Governing Body Recruitment Chief Finance Officer February 2016 Application and Resource Pack Microsite: Job Title: Chief Finance Officer Employer: NHS Greenwich CCG Location: Woolwich, Royal Borough of Greenwich Salary: VSM Job Type: Permanent Closing Date: Monday 22nd February 2016 Interview Date: Shortlist meetings w/c 1st March. Final interviews w/c 7th March PLEASE APPLY WITH A CV AND COVERING LETTER TO THE CONTACT DETAILS PROVIDED BELOW: Application Email: Microsite: Formed in 2013 NHS Greenwich Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) is responsible for commissioning most of the healthcare services for the people of Greenwich. This means it is responsible for planning which services need to be in place and ensuring that there are a range of healthcare providers able to deliver high quality care to patients when they need it. Greenwich is an ethnically diverse London borough that is rapidly expanding population - currently estimated at 254,600 and predicted to increase by 13 per cent over the next five years NHS Greenwich CCG faces some significant financial challenges and put in place a recovery plan in August 2015 to rebalance its underlying financial position. We have made some progress and are still on target to deliver a 1% surplus. However, setting a balanced budget for next year remains a major challenge and we have taken the decision to appoint an interim turnaround director to support us with this. The Chief Finance Officer is a full member of the governing body and will need to meet the core requirements as described for governing body members. As a qualified accountant you will have responsibility for the financial strategy, financial management and financial governance of the CCG. You will contribute significantly to the development of a commissioning strategy and be an integral part of the team to redesign clinical pathways and deliver the CCG strategy. The Chief Financial Officer will be the lead for ensuring good contractual processes and be a member of the broader Senior Management Team. You will have responsibility for the information team, the contract with the CSU and also the PMO function across the organization. To be successful in the role you will need to demonstrate that you have the strength to influence stakeholders and partnership organisations and are passionate about NHS Greenwich Clinical Commissioning Group – Application & Resource Pack Chief Finance Officer enabling clinical leadership. In addition, you will have significant experience of board-level working and leading improvements in healthcare services; a track record of successfully working with clinical professionals: experience of managing budgets and delivering financial recovery; exceptional leadership skills and a clear understanding of the importance of audit and governance. If you think you have the vision, energy, enthusiasm and capability to play a big part in leading NHS Greenwich CCG to reduce health inequalities, transform services and improve local health by carefully managing the resources available, then we look forward to hearing from you. For details of how to apply please refer to the Job Description or contact Andrew Thomlinson at Axon Resourcing for more information or an informal discussion on 020 3829 8686 or 07722 423777. Closing date – Monday 22nd February 2016. Shortlisted candidates will be asked to attend a face to face interview week commencing 1st March. Final Interviews will take place week commencing 7th March 2016. NHS Greenwich Clinical Commissioning Group – Application & Resource Pack Chief Finance Officer Job Description Job title: Chief Finance Officer Grade: VSM Reports to: NHS Greenwich CCG Chief Officer Accountable to: NHS Greenwich CCG Chief Officer ; CCG member practices Directorate: Finance Base: The Woolwich Centre, 35 Wellington Street, Woolwich, London SE18 6ND Hours: 37.5 hours per week (on call for SEL 1:12) Responsible for: - - Governance and stewardship of Greenwich CCG resources Financial strategic planning and monitoring Financial advice and information for decision making and support to Governing Body and subcommittees Financial support & leadership to commissioning, QIPP programme & delivery across the organisation Leadership of finance and associated functions including the information function and lead Director for commissioning support contract Leading PMO function for the organisation to support delivery Job Purpose The Chief Finance Officer (CFO) is an Executive Director post and a full member of the Governing Body, leading the organisation to deliver effective commissioning of high quality health services that meet the needs of its population within available NHS Greenwich Clinical Commissioning Group – Application & Resource Pack Chief Finance Officer resources. The CFO is the professional finance expert on the Governing Body ensuring that Greenwich CCG meets all of its statutory financial requirements. As a member of the Governing Body the Chief Finance Officer has a shared responsibility to ensure that Greenwich CCG exercises its functions in accordance with good governance and within the terms of Greenwich CCG’s constitution as agreed by its