Wisconsin Document Depository Program Update Gov Info Day 2015 May 29, 2015 UW-Madison, Memorial Library Collaborative Partners Wisconsin Historical Society - Eileen Snyder Legislative Reference Bureau - Keely Merchant Wisconsin State Law Library – Jaime Healy-Plotkin UW-Madison - Denis Brunke WI Dept. of Transportation - Wendy Brand RL&LL - Mary Hutnik and Abby Swanton Depository Libraries Thank you for your ongoing support! Print Statistics Print distribution 2012 - 434 2013 - 450 (This total includes LFB Informational Papers) 2014 - 417 2015 - 254 (As of April) Fewer high quality ◦ Encouraging state agencies not to distribute photocopies or documents we can digitally archive Lower distributions ◦ Legislative Service Agency documents reduced to LTD distribution in 2015 so even fewer full distribution docs in 2015 ◦ Most print documents get distributed to regional and state depository libraries ◦ More combined distributions (i.e. May/June print) Electronic Statistics Electronic distribution 1049 new items added to WIDAG in 2014 Currently 7485+ docs in the collection Greater ability to add content with new staff in place ◦ More serials updates and better overall management Legislative Service Agency Distribution Changes ◦ Legislative Service Agencies print now limited distribution ◦ LRB Digital Collections Same technology as WIDAG Electronic access through LRB Digital Collections All Legislative Service Agency docs to be moved from WIDAG to LRB Persistent URL so it won’t matter, URL won’t change WDDP still “distributes” leg documents Distribution Trends Are State Agencies publishing less government information? ◦ What is distributed through the WDDP not always a true indicator ◦ More information than ever but more difficult to get Formats Web designs ◦ Collaboration is key for using the right technology to capture content OCLC Web Harvester WHS Archive-IT Working directly with state agencies Prevailing Wage reports ◦ Managing content we can’t archive Cataloging state agency data warehouses and databases WISEdash WORKnet WHS vital statistics and health statistics Usage 2013 pretty consistent usage ◦ About 2000-2500 items a month viewed ◦ 30,010 items viewed for the year 2014 showing steady increase ◦ Jan. 4035 items viewed ◦ Apr. 7678 items viewed ◦ May 7599 items viewed ◦ 69,393 items viewed for the year 130% increase! Access Library websites (digital collections pages) Direct from a link in an OPAC BadgerLink #1 Google searches 44%! Outreach and Promotion Increases Use WI Libraries for Everyone blog Twitter State agencies linking from webpages BadgerLink webpage Cross-promotion of programs at RL&LL 2014 Collection Projects DONE! Legislative Fiscal Bureau Informational Papers Office of the Commissioner of Insurance Office of Justice Assistance Dept. of Revenue Dept. of Transportation Wisconsin Hospital Association 2015 Collection Projects Serials Updates ◦ Retro and current Dependent on what state agencies have posted Content ebbs and tides ◦ Filling in gaps Wayback Machine Redesign WIDAG homepage Access to Gov Info DPI is working with Google to claim and provide full-text access to documents in Google Books that have limited or snippet view.