Spinning® Kim Brandt, C.T. RLCC Rec. Bldg. Join a fun, energetic

Kim Brandt, C.T.
RLCC Rec. Bldg.
Join a fun, energetic class that will burn calories, increase your fitness, and improve your health.
Cycle your way through a 50 minute workout that will include climbs, sprints, intervals, and flats
set to upbeat music that will motivate you to the end of the ride. This class is great for people of
all fitness levels because you determine the intensity level. Bring water and a towel.
6-6:50 pm
Stretch & Tone
Ayn Wieskamp
Enjoy floor exercises to improve body tone, flexibility and attitude. Leg and arm weights may be
used to increase workout. ON-GOING CLASSES. Sign up at class. Class starts 5/25.
Times attending per week
MWF 8:30-9:30 am May
Livermore Martial Arts Academy
Livermore Martial Arts Academy
4070 East Ave
• Martial Arts for Self Defense, 13 yrs.+
Our teen and adult program is comprised of a traditional blended Martial Arts curriculum taught
from a variety of disciplines including Karate, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, and Muay Thai kickboxing. Our
classes are well rounded including standing and ground techniques for self-defense, including a
fitness and conditioning emphasis.
6:45-7:30 pm 5/7-5/28
• Fitness Kickboxing
Get ready to shed pounds and inches. Want to get in shape and have fun doing it? This 45
minute class begins with a quick warm-up and launches into a calorie burning party that is sure
to lower stress, lose weight and have an all-around good time. Experience an ultimate body
workout, kicking and punching your way to a stronger more self-confident you. This workout
involves kicking and punching bags so gloves are required which may be purchased at LMAA.
8-8:45 am
Shinkendo, Traditional Japanese Swordsmanship, 13 yrs.+
Aikido of Livermore/Shinrei Dojo
3985 First St. Suite C
Shinkendo teaches authentic Japanese swordsmanship and is a comprehensive study of the
sword once practiced by the Samurai in ancient Japan. Toshishiro Obata Sensei studied
extensively with some of Japan’s best know sword teachers and created this modern Budo
based upon his experience; knowledge and historical research. This monthly class will cover
training in sword etiquette, basics sword swinging drills, and combative sword drawing forms. 4
classes each session.
7-8:30 pm
Aikido Beginners Course, 13 yrs.+
Aikido of Livermore/Shinrei Dojo
3985 First St. Suite C
Aikido is a non-violent, Japanese martial art that teaches us to blend with the power of an
attack, neutralize it and bring the attacker under control without inflicting serious injury. Aikido
principles foster positive ways to deal with conflict and give us an alternative to our natural
response of power verses power. Training promotes proper posture, good balance and
centering as well as improved physical coordination. Safe rolling and falling skills will also be
covered. 4 classes each session.
7-8:30 pm
Tai Chi Chuan
Geoff Lee & Jeff King RLCC
Tai Chi is a high-level internal martial art that blends positive and negative, light and dark, active
and quiet, yin and yang. Training is slow and relaxed, useful for health meditation and internal
breathing. This style has 108 movements; suitable for students of all ages. This class is physical
in nature. Wear comfortable clothes and shoes. No class 11/22, 12/27.
• Beginning Movements/Concepts
Beginners are taught the first 18 of the 108 movement forms.
7:15-8:30 pm 4/18-7/11
• Intermediate/Advanced Movements/Concepts
Intermediate students will work on learning all 108 movements, as well as learning the concepts
that transform movements into a flowing dance of soft energy. Advanced students may explore
the connections to Qi Gong, Kung Fu, work, relationships & other aspects of life. Prerequisite
6:30-7:45 pm 4/18-7/11
Cyclone Martial Arts
Cyclone Staff 4555 Las Positas Rd. Unit E
• Wrestling, 5 yrs.+
Wrestling is one of the oldest forms of hand to hand combat, it involves the use of body
positioning, throws and holds to defend against an opponent. Wrestlers are known for their
conditioning, power and strength. Price is for 1 day each week.
M/W/F 4-5 pm $69/month
• Boxing, 14 yrs.+
You will learn punching techniques and drills (sparing is optional). This class will focus in the use
of striking techniques on bags and pads. Boxing is also a very good cardiovascular exercise; great
for the heart and weight loss.
