GCSE World Religions advice to students and parents

Religious Studies – World Religions
Priorities for students:
The main skills required in OCR GCSE Religious Studies are
Defining Key terms and concepts
Identifying key features from a religion
Evaluating reasons for religious/non-religious viewpoints
Students have been working on this GCSE course since the beginning of Y10 and have been practicing
these skills by completing past exam questions throughout the course. They will continue to practice
exam questions through their class and homework and through their end of unit assessments.
Students have been studying and evaluating the beliefs and practices of Judaism and Islam.
Topics on the May exams
Judaism/Islam 1
Core Beliefs
Special Days and Pilgrimage
Division and Interpretations
Judaism/Islam 2
Places and Forms of Worship
Sacred Texts
Religion and Community Life
Students learn about and evaluate the issues in each topic, before forming their own
opinions. The main focus is on how and why people of different faith backgrounds behave
and interact with each other the way that they do.
Revision Resources
 Revision materials on school website - basic revision materials are available on the
school website for mock exams and final exams.
 School produced revision guides (given out by class teacher this half term and available
on the website).
 RS Study Sessions after school on Wednesdays – a drop-in session for students to use
textbooks/laptops/teachers to get help with homework and revision.
 Revision sessions after school.
 School sharepoint site. All students have a log-in for this site and all of our lesson
resources/materials are available here for students to use in personal study.
 Past exam papers – available on the school sharepoint site, along with make schemes
and examiner reports, for students to download and practice at home.
How To Support Your Son/Daughter:
Please discuss all the above information with them.
Encourage students to complete their homework each week and to attend drop-in sessions if
they need help.
Help them to set up a revision timetable and support them in sticking to it.
If you have any questions about your child’s work in religious Studies and how you can support them,
please contact their World Religions teacher or the Curriculum Leader.
GCSE Religious Studies Staff:
G. Turner-Lindley (Curriculum Leader) – gemmaturnerlindley@allertongrange.com