mucho o poco de Oaxaca, México?
2. ¿Te gustaría estudiar en otro país?
¿Qué necesitas saber antes de visitar un lugar nuevo?
Escribe tres cosas importantes que un viajero debe saber antes de visitar un lugar por la primera
vez./ Write three important things that a traveler should know before they visit a new place for
the first time.
¿Cómo preparas para una vacación?
Escribe tres cosas que necesitas hacer en preparación antes de ir de vacación. Incluye tres lugares
y razones por ir a cada lugar (por ejemplo- el correo). Escribe oraciones completas en español.
1. ________________________________________________________________________
Day 4 La Ciudad
Video Activity
Continue Web Quest Day 2
Lesson Objectives:
 Students will reinforce previously learned vocabulary for identifying places in
 Students will compare and contrast their community to the target culture’s
 Students will learn how to describe location using prepositional phrases
 Students will be able to give addresses in Spanish
 Students will continue researching specific places in Oaxaca as required per Day 2 of
the Web Quest
Materials Needed:
Video and Worksheets
Poem on Prepositional Phrases
Web Quest Day 2
1.2: Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on
variety of topics
Students interpret meaning of written statements describing location. Students will listen
and place objects in the correct location based on what they hear.
1.3: Students present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or
readers on a variety of topics.
 Students create their own sentences that describe location with prepositional
phrases in Spanish and share with class.
 Students will write a description of their own community and present it to the
teacher as an assessment.
2.2: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the
products and perspectives of the culture studied.
Students understand how plazas are a place that Mexicans interact with as a center for
daily activities, cultural practices, protests, and community events.
3.1: Students reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines through the foreign
There is a connection to language arts by providing a writing workshop where students
peer edit and make revisions to produce a better final product. The writing process is the
same in English and Spanish. To become an effective writer one must proofread, edit, and
revise regardless of the language.
4.2: Students demonstrate understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of
the cultures studied and their own.
Students acknowledge the different meaning that Plaza holds in Mexico and in the United
5.1: Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting.
Students will reflect on the communities studied and their own. They must use places from
their own community to speak about in Spanish.
Activator/ Preparation
Students will recite the prepositional poem.
Izquierda,(point to the left)
Derecha, (point to the right)
Delante, (point in front of you
with both hands)
Detras, (point behind you with both hands)
Cerca, (hold hands close to
your chest)
Lejos, (move hands out in front of your body)
y algo más!
Arriba, (point
Abajo, (point down)
Enfrente, (place one hand in front of the other)
Encima, (place
one hand on top of the other)
y ahora muchachos, se acabó la rima!
As an extension from yesterday’s lesson on describing location with prepositional
phrases, students will draw pictures to show their understanding of the following
sentences. For numbers 6 & 7 they must write their own sentence and picture to reflect is
El libro está adentro de la mochila.
El chico está encima de la mesa.
La silla está esta delante del escritorio.
La bandera está a la derecha del pizarrón.
La maestra está enfrente de los estudiantes.
Instruction/ Comprehension/ Guided Practice
Students will view a video that presents the teacher’s community and the various places
within it. Students will show their comprehension of the unit vocabulary by completing the
activities included with this lesson plan.
Interpretation/ Application (To be completed in class after the video)
At the end of the video students will take a short vocabulary quiz on identifying places and
transportation. As students finish their quiz they will write begin writing a rough draft of
places within their community. Tomorrow they will have the opportunity to peer edit and
revise a final draft. Students should give a detailed description of their community in which
they identify, describe, and tell the locations of specific places.
Grading Rubric / FCA’s (John Collins Writing Assessment)
25 points
Describe one’s own community in Spanish including a minimum of 6
locations. Proper use of grammar and vocabulary is expected and full sentences are
required (1 point deducted for each error).
25 points
Describe each place by saying what one does there and where it is located
(using prepositional phrases).
25 points
Give the specific address of each place mentioned.