members. Main areas of responsibility · working with the Chief Officer to ensure that Greenwich CCG complies with its financial, accounting, auditing and information obligations and related duties. This includes responsibility for the effective management of the delegated budget. · working with the governing body and management team members to effectively lead Greenwich CCG as a membership and statutory organisation. - supervising the financial and accounting systems for Greenwich CCG and advising on the best possible stewardship of public money · advising the Governing Body on the effective, efficient and economic use of its allocation, on remaining within that allocation and delivering required financial targets and duties · day-to-day responsibility for financial matters in the organisation including strategy development, governance and management on behalf of Greenwich CCG · manage the contract between Greenwich CCG and commissioning support providers ensuring that value for money and high quality of services are maintained - leading the information function for Greenwich CCG including being the Senior Information Risk Officer (SIRO) remain familiar with and take ownership of the organisation’s information risk policy and act as advocate for information risk on the Board - leading the Programme Management Office function maintaining standards of delivery where programmes require cross directorate working - through financial and other networks keep up to date with the changes across the NHS and advise the Governing Body and others on how to use opportunities such as the Five Year Forward View and other policy drivers to the best financial and economic advantage for Greenwich Principal duties and responsibilities Finance and Performance NHS Greenwich Clinical Commissioning Group – Application & Resource Pack Chief Finance Officer 1) Provide effective financial and business leadership to the governing body to ensure that Greenwich CCG meets its objectives 2) Be the professional expert on finance and ensure, through robust systems and processes; that the regularity and propriety of expenditure is fully discharged 3) Manage Greenwich CCG’s budgets and make appropriate arrangements to support, monitor and report on its finances 4) Produce the financial statements for audit and publication in accordance with statutory requirements to demonstrate effective stewardship of public money and accountability to tax payers 5) Lead, develop and implement the financial strategy for Greenwich CCG ensuring that this is fully embedded in the operating plan for the organisation 6) Provide financial advice and support to Greenwich CCG concerning the development and planning of robust QIPP plans and projects 7) Be responsible for the financial monitoring and review of the QIPP programme for Greenwich CCG, ensuring the highest quality care is delivered in the most cost effective way to achieve value for money 8) During transition of components of the commissioning landscape (joint or co commissioning, delegation) ensure effective systems are in place to manage all delegated budgets to the agreed levels and to identify and take steps to mitigate any risks identified 9) Ensure there is an effective financial management framework in place within Greenwich CCG to monitor, predict and manage risks to financial performance and work with the Deputy Chief Officer to support integrated reporting of organisational performance to the Governing Body and its committees and that financial risks are fully reflected in the Governing Body Assurance Framework and Risk Register. 10) To secure for Greenwich CCG the provision of high quality commissioning support services that present value for money working with neighbouring CCGs. 11) Promote awareness and understanding of financial, value for money and commercial issues within Greenwich CCG and work with the leadership team to identify and implement the appropriate training and development programmes 12) Maintain relationships with external professional advisors 13) Support collaborative arrangements between Greenwich CCG and neighbouring CCG finance teams and support the South East London approach (including Our Healthier South East London) to achieving financial sustainability (Sustainability and Transformation Plan) NHS Greenwich Clinical Commissioning Group – Application & Resource Pack Chief Finance Officer 14) Take responsibility for leading and managing associated functions and teams as determined by Greenwich CCG governing body and management team Planning and Commissioning 15) Support Greenwich CCG to make decisions on the commissioning of healthcare services which improve health outcomes, reduce inequality and improve quality outcomes and patient experience whilst delivering the best possible use of public funds 16) Lead the development, agreement and monitoring of the operating plan in line with NHSE requirements ensuring that this delivers Greenwich CCGs’ statutory duties and reflects the agreed QIPP and transformation programme 17) Ensure that Greenwich CCG develops robust & comprehensive financial plans to meet the needs of the local population 18) Develop relationships with the Royal