OCR French Language - GCSE Controlled coursework assessments

OCR French Language - GCSE
Controlled coursework assessments
Your child will be learning how to write longer pieces of French. Two of these will be
prepared for oral assessment. As part of effective preparation, pupils are encouraged to
practise speaking as much as they can both in and out of the classroom. Pupils generally
find that practising at home informs them of pronunciation difficulties and pitfalls. They
can clarify these issues with class teachers after rehearsing their scripts at home.
General skills practice – reading, listening and learning vocabulary
The internet offers many learning platforms for GCSE French. The sites listed below
offer various opportunities for learning new language and general revision.
www.linguascope.com – ( Log-in details can be obtained from class teacher)
Vocabulary is stored under topic areas. Pupils will benefit from accessing materials from
both the ‘beginners’ and ‘intermediate’ sections.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/languages/french/ - The BBC languages site offers a range of
learning and revision options. It contains an excellent range of audio material to support
listening skills and links to ‘Bitesize’ which contains sample examination questions for
all skills.
GCSE revision guides for French offer excellent revision opportunities with topic-based
vocabulary, grammar tips and sample examination questions.
The CGP GCSE French revision guide offers an audio CD for listening practice (ISBN 978
1 84146 373 5).
Please contact J. Trotter - Learning Director for MFL with any queries
Tel: 01472 602000
Email: jtrotter@havelockacademy.co.uk