Full Review

REVIEW CHAPTERS 1 through 15
Finals on Thursday 6:00 Pm-7:25 Pm
Room T-109: Dec 19th 2011
40 multiple choice questions
Good Luck and Happy Holidays!!
Chapter 1 Concept of Experiment Hypothesis and Theory (5% )
Physical change? Chemical change?
Pure substance? Mixture?
Chapter 2 ( 12.5% = Approx 5 questions)-Do your % math!!
Significant figure –how many in 0.0050 ?
Scientific notation in form of exponent of 10
Conversion eg. cm-> meter->kilometer, liters-> ml etc., ºF to ºC
Density calculations-check ice cube lab calculations, density lab
2.6 The Basic Units of Measurement (memorize power of 10 table)
A. English, metric, SI
B. SI Units (Mass – kg; Length – m; Time – sec, volume L)
C. Prefix Multipliers
milli (m) 0.001
centi (c) 0.01
kilo (k) 1000
Mega (M) 1,000,000
F - 32
C 
1.8  C  32  F
K  C  273
Density (D= Mass/Volume)
Mass #
At. #
Chapter 3 (7.5%)
Symbols for elements (from periodic table)
No. protons, no. neutrons, no. electrons, charge problem
• Atomic Number = Number of protons
• Mass Number = # of Protons + # of neutrons
• Isotopes, writing in the 14C convention
•Average atomic mass calculation
Chapter 4,9,10 (7.5%)
electronic configuration of atoms and ions
valence electrons
orbital, how many electrons can sub-shells have? S-2, p-6, d? etc.
Chapter 5 and 6,11 (25%)- 10 Questions!
How many atoms in some chemical formula Al (NO3)3 Ans:13
Correct formulas for chemicals, polyatomic ions- 4 questions
Names of compounds molecular and ionic compounds
Correct Lewis structure
Molecular geometry –important-2 questions!
Type of bonding? Ionic, Polar covalent, non polar covalent etc.
Polar- non polar??,
Chapter 7 (5%)
Types of reaction? Displacement, dissociation etc
Balancing equation- write the coefficients?
Chapter 8,9 –(15%)- 6 questions!
How many moles, number of atoms/molecules ?
Empirical formula- easy one
Molecular formulas- Ratio
Calculations in chemical reaction how much reactant will
produce how much product, moles to moles, grams to grams
etc (3 questions)- STOICHIOMETRY
Chapter 13 (5%)
Polar dissolves polar and non polar dissolves non polar
Intermolecular forces are strong will result in high boiling point
H-bonding INTER molecular bond between H and O or F or N
Electrolytes and metallic bonding; London dispersion forces,
dipole-dipole forces
Chapter 12 – Gases –(5%)
Boyle’s law relation of P and V
Charles law relation of V and T
Avogadro's law relation of V and N
combined gas law PV=nRT relationship
• P ∞T, P ∞n (pressure is directly proportional to T, and n)
•P ∞1/V (pressure is inversely proportional to V)
Chapter 14 (5%)
Mass percentage
Molarity = moles /Litres solution
Molarity and number of moles in solution
Titration: MaVa = MbVb; Dilution
Chapter 15 (10%)
Weak and strong electrolytes (refer to lab): NEED IONS!!
Acids produce H+and Bases produce OH-concepts
pH<7 : Acid; pH>7 bases, pH=7 neutral; Strong acid or strong base
Buffers: Maintain pH
• 6.023x1023 ATOMS = 1 mole OF ATOMS
weighs At. Mass in g
• 6.023x1023 MOLECULES = 1 mole OF MOLECULES
weighs Molar mass in g
• Suppose the molecule has formula A2B
• 1 mole of A2B consists of 6.023x1023 MOLECULES of A2B
• 2 X 6.023x1023 ATOMS of A
weighs 2 X At. Mass of A in g
• 1 X 6.023x1023 ATOMS of B
weighs 1 X At. Mass of B in g
Important Formulas to memorize
Chapter 2 – Density, temperature conversion, powers of 10
Chapter 3,4 – At .#, mass#, protons, neutrons, e-, isotopes, ions
Chapter 9,10 – Valence electrons, electron config.
Chapter 5,6 – Formulas of compounds, Lewis structure rules
Chapter 11 – VSEPR shapes of molecules, polarity, dipole
Chapter 7 – Balancing chemical equations, Single-double displacement
Chapter 8 – Moles? Avogadro number? Molar mass, Stoichiometry Start
from balanced equation, moles of A to moles of B? grams of A to grams
of B? etc
Chapter 13 –, Concept of inter-molecular bonding, H-bond
Chapter 12 – Gas laws, relation of P vs V, T & n Temp in Kelvin!!
Chapter 14 – Molarity = moles/L of solution,
Titrations 1:1 MaVa = MbVb
% composition = mass solute x 100%
mass solution
• Chapter 15 – pH = -log([H+]), [OH-] = Kw/[H+], pH calculations
Titrations naMaVa = nbMbVb;