Borough of Greenwich to ensure that joint financial planning is undertaken and opportunities for savings across the health and social care economy are achieved and that the specific governance arrangements for managing joint funds are complied with (Section 256; Section 75 etc.) 19) Develop a deep understanding of the financial positions of our main NHS providers – Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust and Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust and develop robust relationships with their finance leaders to enhance service delivery to the population 20) Provide expert advice and support to members of the senior management team to ensure that commissioning decisions make the most efficient use of resources (i.e. contract structure, BCF and QIPP programme) including participation in negotiating significant contracts 21) Ensure that appropriate business cases are developed to support the business of Greenwich CCG identifying opportunities for the organisation to secure income from external sources. Information management 22) Ensure that structures, processes and information systems are in place to enable Greenwich CCG to discharge its delegated responsibilities effectively 23) Ensure information management and technology (IM&T) operational requirements of Greenwich CCG are met through either the in house team or commissioning support service and ensure future year requirements are secured via an IM&T strategy NHS Greenwich Clinical Commissioning Group – Application & Resource Pack Chief Finance Officer 24) Ensure an appropriate information governance policy is in place and is operated within Greenwich CCG 25) Develop and manage information systems to ensure and monitor compliance with all corporate governance requirements 26) Ensure that there is a business intelligence function available to support commissioning across the organisation. Governance 27) Oversee robust audit and financial governance arrangements leading to propriety in the use of Greenwich CCGs resources and support the chair of the Finance, Performance and QIPP Committee and Audit Committees so that they can exercise their functions fully. 28) Ensure comprehensive annual plans are in place that provide the highest standards of assurance in line with expectations set by NHS England 29) Ensure that structures, processes are in place to enable Greenwich CCG to discharge its delegated responsibilities effectively ensuring that budget managers are aware of their responsibilities 30) Act in the best interests with regard to the health of local population at all times ensuring the anti-fraud and corruption prevention is taken seriously by the whole organisation. 31) Manage relationships with internal and external audit functions and play a lead role in liaison with any regulatory bodies 32) Ensure good governance remains central at all times 33) Through the PMO function promote and quality assure compliance with good governance for committing resources through use of business case templates, project planners and decision making via suitable committees and groups. General duties 34) As a member of the Governing Body, ensure that Greenwich CCG commissions the highest quality services with a view to securing the best possible outcomes for its patients within the resource allocation and maintain a consistent focus on quality, integration and innovation 35) Ensure the voice of the member practices is heard and the interests of patients and the community remain at the heart of discussions and decisions 36) Ensure that Greenwich CCG, when exercising its functions, acts with a view to securing health services that are provided in a way which promotes the NHS Constitution NHS Greenwich Clinical Commissioning Group – Application & Resource Pack Chief Finance Officer 37) Provide appropriate challenge across the governing body 31 Contribute to the development and embedding of the vision, aims and business objectives of Greenwich CCG 32 Contribute to ensuring that the organisation values diversity and promotes equality and inclusivity in all aspects of its business 33 Ensure that the governing body acts in the best interests of the local population at all times and that decisions are taken with regard to securing the best use of public money 34 Uphold the Nolan Principles of Public Life and the proposed Standards for members of NHS Boards and Governing Bodies in England, as currently being developed by the Council for Healthcare Regulatory Excellence, and reflect them through personal conduct and the development of the CCG culture 35 Represent and uphold the values of Greenwich CCG and be an appropriate role model, promoting equality and diversity for all its patients, staff and other stakeholders 36 Participate in the On Call Rota for South East London which includes being available (approximately 1:12) HEALTH, SAFETY, SECURITY & RISK MANAGEMENT All staff are required to adhere to and act consistently with all relevant health and safety legislation and CCG policies and procedures in order to ensure that their own and others health safety and security is maintained. This will include identifying and reporting all risks to health and