MATH 343

FALL 2011
Instructor: Dr. Jackie Hall
Office: Ruffner 334
e-mail: hallja
Office Telephone: 395-2184
Home Telephone: 392-7364
Office hours: By Appointment &
1 – 2:30 p.m.
1 – 2:30 p.m.
12:30 – 1:30 p.m.
Course Description: MATH 343. Linear Algebra. A basic study of vector spaces, linear transformations, and
their relationships to matrix algebra. Also included are determinants, isomorphism theorems, linear functions, and
linear programming. Prerequisite: MATH 261 or MATH 267. 4 credits. Offered every fall.
Course Materials:
Text: Larson & Falvo, Elementary Linear Algebra, 6th edition. Houghton Mifflin, 2009.
ISBN 978-0-618-78376-2.
On-Line Component: Web Assign (purchase online)
Your enrollment code is longwood 6292 2858.
Calculator: You will need a graphing calculator. I highly recommend the
TI-83+ or better.
Mathematica: Mathematica is a computer algebra system (CAS) which is available in the
computer lab in Ruffner G56.
Class Schedule:
The class will meet in R352:
3:15 – 5 p.m.
Important Dates:
There will be a quiz almost every Wednesday.
Dates for the three tests and final exam are:
Test 1
Test 2
Test 3
Monday, September 19
Monday, October 17
Wednesday, November 16
Final Exam
Thursday, December 8, 3 – 5:30 p.m
We will cover chapters 1 – 7 and 9 of the text, usually about 3 sections per week.
Course Requirements and Grading:
There will be weekly quizzes, three tests, and a cumulative final exam. Grades will be
apportioned as follows:
Final Exam
Class Participation
The final grade of A/B/C/D/F will be assigned by the usual 100-90-80-70-60-0 categories.
TESTS: Record the dates for tests in your calendars. If you miss a test and your absence is unexcused, your test
grade will be 0. If you think your absence should be excused, Contact me before the test to schedule a makeup.
You may replace your lowest test grade with your WebAssign homework average.
HOMEWORK: Homework will be assigned daily and discussed/presented in class the next class day. Usually I
will not collect homework, but you are responsible for doing it. The quizzes and tests will have questions similar to
the homework problems. Obviously the way to do well on quizzes and tests is to learn through the homework.
Mathematics, like many subjects, benefits from diligence and perseverance! I encourage you to work together on
homework, but be sure you can do the problems for yourself. Mathematics is NOT a spectator sport.
QUIZZES: Short quizzes will be given most Wednesdays. The lowest quiz grade will be dropped. There will be
no make-up quizzes. If you miss a quiz you may count it as your dropped score. If you must miss more one quiz
for excused absences, talk to me about them. These quizzes are really miniature tests; they have the same type of
question but on a smaller scale. BE PREPARED!
MCPs: Mathematical Cultural Points. Earn 7 points to receive the full 3% for this. You may earn points by
attending colloquia or math club meetings, reading articles, or presenting talks or posters at meetings. The details
are posted on BB under Syllabus.
Class Participation includes attendance and punctual arrival at and preparation for class as well as your contributions
in class. If you miss class and the absence is excused, please send me an email so I know not to count the absence.
The subject line of your email should be something like “missed Linear Algebra on 9/12”. Please indicate both
the date and class subject.
Honor Code: The Honor Code applies to all individual graded work. If you are in my class I assume the honor
code applies to all of your work whether or not you have actually written and signed the code.
Disability Statement: Any student who feels the need for an accommodation based on the impact of a physical,
psychological, medical, or learning disability should contact Maggie K. Butler, Director, Office of Disability
Resources. If you have not already done so, please contact the Office for Disability Resources (103 Graham
Building, 395-4935) to register for services.