25 points
Students show evidence of writing workshop completion. They should have
at least one rough draft with peer revisions
Homework: Complete the 2nd day of the Web Quest.
Vas a ir a Oaxaca, México desde la Ciudad de México. Necesitas encontrar información para
planear tu viaje. ¿Qué hay para hacer? ¿Adónde vas a quedar? ¿Cómo vas a llegar? ¿Qué otros
servicios van a necesitar(bancos, iglesias, mercados, restaurantes, etc.)? ¿Cuánto dinero vas a
Primer Paso
Encuentra un buen hotel y compra tu boleto desde Mexico D.F. a Oaxaca.
Haz un clic en el siguiente enlace (Click on the following Link). Encuentra un
hotel para hacer una reservación (Find a hotel to make a reservation).
Escribe el Nombre del Hotel ___________________________________________________________________________
¿Te gustaría visitar a este hotel? ¿Por qué o por qué no?
¿Cuánto cuesta?
¿Cuál es la dirección?
¿Qué hay cerca del hotel?
Find out how much the hotel will cost for two nights and give the amount in both Mexican pesos
and U.S. Dollars.
Haz un clic en el siguiente enlace para encontrar el valor del peso mexicano al dólar
estadounidense. (La tasa de Cambio / El tipo de Cambio = Exchange Rate)
$1 (E.E.U.U./ U.S) = ____________ Pesos Mexicanos
El Hotel por una noche = __________________Pesos ____________________$U.S.
El Hotel por dos noches= __________________Pesos ____________________$U.S.
El Nombre:_______________________________________________
La Fecha:__________________________________________________
Directions: You will watch a video that shows various places within the
community. The first time you watch the video, listen closely for description of
location (prepositional phrases/ addresses).
¿Dónde están? Fill in the blanks with the correct words.
1. Mi hija y yo estamos ___________________________________________ del correo.
2. El correo está en la ______________________________________________Central, número 1.
3. El banco está ____________________________________________________ del restaurante Olivadi.
4. La _________________________ ___________de Olivadi es la calle Guild, número 32.
5. La joyería está ____________________________________________ de la farmacia.
6. La casa de cambios está _______________________________________ del café.
7. El la ___________________________________ de calles Nahatan and Washington hay dos iglesias.
8. La estación de policia está _________________________________________ de la calle Nahatan.
Answer the following question by marking the appropriate places with an x.
¿Cuáles lugares están adentro del centro commercial?
__________ La Zapatería
__________ El Café
__________ La Casa de Cambios
_____________ Muchas tiendas
_____________ La Florería
______________La Carnicería
¿Cuáles lugares están adentro del supermercado?
________ La Zapatería
________ La Papelería
________La Panadería
__________ La Florería
___________ La Joyería
__________La Carnicería
2nd Viewing of the Video
Directions: This time pay attention to what people do at each place and think about
how some common places are different in your community than in Oaxaca, México.
Give a brief description of what people do in each place in Spanish using complete
1. El Correo _________________________________________________________________________________________________________
2. El Centro Comercial –
3. El Supermercado_________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Compare and contrast the following places in your community and in Oaxaca Mexico.
Briefly describe how they are similar and different in English:
1. Plaza
2. El Zócalo (Town Square/ Common)
Extra Credit (+50 points towards homework grade):
Find out why a town square or city square is frequently referred to as the “Common” in
Day 5: La Ciudad
Lesson Plan: Today’s lesson will not be the standard form. Students will be completing
their writing assessment in a workshop with their peers. It is assumed that students will
require different amounts of time to complete the task so the entire period will be available
and an additional cultural reading will be provided for those that finish early. Students will
complete Day 3 of
Materials Needed:
1. Rough Draft
2. Article on Gueleguetza
3. Day 3 Web Quest Worksheet
Writing Workshop (Assessment)
Students will peer edit and revise their community descriptions in groups of 3-4. They will
write and submit their final drafts.
