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Holiday Gift Ideas
without all that
Memberships are a wonderful gift to give to a child or family.
Whether it's to a zoo, museum, or indoor play space, a membership
means that your child's favorite place can also become a place he
gets to go to frequently. (See Savvy Source Places page for local
Tickets to special events make thrilling gifts. Sporting events, a
musical, circus, children's theater or ballet are very special occasions,
even more so if it's a one-on-one outing, or, alternatively, if you offer
to take your child with a friend. (There are lots of local possibilities in
Savvy Source Events listings.)
Another concept is to give a child a private lesson (or lesson with
one or two friends) in something they are passionate about. Skating,
trapeze, pottery, magic tricks... for inspiration, follow your child's
If you want to stay with something "homemade" and inexpensive,
there are other fun options. Using your child’s art as a gift, framing it
in a gently used frame. Creating a collage or calendar from family
photos, making cookies, or creating a hand made ornament. You can
give "coupon" for a doll hair styling appointment or a non-toxic
pedicure at Mom's beauty salon. A themed sleepover for a few
friends is another special treat.
We always love to give children stories, but their bookshelves can
quickly get overfull. A good alternative is a subscription to the
wonderful online library of picture books, One More Story. And for
older kids, a gift certificate to offers access to an
amazing selection of digital audiobooks.
Giving a gift to a charity in your child's name may be challenging to
explain, but still gratifying. Heifer International, which gives farm
animals to impoverished families worldwide, is a good choice for
young animal lovers. Donating to your local animal shelter is another
appealing idea, especially if you can take your child to visit the
animals that her gift will help. There also lots of non-profits like
CoolMom that are doing environmental/climate change work.