CHAPTER 10 Democratic Politics, Religious Revival

CHAPTER 10: Democratic Politics, Religious Revival, and Reform, 1824–1840
Chapter Outline: The evidence of history (Complete an outline of the chapter using an
outline style of your choice. This outline must be hand-written by you. You may put this
outline in any format you want. Your outline should be 4-6 pages, (no more than 6) plus 1
paragraph of 4-5 sentences for each of the short essay questions. You may not get assistance
from another student on this outline.) You should know how the following terms, people,
groups, issues, and events relate to this period of American History.
Introduction: Read the introduction on p. 277-278
Dorothea Dix
The Rise of Democratic Politics, 1824-1832 (p. 278-284)
Andrew Jackson
Martin van Buren
democratic ferment
“common people”
Election of 1824
Henry Clay
“corrupt bargain”
John Quincy Adams
“rotation in office”
“spoils system”
Indian Removal Act
John C. Calhoun
South Carolina Exposition and Protest
nullification crisis
second Bank of the United States
Nicholas Biddle
states’ rights Unionist
The Bank Controversy and the Second Party System (p. 284-291)
The War on the Bank
paper money “pet banks”
Specie Circular
Whig Party
William Morgan
King Andrew I
Election of 1836
Panic of 1837
Independent Treasury Act
Election of 1840
William Henry Harrison
“Tippecanoe and Tyler too”
log cabin and hard cider
The Rise of Popular Religion (p. 291-296)
Democracy in America
Second Great Awakening
camp meetings
eastern revivals
“Burned-Over District”
Charles G. Finney
“evangelical” Protestantism
Joseph Smith
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints/Mormons
Mother Ann Lee
The Age of Reform (p. 296-305)
war on liquor
American Temperance Society
public school reform
Horace Mann
McGuffey readers
Catherine Beecher
American Colonization Society
William Lloyd Garrison
The Liberator
American Antislavery Society
William Wells Brown
Harriet Tubman
Elijah P. Lovejoy
Angelina and Sarah Grimké
Lucretia Mott
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Seneca Falls Convention
Dorothea Dix
Eastern State Penitentiary
utopian communities
Charles Fourier
Robert Owen New Harmony
Brook Farm
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Nathaniel Hawthorne
Oneida Community
Short Essays. Answer these questions with one paragraph of 4-5 sentences for each
sentence. Always use complete sentences.
1. How did the democratization of American politics contribute to the rise of Andrew Jackson?
2. How did Jackson’s policies and the Panic of 1837 help launch and solidify the Whig Party?
3. In what ways did the reform movements aim primarily at making Americans more free or
more orderly?