
Essay 1- Narrative and Process Analysis (5% or 50 points)
You will write a 3.5 - 4 page narrative that explores your experience of applying to and enrolling at AUBG and that
creates a dominant impression of a single event and its significance. This narrative must incorporate elements of an
informative process analysis (guiding the reader toward an understanding of the process, not directions for
performance). You must, therefore, move beyond the mere “what” of the experience (“first I…then I…next I…”) to
answer the “how” and “why.”
Due Date
This essay is due at the beginning of class on Monday, 23 September 2013.
Upon the completion of this assignment, you should demonstrate the ability to:
craft a clear narrative in which the topic is clearly defined, focused, and supported
choose an organizational pattern (chronological, spatial, or emphatic) that supports the intended
goal of the writer
craft an introductory paragraph containing a hook and narrowing to a clear purpose
craft a conclusion that does not merely repeat the content and purpose of the essay but instead
answers the “so what” question
convey the significance of the event being narrated while achieving a clearly defined rhetorical goal
(i.e., a clear emphasis on teaching, moving, or persuading)
utilize tone, organization, and detail to address a clearly defined, academic audience
evidence paragraphing skills, including topic sentences, unity, and transitions
create vivid, detailed scenes using active voice, strong verbs, and dialogue when appropriate
create clear, well-edited writing that is free of proofreading errors and errors of grammar,
mechanics, and syntax
Essay must be a minimum of 3.5 pages long
Essay must follow MLA format, including but limited to:
o Times New Roman size 12 font
o 1” margins top, bottom, and sides
o Plain double-spacing
o Last name and page number in the top right corner of each page
o Student name, professor name, course name/number, and date in top left corner of first page
o Unique, applicable title centered on fifth line, with only a single return before start of full text
Essay must be submitted to Turnitin.com by the beginning of class on the due date; essay must also
be submitted in hardcopy to the professor on the same date and time
See syllabus for additional submission requirements