Standards: Cultural Reading
2.1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and
perspectives of the culture studied.
2.2: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the products and
perspectives of the culture studied.
3.1: Students reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines through the foreign
3.2: Students acquire information and recognize the distinctive viewpoints that are only
available through the foreign language and its cultures.
Homework- Day 3 Web Quest
Day 3 Web Quest
Segundo Paso:
Compra tu boleto de autobús (Buy your Bus Ticket).
Primero, busca el siguiente vocabulario en inglés en wordreference.com
El Viaje Redondo - _________________________________
El Viaje Sencillo - __________________________________
La Salida - _________________________________________
La Ida - ____________________________________________
El Regreso -_________________________________________
El Origén -__________________________________________
El Destino- _________________________________________
La Tarifa -__________________________________________
El Tiempo Recorrido - _________________________________
Haz un clic en el siguiente enlace para comprar un boleto y escoger tu horario.
¿Cuánto cuesta un viaje redondo por autobús? (Tu origén es Mexico Tapo / Tu destino es
Oaxaca, Oaxaca)
_________________________Pesos _______________________$U.S.
¿Cuál es tu horario de viaje?
Fecha de salir ____________________ ¿A qué hora sales? ________________________
Fecha de regresar _________________ ¿A qué hora regresas? ______________________
¿Cuántas horas dura el viaje sencillo? ____________________________________________
Day 6 La Ciudad
Daily Objectives
Students will discuss specific landmarks in Oaxaca using a city map
Students will practice vocabulary and grammar drills using Hot Potatoes
Students will continue Web Quest Day 4
Materials Needed:
 Library Time for Computers
 Oaxaca City Map
 Gueleguetza Article
 Classroom Wiki Site, Computer, Hot Potatoes Activity
1.1: Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and
emotions, and exchange opinions.
1.3: Students present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or
readers on a variety of topics.
2.1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and
perspectives of the culture studied.
2.2: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the products and
perspectives of the culture studied.
3.1: Students reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines
through the foreign language.
Answer the following questions about Gueleguetza:
1. What does Gueleguetza mean in the Zapotec language?
2. How did this festival originate?
3. When does the tradition take place each year?
4. What are the seven regions of Oaxaca that participate in the Gueleguetza dances?
6. Who are the offertory dances offered to?
Comprehension/ Instruction/ Guided Practice
Students will watch a short video that portrays the Gueleguetza tradition. We will discuss
the final project of the Web Quest and its due date.
Independent Practice/ Application
Class will be held in library so that students can have access to computers. The time will be
split to complete the following activities and give all students a chance to get on the
computers to do the Hot Potatoes activities.
Students will have some computer time to reinforce chapter vocabulary and
grammar drills using Hot Potatoes.
Students will use Oaxaca city map and practice describing specific landmarks, their
locations, and brief descriptions of what each place is.
Complete Day 4 of the Web Quest
Prepare for Speaking Assessment (Will take place on Day 9)
¿Cómo es tu comunidad? ¿Qué hay? ¿Dónde está? ¿Cómo llego?
Students will describe their own community and be recorded for an assessment. They
should be able to mention different places and give brief description of the place and
location. They will have 45 seconds and will not be able to use their notes.
Necesita más
No muy bien
Several pauses
Unable to
understood and understood and making delivery produce
very little
difficult to
sentences or
complete the task
Excellente use
Good use of
Very basic use
Does not show
of etapa
of grammar and comprehension of
vocabulary and vocabulary
grammar and
Almost perfect
Very few errors Several Errors
Errors make the
Day 4 Web Quest
Tercer Paso
Encuentra información de la ciudad. ¿Qué hay para hacer? ¿Dónde está un banco, un mercado,
una iglesia, un correo, un mercado, unos restaurantes, etc…?
Sitios de Interés
Visita este enlace para ver información de cambiar dinero a pesos mexicanos:
Nombre de un banco - ________________________________________________________
¿Dónde está este banco? (La Dirección/ Address)
¿Qué significan las palabras siguientes en inglés?
