Huck Finn Literature Circle # 1 Chapters 1-8 Summarizer (5-7 minutes) Share your assessment of the major events of chapter 1-8. Make sure you clearly outline each chapter—consider Historical/Biographical school as you discuss Group members may add to the summary, but be RESPECTFUL This is a good time to clarify any confusion you may have had while reading these chapters Discussion director should make sure everyone stays on task. Illustrator (5 minutes) Share your illustration with your group and explain why you chose what you did. Make sure you are detailed. Other group members should ask questions and make connections to what the summarizer said Discussion Director (7-10 minutes) Begin asking and discussing your questions. Make sure you facilitate the discussion so it lasts the full time period. Make sure you invite everyone to participate in the discussion; don’t monopolize the conversation. Get it going and then allow others to comment. Illuminator (7-10 minutes) Share your passages and insights. Make sure you tell your group the page number. This is a good time to discuss the passages, add to the discussion as the illuminator shares (discussion director, you should be exceptionally perceptive in adding your thoughts here) Word Watcher (5-7 minutes) Share the words and their significance with particular attention paid to historical/biographical significance— If you do not have a word watcher, you should work together as a group to find important words in the passage to record. Connector (7-10 minutes) Share your connections to the text and encourage your group to add their own thoughts to your connections. Read the Spike Lee version of the Hat Scene and discuss these three questions How does this scene change your perception? What point of view do we see in this revised version? Why is it important to look at multiple perspectives? Next Lit Circle (11/2) chapters 9-20 Discussion director will be the illuminator Illuminator will be the illustrator Illustrator will be the connector Connector will be the summarizer Summarizer will be the discussion director Discussion director will be the illuminator Illuminator will be the illustrator Illustrator will be the connector Connector will be the summarizer Summarizer will be the Word Watcher Word Watcher will be the discussion director The Adventures of Huck Finn Chapters 1-8 Narrator Huck Finn or Mark Twain? HUCK! Do not confuse the two. Huck is ignorant and innocent, Mark Twain, the author is very aware. HUCK Vs. TWAIN Huck is too innocent and ignorant to understand what’s wrong with his society and what’s right about his own rebellious behavior. Twain and Huck do NOT share the same voice. Twain teaches lessons through Huck. You have to look beneath the surface. Twain had come to believe not only that slavery was a horrendous wrong, but that white Americans owed black Americans some form of reparations for it. That is one of the lessons he teaches HUCK IS AN OUTCAST IN SEARCH OF HIS IDENTITY Who does he live with? Widow Douglas and Miss Watson not his own father. What happens when he doesn’t have family to offer as “ransom”? almost kicked out of band of robbers Who does he admire? Tom (his YOUNGER friend) because he has no one to look up to. JIM—The REAL hero of the He seems gullible but remember, the story is novel being toldyou by a KID (12 years to old!!!!!!) As continue read, Jim breaks free from the stereotype look Jimwith asthe the of uses theat incident hathero to gain fame!—SPIKE LEE’s Hat Scene Look by Ralphat Wiley (African the novel. him as American the Screen writer and satirist) protector ofgenius Huck. Look “ part of Twain's in this book is letting the reader see things that Huck doesn't see, making and Huck an beyond what Huck says endearing and engaging but ultimately unreliable narrator. In Wiley's script, the juxtaposition of the visual see Jim for who he really is. message the viewer gets, on the one hand, and the comically limited version of that reality that Huck (the narrator) communicates, on the other, captured that dramatic irony.” P. 18 uses a nasty hairball to make money—only works w/money! TO UNDERSTAND JIM you must read between the lines. HUCK & TOM= REALISM vs ROMANTICISM book written at the end of the Romantic period (look at your timeline) Romantic= imagination, individualism, creativity; Tom is optimistic and idealistic and BUT he tends to follow the rules and “do the right thing” according to Huck Realism= practical decisions and trouble imagining gang events with TOM but HUCK does like adventure so he does have some romantic qualities HUCK’s Internal conflict Society vs. Individual morals Miss Watson tries to teach Huck about Moses but Huck “takes no stock in dead people,” and looks to the future proving that he acts by his own opinions rather than society’s. Huck’s first RESOLUTION: decides to stop praying b/c he didn’t get what he wanted. Decides that helping others doesn’t help you any and there is no reason to do it. PAP: Symbol of EVIL and CORRUPTION Greedy Child abuser Racist—he kidnaps his own son! Just because he wants the $6,000 (that’s love for ya) Beats Huck. Twain loved children and anyone who was not nice to children was ridiculed in his books. Racist Pap is angry about a black man going to school. So why would Pap act this way? He’s JEALOUS! Alcoholic Criminal Why does Huck need a Father Figure? Who can become the Father Figure? Jim as the Father Figure Historically: why is this a radical move on the part of Mark Twain? Biographically: what does this reveal to you about Mark Twain? Superstition Motif Who believes in superstitions? Pap Huck Jim What does this reveal to you about the historical time period? What does this reveal about Twain? Huck Finn The research project Topic Selection You will be writing a lit crit paper on The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Choose a school to align yourself with Decide on an argumentative question that is aligned with that school Begin researching as you read to develop the most effective paper Suggested schools Historical/Biographical—with this school you would research the author’s background and the historical context. Really consider the roles these things play to develop your argumentative question. Remember, it’s not a report on Mark Twain or the Civil War, or Slavery, but it evaluates the influences of these things on the text and the reader. Sources: MUST HAVE 5 Textbook (English, US History etc) Class notes (mine, US History etc) Novels Suggested School Moral/philosophical—with this school you would research the moral issues involved with Huck Finn. For example, you might focus on the censorship of Huck Finn, or the issues of race. Sources: Must have 5 Class notes (Mine, US History, etc) Novel Suggested Schools Archetypal—with this school you would research the symbolism and the patterns seen in the text and how it affects/enhances meaning Sources: Must have 5 Class Notes (Mine, Psychology etc) Jungian books Novel Suggested Schools Feminist—with this school you would research the female role in comparison to the male roles in the novel. Sources: Must have 5 Novel Class Notes (mine) Suggested Schools Marxist—with this school you would research the class system (slavery and race) and the role of the government (precivil war politics) Sources: Must have 5 Class notes (mine, US History, Civics etc) Textbook (mine, US History, Civics etc) Novel Suggested Schools Reader Response—with this school you would focus on your own reaction as well as the reaction of other readers and critics and what elicits that reaction, particularly the backgrounds of the audience in question Sources: Must have 5 Literature circle Notes (classmates/interviews) Novel Requirements Must be argumentative Must be 5-7 pages of WRITING (not including the works cited page) Must incorporate in-text citations Must be turned in to Choose your own due date—caveats to this etc. Questions? Write them on the note card. Tonight: start preliminary research and begin to focus in on a school of thought