6:30-7:30 pm $69/month
7:30-8:30 pm $69/month
10-11 am
Computer Classes
Lynn Pesonen RLCC
Lynn Pesonen has been teaching in the Bay Area since 1996 helping thousands to learn valuable
computer skills to be used at work and/or at home by offering quality training. Bring your own
laptop if you’d prefer otherwise laptops will be provided with two persons per computer.
• Hands-on Microsoft Excel-Next Step
Have you been using Excel to its potential? Become proficient and improve the way you use
powerful tools to analyze and communicate your data. You’ll discover how to quickly and
efficiently create graphs, wrap text, merge and center cells, freeze columns and rows, plus
more. The instructor will hand out a take-home class manual. 1 class.
6:30-8:30 pm 4/30 $63
• Hands-on Microsoft Powerpoint & Publisher
Learn to create and present appealing slide shows with PowerPoint by using bulleted lists,
photos and applying animation. You’ll also learn how to use Publisher by modifying designs and
content to create impressive flyers, newsletters, etc. The instructor, Lynn Pesonen will hand out
a take-home class manual. Bring your own laptop if you’d prefer otherwise laptops will be
provided with two persons per computer. 2 classes.
6:30-8:30 pm 5/7-5/14
Folk Guitar, 15 yrs+ Ray Baird
• Beginners & Adv. Beg.
This class is for those interested in learning to play the guitar for fun. It will cover basic guitar
chords, simple strums, easy picking patterns and a little bit of music theory. Class pace will be
adjusted to accommodate the skill variance of the students. 5 classes.
5:30-6:25 pm 5/1-5/29
• Intermediate
This class is designed to introduce new guitar techniques to those who have mastered the
basics. You will learn different ways to make your guitar sing. You will learn a variety of new
songs, musical styles and some basic music theory. Sessions build on previous session but not
necessarily requiring that background. 5 classes.
4:30-5:25 pm 5/1-5/29
Chinese Brush Painting and Calligraphy
Feng Chen
Learn ancient art and elegant styles of art from artist Feng Chen. Students will learn how to
make animals come alive with their own delicate and beautiful works of art. Students will be
taught brush strokes, shading of ink, color, textures and composition. Subject matter will include
flowers, animals and landscapes. 7 classes.
7-8:30 pm
Are Flying Lessons for You? 15 yrs.+ Red Sky Aviation
333 W. Jack London, Hangar 135
Considered flying lessons and aren’t sure what’s involved or if they are right for you? This foursession course will explore the process of earning a Private Pilot’s License. Four classroom
sessions include presentations on principles of flight and an introduction to general aviation
aircraft. Course concludes with an introductory flight/lesson. Experienced pilots and instructors
will share information about their flying lessons, requirements to complete the course of
6:30-7:45 pm 5/1-5/15 (plus individual flight) $212
CPR & AED, 13 yrs.+ American Safety Academy Staff
In our CPR and AED for the Lay Rescuer course we will teach you how to provide CPR for adult,
children and infants, as well as how to use an automated external defibrillator (AED). Come
learn emergency response in a low stress, hands on environment. Be prepared when a loved
one or co-worker needs you! 2 Year certification issued upon completion of class. 1 class.
9:30 am-12:30 pm
5/18 $69
Pediatric CPR, AED & First Aid, 13 yrs.+
American Safety Academy Staff
Unintentional injury is the leading cause of death in the United States for children from 1 to 9
years of age. 33 children die each day in the U.S. from traumatic injuries, and more than nine
million children are seen in the ER for injuries each year. According to the American Academy of
Pediatrics, pediatric first aid is the immediate care given to a suddenly ill or injured child until
the responsibility can be taken over by a medical professional, parent, or legal guardian. This
class is a low stress hands on two year certification. The CPR/AED portion covers infant, children
and adults. 1 class.
9:30 am-2 pm 4/27 $89
Quick Gourmet Appetizers, 14 yrs.+ Living Gourmet
Appetizers make a meal special, impress that drop in company, or added with a bowl of soup
make a great lunch. Don’t let the idea of a special appetizer scare you, with a few quick tricks
and use of some pre-prepared products you can create an unending supply of great appetizers
we will make 3 in class and you will leave with ideas for many variations. We will work with puff
pastry and filo dough. 1 class.
9:30-11:30 am 4/27