La Caja Permanente/ El Cajero Automático ___________________________________________________________________________
La Casa de Cambios ___________________________________________________________________________
Haz un clic en el siguiente enlace para encontrar un museo en Oaxaca.
Un Museo - __________________________________________________________
La Dirección-_________________________________________________________
¿Qué hay en el museo? ¿Te gustaría ir a este museo?
Haz un clic en el siguiente enlace para escoger unos restaurantes / cafés para comer.
Un Café o Un Restaurante (con comida regional) ___________________________________________________________________________
¿Cuál es la dirección del restaurante?
¿Te gustaría comer aquí? ¿Hay algo especial que ofrece?
¿Cómo vas a a llegar al restaurante del hotel? ¿A pie o en taxi)
Day 7 La Ciudad
Daily Objectives
 Students will use their web quest research to find the places on a real map
 Students will practice describing places and locations in Oaxaca to partner
 Students will continue describing their own community in Spanish
Materials Needed
 Oaxaca City Map
 Research from Web Quest
 Web Quest Day 5 Worksheet
Students will work in pairs with their web quest research from the previous night. They
will find the bank, museum, and restaurant that they included on their web quests on the
actual map. They will write the place names on the maps in the correct locations.
Comprehension/ Instruction
Guess where I am using the Oaxaca City Map:
Estoy a la esquina de la avenida Independencia y la calle 20 de noviembre. Necesito
mandar una carta y comprar estampillas.
Comprehension/ Guided Practice
Students will play a game in partners using the Oaxaca City Map. They will compete against
other groups to try and get the most points. Students will gain a point for each place their
partner is able to guess on the map. They will have 2 minutes timed to try and describe as
many places from the map as possible in Spanish. Using English or hand motions to help
identify the place will result in disqualification from that round.
Students will complete Day 5 of the Web Quest
Students will continue preparing for their oral assessment – They will be advised to time
and record themselves describing their community without using notes.
Day 5 Web Quest
Sitios de Interés- Continued
Haz un clic en el enlace para ver las iglesias de Oaxaca.
Cómo se llama la iglesia?
¿Cuál es la dirección?
¿Cómo es la iglesia?
Los Mercados
Haz un clic para aprender sobre los mercados de Oaxaca.
Un Mercado ___________________________________________________________________________
¿Cuál es la dirección?
¿Te gustaría ir de compras en este mercado? ¿Qué vende?
¿Cuáles son dos comidas regionales de Oaxaca que puedes comprar en el mercado Benito
El Zócalo
Haz un clic en el siguiente enlace y lee la carta de Oaxaca sobre el Zócalo.
Describe in a few sentences what the Zocalo is and what a tourist might see and experience there.
You may write in English or Spanish. Is there any place similar where you live?
Day 8 La Ciudad
Daily Objectives
 Student share reflections about web quest
 Students practice speaking for oral assessment
Student Reflection:
Reflect on what you have learned in the process of completing the Web Quest. What did
you find most interesting? What would you like to explore more? What is your interest
level in visiting Oaxaca one day in real life?
Comprehension/ Instruction/ Guided Practice
Class will discuss reflections and share their research.
Students will be paired in horseshoe to practice for tomorrow’s oral speaking
 Students will use what they have learned to create a cultural trivia questions about
Oaxaca. They will form teams and review the information by playing their self
created trivia game.
Homework/ Extension
 Prepare for tomorrow’s oral assessment
 Work towards completing the final part of the web quest to be submitted in one
week from today’s class (Gueleguetza Poster and Presentation)
Web Quest Final Project – Day 6
One Week to Complete Final Project
Research the unique tradition of Guelaguetza and create a poster that outlines what this tradition
celebrates and how it is celebrated. You must include pictures and include captions to describe
each picture. The posters will be described to the class.
