How Do I Fit? Bible Study Week Five

How do I fit?
WEEK #5 ... The Gift of Giving
What is the most special gift you’ve ever given someone?
Romans 12:8b, 13
… if it is giving, then give generously; (13)Share with the Lord’s people who are in
need. Practice hospitality …
Of all the motivational gifts, the gift of giving is the one least likely to be identified by the one who has it. The
giver shares several traits of the server, can be a leader or a follower, and, like the prophet and teacher, has a
love for the Word of God. But when it comes to the use of resources, the giver is unique. A person with the gift
of giving contributes his/her time, talents, and treasures to the Lord with liberality and cheerfulness. People with
the gift of giving are a blessing to the church and others and are generally viewed as being generous,
resourceful, and charitable. However, they may cause struggles for others by pressuring them to give.
Understanding this gift is useful to those who have the gift and to those who live with or love someone who
1) Read Acts 20:35 – “In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the
weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus Himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’”
This passage states that giving is important to care for those in need. However, there is a bigger point
being made here; that it is better to give than to receive. How would you respond to that statement? Do
you agree or disagree and why? What is the value in giving being alluded to here, and why is it better to
give than to receive? What then is the value in giving?
2) Look at Mark 12:41-44 – This familiar passage describes the widow who places her small offering in
the temple treasury. What we see here is that how you give is even more important than how much you
give. The widow gave sacrificially. Why is sacrificial giving of such importance? What does it convey
about her faith and her trust in God? What is the relationship between giving and worshipping God?
3) The characteristics of a giver include the following as seen in Matthew’s life:
 Able to see resources and discern wise investments
 Invests self with the gift (2 Corinthians 8:5)
 Desires to give high quality
 Hopes gift is an answer to prayer
 Desires to give secretly (Matthew 6:1-4)
 Exercises personal thriftiness
 Desires to use giving to encourage others to give
 Confirms amount to give through consulting with another
 Understands the destructiveness of the love of money
Choose a couple of the characteristics above that seem interesting, look at the related passage(s), if
applicable, and describe how you have witnessed these characteristics in action in your life or in others.
Describe the value the characteristic offers or reasons why the characteristic caused a struggle.
4) Read Philippians 4:15-19 – Which of the above characteristics do you see in the passage? What other
characteristics not noted above can you see in the passage? Explain.
5) Romans 12:13 describes two guidelines that must be applied to the gift of giving. What are those
guidelines and why is each of them important for those with the gift of giving?
6) There are several ways that the gift of giving can be misused by an individual in ministry or in their
daily relationships. Some of these ways are illustrated in the life of Matthew and include:
 Hoarding resources for oneself
 Using gifts to control people
 Tends to pressure others to give
 May feel guilty about personal assets
 Rejects appeals for funds to look for hidden needs and may miss God
 Giving too sparingly to family
 Causing people to look to them instead of God
 May wait too long to give and miss perfect opportunity to give
 May try to control how contributions are used
Have you struggled with any of the misuses above or been a “victim” of misuses? Explain to the extent
that you are comfortable.
Thinking relationally, how could the misuse of the gift of giving harm people and relationships?
Work through each of the misuses and describe ways that an individual with the gift of giving can help
to guard themselves and others from struggles associated with misuse.
Rate your answer on a scale of 0 to 5, with 0=Never and 5=Always.
Add up your score and place the total on the last line.
__You are very frugal and wise with money for yourself and your family.
__You give freely of money, possessions, time, energy, and love.
__You want to feel a part of the ministries to which you contribute.
__You love to give without others knowing about it.
__You react negatively to pressure appeals for money.
__You are definitely not gullible.
__You want the ministries you support to be as effective as possible.
__You enjoy giving to needs that others tend to overlook.
__You enjoy knowing that your gifts were specific answers to prayer.
__You desire to give gifts of high quality.
Your spiritual gift may seem immediately apparent to you, especially when you look at the misuses of the gift. However,
you’ll want to reserve final judgment until you have had the opportunity to study all the gifts and can more clearly
determine which gift you do have.
If your motivational gift is giving:
1. How does a fresh look at your gift help release you to function in your gift?
2. What safeguards do you need to put in place to avoid misuses of your gift?
3. What are ways that you can use your gift inside and outside the church?
If your motivational gift is not giving:
1. How can your understanding help you better relate to individuals in your life who have the gift of
2. How can your understanding help you better appreciate the value of giving in the church?