

Packaged Instructions for Life

 Chromosomes are packages of DNA wrapped with help of proteins called histones

 Composed of two identical sister chromatids attached at centromere

 Chromosome levels organization:

 dsDNA


Coiled solenoid/nucleosome


Supercoiled (condensed) chromatin


 Each sister chromatid contains thousands of identical genes in the same locations on each

 Gene: segment of DNA that codes for specific proteins

 Ex: brown hair, green eyes, etc

Gene A

Gene B

Gene C

Gene D

Gene E

 Each human somatic or body cell contains two copies of each chromosome

 23 sets of chromosomes x 2 = 46 total (other species differ in numbers)

 Combination of all 23 is TOTAL DNA genome (3 billion base pairs)

One set (23


) contains sex chromosomes X and/or Y

 Females have XX

 Males have XY (Y is just shorter)

Females: XX

Males: XY

 Two sets of chromosomes is termed diploid

(somatic cells)

 One set of chromosomes is termed haploid


 Necessary since combination of chromosomes from egg & sperm must be diploid to produce viable (able to live) offspring

 Fertilized egg = zygote haploid diploid

 Diploids have same gene (eye color) but may have different variations (brown vs. blue eyes)

 called homologous chromatids (similar info)

 One from mother, one from father gene for eye color (mom’s brown eyes) dad’s blue eyes


All body cells

2 sets of chromosomes

Only eggs or sperm

1 set of chromosomes

46 chromosomes (1-23 twice) 23 chromosomes (1-23)

Diploid Haploid

Homologous pairs No pairs

 Map of all 23 sets of chromosomes from a body/somatic cell is called a karyotype

 Numbered from 1 – 23 based on length, location of centromere, and banding pattern

 #1-22 are called autosomes, #23 are sex chromosomes

Typical Karyotype w/ 23 Chromosome Pairs



 Karyotypes are usually only completed for cases where there might be a chromosomal abnormality

 Monosomy (missing homolog)

 Trisomy (Extra homolog)

 Incorrect sex chromosome numbers

Quiz Friday 1/16/15

20 multiple choice