Haz un clic en los siguientes enlaces para aprender de Guelaguetza:
FCA’s for the Culture Project: GUELEGUETZA
30 Points / Content: Poster is colorful, neat, and informative. (Explains the Holiday, its history,
and its traditions)
10 Points/ Research and Writing: Research is evident and everything is put into one’s own
10 Points / Presentation: The student is well prepared to present their research and is able to
share opinions and reflections about what they learned.
Day 9 La Ciudad
Daily Objectives
 Reading Comprehension in Target Language
 Speaking Assessment
 End of Unit
Communication 1.2
Students will read a sample three-day itinerary for a trip to Oaxaca
Comrehension / Application/ Assessment
Communication 1.3
Connections 3.1
Students will be completing their final speaking assessment for the unit. During this time
they will complete this reading activity in the target language to demonstrate their
comprehension using reading skills.
Students will be reminded of final deadline for Gueleguetza Project.
We will be moving on to learning how to ask for directions and give directions. We will be
learning informal tú commands and applying this new information to get from one place to
another within the city (using our own communities and the City of Oaxaca).
El Itinerario para el Viaje De Oaxaca
El viernes
1. Llegar a Oaxaca: El viernes a la 1:00 de la tarde llego a La Estación (El Terminal) de
Autobús . La Dirección del terminal es Calz. Niños Héroes de Chapultepec 1036 (Note* Calz.
is short for Calzada or Road). Necesito ir del terminal al hotel Casantica. ¿Cómo debo ir? (¿A
pie o en taxi?)
2. Registrarme al Hotel Casantica,
La dirección del hotel es Avenida.Morelos #601 Col. Centro, Oaxaca.
Puedo registrarme a las 2 de la tarde. ¿Cuáles atracciones están cerca del hotel??
3. 2:00 viernes: El Zócalo / El Centro Histórico/ El Andador Turístico
Pasear por centro histórico, el zócalo y el andador turístico de Alcalá para ver La Catedral, comer
en un café, y disfrutar la vida diaria de Oaxaca. También necesito encontrar el correo y un banco.
¿Dónde hay un banco y un correo cerca del zócalo?
4. 4:00 de la tarde, viernes: Visitar la Casa de Cultura
La dirección es Ex Convento de los Siete Príncipes, Calle González Ortega 403, Oaxaca. ¿Qué
hay cerca de la Casa de Cultura?
5. 7:00 de la noche, viernes: El Restaurante – El Asador Vasco
La dirección es Portal de Flores N0.10-A
Centro, Oaxaca, Oaxaca, México
www.asadorvasco.com/ ¿Está cerca o lejos del hotel? ¿Cómo vas a regresar al hotel?
El sábado
1. 8:00 de la mañana Desayuno – un café (en el zócalo)
2. 9:00 de la mañana: Los mercados (Benito Juarez / 20 de noviembre)
4. 11:30 – Alquilar un carro de Rent a Car (Calle 5 de Mayo No. 215
Centro Histórico,
Oaxaca, Oax.)
5. 12:00 Llegar a Monte Alban – Comer allí y observar las ruinas zapotecas
5. 2:30 - Ir de compras para artesanías regionales en el pueblo Zapoteca de San Martín Tilcajete
6. 5:00 Regresar a la Ciudad y disfrutar tiempo libre para explorar la ciudad más
¿Qué vas a ver en Monte Álban?
¿Qué vas a comprar en San Martín?
¿Cuándo tienes tiempo libre para explorar la ciudad?
El domingo
1. 8:00 de la mañana – Desayuno – Nuevo Mundo Café
Café Nuevo Mundo
M. Bravo 206, col. Centro Histórico
2. 9:00 de la mañana – El Templo de Santo Domingo y el Museo de las Culturas de Oaxaca
3. 12:00 de la tarde – El Restaurante: La Olla
4. 3:30 de la tarde – Regresar a la Ciudad de México del Terminal de Autobús
¿Adónde vas a comer el almuerzo?
¿A qué vas a escoger el autoús?