safety, security of equipment and property and the achievement of CCG objectives in accordance with the CCG’s risk management strategy and policies. Training will be provided. NO SMOKING POLICY Greenwich CCG operates a no-smoking policy. This applies to all staff and visitors and to the majority of patients. It is a condition of employment for staff that they do not smoke whilst on duty or in uniform or anywhere on CCG premises. Whilst we do not discriminate against employing smokers, they are expected to adhere to this policy and all prospective employees should be aware of this. EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES Greenwich CCG is working towards equality and has policies relating to the equality of opportunity in employment and service delivery. All staff are expected to comply with these policies. CONFIDENTIALITY As a Greenwich CCG employee you may gain knowledge of a highly confidential nature relating to the private affairs, diagnosis and treatment of patients, information affecting members of the public, matters concerning staff and details of items under consideration by the CCG. Under no circumstances should such information be divulged or passed to any unauthorised person or person(s). This includes holding NHS Greenwich Clinical Commissioning Group – Application & Resource Pack Chief Finance Officer discussions with colleagues concerning patients in situations where the conversation may be overheard. Breaches of confidence will result in disciplinary action, which may involve dismissal. INFECTION CONTROL All staff have a responsibility to ensure that infection control policies, procedures and guidelines are adhered to and to support the CCGs’ commitment to preventing and controlling healthcare associated infections (HAI). CIVIL CONTINGENCIES ACT 2004 All staff will note the CCG’s responsibilities under the Civil Contingencies Act 2004, and NHS Major Incident Plans Guidance (DoH 1998 and 2004) SAFEGUARDING VULNERABLE ADULTS All staff must work in accordance with the Sussex Multi Agency Policy and Procedures for Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults. SAFEGUARDING CHILDREN/ CHILD PROTECTION All staff must abide by the Local Safeguarding Children Board Sussex Child Protection and Safeguarding Children Procedures. FREEDOM OF INFORMATION All members of staff must be aware of their responsibilities under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. The Act provides individuals or organisations with the right to request information held by a public authority. They can do this by letter or email. Staff must ensure that they manage the information they hold in such a way that meets the requirements of the Act. If asked for information by an individual or an organisation, staff must ensure that the request is passed to the Freedom of information Officer. If a request is made for disclosure of information held by a member of staff this information must not be destroyed or deleted after the request has been received. Some information held by the organisation is exempt from disclosure, however when recording any information the staff should consider that it may be subject, at some stage to a Freedom of Information request. All members of staff must attend information governance training to ensure they fully understand the implications of the Freedom of Information Act. This job description will be reviewed as necessary and may be amended to meet the changing needs of the CCG. It will also be used as the basis for determination of objectives and the contents will be used as part of annual appraisals. This job description has been agreed between the post holder and the CCG. JD author (name and job title): Annabel Burn Chief Officer Date JD created/updated: January 2016 NHS Greenwich Clinical Commissioning Group – Application & Resource Pack Chief Finance Officer Brief description of reason for review (if applicable) Vacant post NHS Greenwich Clinical Commissioning Group – Application & Resource Pack Chief Finance Officer Person Specification Job title: Directorate: Chief Finance Officer Finance Note to applicants Candidates for posts will be assessed according to the extent to which they meet this person specification. It is therefore important that applicants pay close attention to all aspects of it when deciding if their skills, experience and knowledge match these requirements. Methods of assessment are indicated as follows: A = application form; I = interview; C = certificate; T = test. Desirable criteria will be used in selection processes where otherwise equally matched candidates are in competition (except where the Equality Act 2010 applies – see next paragraph) Some flexibility may be exercised in the application of the criteria outlined above where a disabled candidate covered by the Equality Act is unable to meet certain parts of the specification by reason of their disability. Candidates to whom this applies should outline details on their application form. This information will be assessed on an individual basis throughout the selection process. (E)ssential/ (D)esirable Assessed by (A=applicatio n; I= interview) Qualifications/Education: Educated to degree level with a Masters or equivalent qualification or experience E A Evidence of continuing professional development E A Full qualification in one of the individual CCAB bodies or CIMA E A Experienced at working in a collaborative decision-making group such as a board/ governing body or other ‘board level’ committee working E A/I Director level experience of managing successful teams E A/I Experience: Board level experience of managing budgets and maintaining financial balance in the face of increasing demand NHS Greenwich Clinical Commissioning Group – Application & Resource Pack A/I E Chief Finance Officer Experience of communicating complex financial matters in laypersons language A/I E Key Skills/Abilities: Demonstrable commitment to continuously improve outcomes, tackling health inequalities and delivering the best value for money for the tax payer Ability to work well with others from different professional, social and cultural backgrounds Capability to understand and analyse complex issues, drawing on a breath of data to inform decision-making Demonstrable ability to exercise sound judgement and the confidence to question and challenge information from others (who may be experts in their field) Ability to understand the limits of his or her management competencies and the wisdom to seek advice when these are reached Ability to contribute to the development of strategy and aspirations of the organisation and act in a manner consistent with its values Demonstrate effective leadership qualities including the personal resilience required of this senior role Excellent communication, influencing and negotiation skills A/I D I E I E I E I E I E I E I E I Intellectual capacity and application to be able to think conceptually, to plan flexibly, to look for continual ways to improve and to operate within an ambiguous context and deliver results Sensitivity and organisational skills to operate effectively across complex work cultures and environments Able to communicate complex information in a clear and compelling way in both verbal and written formats Politically astute, with highly developed skills in engaging, influencing and securing shared ownership across the organisation and health and social care system NHS Greenwich Clinical Commissioning Group – Application & Resource Pack E I E A/I E I E I D Chief Finance Officer Able to lead a PMO function which can deliver complex and interlocking programmes of work Job Related Knowledge & Understanding Working understanding of NHS Commissioning systems and an appreciation of the broad social, political and economic trends influencing it E Working understanding of integrated governance and assurance E Working knowledge of general employment law and practices and current legal requirements and good practice in equality and discrimination D I I I E I Demonstrable understanding of the NHS principles and values as set out in the NHS Constitution E Financially literate with the ability to critically review, challenge and effectively utilise financial information for decision making A/I E I An understanding of the principles of value for money and an ability to challenge performance on this basis E I A detailed understanding of the requirements of effective financial governance and probity E I In-depth understanding of the NHS financial regime and an ability to develop capability within the CCG to enable interpretation of relevant legislation and accountability frameworks E I Understand the CCGs risk environment D Good understanding of the role of effective communications and engagement with patients, public, workforce and stakeholders E Understanding of (and commitment to upholding) the Nolan Principles of Public Life, Standards for members of NHS Boards and Governing Bodies in England (currently being developed) Understanding of the requirements of a CCG to use information to inform decisions in all aspects of its work and how to shape this NHS Greenwich Clinical Commissioning Group – Application & Resource Pack I I E I E I Chief Finance Officer Other Requirements E Ability to manage the demands of a CFO role Ability to travel between different sites to maintain wide stakeholder engagement required of this role METHOD OF ASSESSMENT A = Application form I = Interview T = Test C = Certificate EQUALITY & DIVERSITY In addition to any specific criteria laid out above, each applicant will be expected to demonstrate a basic understanding of the principles of equal opportunities in relation to the post. The degree of knowledge required will depend on the level and nature of the post in question. DISABILITY DISCRIMINATION ACT 1995 Please note that some flexibility may be exercised in the application of the criteria outlined above where a disabled candidate is covered by the Equality Act and is unable to meet certain parts of the specification by reason of their disability. If you believe this applies to you please outline the details on your application form. Each case will be assessed on an individual basis at short listing and/or interview with advice from Human Resources. January 2016 NHS Greenwich Clinical Commissioning Group – Application & Resource Pack Chief Finance Officer