10-2012 SU Agenda PowerPoint - Girl Scouts of Colorado Blog

Service Unit Meeting
October 2012
Featured Resource of the
Troop Management Basics for Colorado:
• Get detailed instructions on updating meeting info,
• Print a roster,
• Email troop members,
• Add a new adult/girl directly into the troop,
• Print Membership Cards,
• Add/edit/delete phone numbers and emails for your troop
The video covers the different functions of the tool in Colorado
available to all approved 01 leaders of the troop!
Registration Instructions:
These guides are designed to help new and renewing
members navigate our online membership registration system.
Register Online for 2012-2013 membership year:
Get ready for a great Girl Scout year and renew or join today!
Volunteer Have
now online:
Remember to register for the 2012-2013
• Review and understand your volunteer agreement online
year agreements
by September
be on- annually
• membership
Position description
Anyone who is not re-registered before this
date will have to manually re-enter their
You Heard?
Get The 2012 Volunteer Quick Start Guide (fall packet) and find
out quick tips of Program, Volunteer Training, GSCO properties,
Product Sales, Communication etc.!
GSCO is hosting “OPEN HOUSE” events at the Girl Scouts
Service Centers around the state.
Get a special 10% discount at our Retail Shop
• Pueblo
Oct. 1st 11-1pm, 5-7:00 p.m.
Welcome wishes, share your ideas and needs
• Grand Junction
Oct. 6th 10:00 to 2:00 p.m.
Showcasing Totable Program Kits
• Colorado Springs Nov. 3rd 10:00-2:00 p.m.
Join us for opening of our Time Capsule!
• Fort Collins
Oct. 27th 10:00-2:00 p.m.
Trick-or-Treat opportunity for kids & families
• Denver
Oct. 27th 10:00-1:30 p.m.
Trick-or-Treat opportunity for kids & families
Denver Women of Distinction Thin Mint Dinner
• Tuesday, October 23, 2012
5:30-7:00pm Cocktail Reception
7:00-8:30 pm Dinner & Program
Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel, 1550 Court Place, Denver
• Girl Scouts of Colorado honors top women leaders in our community as Girl Scout
Women of Distinction.
• http://www.girlscoutsofcolorado.org/donors/women-of-distinction
Upcoming Minipaloozas:
Did you miss the Fallapalooza-adult enrichment training event?
You can still join and register for our Minipalooza
October 13th
Northglenn October 20th at Northglenn Christian Church
2012/13 Volunteer Essentials + Addendum Updates:
Now available & on our website-Instructions for downloading to your e-reader are
included. Check it out: http://www.girlscoutsofcolorado.org/volunteers/publications
Troop Excellence Patch:
By completing the requirements for this patch leaders and girls can plan a wellrounded year of activities for their troop which will incorporate all three leadership
keys: Discover, Connect and Take Action. They will also use the Girl Scout
process, Girl Led, Learning by Doing and Cooperative Learning.
Your Feedback Matters: Your experience in Girl Scouting is very important to us.
If you have feedback, concerns, compliments, or suggestions, let us know through
this new website tool: www.girlscoutsofcolorado.org/feedback.
GSCO Communications: On the GSCO website, check out the new regional
webpages to find out more about what’s going on in your corner of the state.
Product Sale Important Notes:
Fall Sale Delivery Dates: 10/11-13 to the service units and then to the troops.
Money Problem due
10/24 Debit for Fall Sale October
• Questions about the status of magazine subscriptions can be referred to 1877-289-6247 or to www.Gaotrak.com
• Please complete your ACH forms NOW & enter the appropriate info on
the Nut E website for the Fall Sale.
Cookies: Identify your Troop Cookie Managers now!
• Cookie Training will begin in November. The Product Sale Staff need to know
who to invite to training.
• If you didn’t participate in the Fall Sale, complete the ACH form for the
Cookie Program and send it to your Product Sales Manager.
• Troops or Service Units wanting to do a Cookie Rally, contact their Product
Sale Manager by November 21 if they want to purchase cookies for samples
at the rally. They need to know how many girls are expected to order Rally
• “Save the Date” January 12, 2013 Little Brownie Baker is hosting a virtual
cookie rally national sleep over via the internet. Start your plans now for a
Service Unit event that day. More details to come.
The GS Cookie Program:
Through Girl Scouting, girls become leaders in their daily life
and prepare for their bright future!
The Girl Scout Cookie Program provides an important ingredient for
leadership by helping girls develop five key skills: Goal Setting, Decision
Making, Money Management, People Skills, and Business Ethics. Use one of
four program plans, Smart Cookies for Daisies, Brownies or Juniors and It’s
Your Business Run, It! (Find them here:
http://www.girlscoutsofcolorado.org/volunteers/cookies) to help girls take their
cookie sale to the next level!
GSCO is offering It’s Your Business, Run It! in Denver on November 7th and
14th, in Boulder on January 12th and in locations throughout the state next
summer. If you want to offer one of these programs as a service unit or a troop
and need some assistance or more information, please contact
Rendezvous Camp: It is a council-sponsored, two-night troop camping
opportunity with program and activities planned and presented by a group of
older Girl Scouts. This is an excellent opportunity for girls and adults to progress
overnight and camping skills toward longer trips. Go to our website and search:
Rendezvous to get more info! becky.saad@gscolorado.org.
Take the Challenge! Live Healthy, Lead Healthy
Calling all Brownies and Juniors- Step Up and take the Girl Scouts of Colorado’s
Live Healthy, Lead Healthy Challenge! If you’re up for the challenge:
• Complete the following activities (depending on your age level):
– Brownies WOW Wonders of Water Journey (including Take Action
Project) & My Best Self Badge Activity
– Junior Get Moving! Journey (including Take Action Project) & Staying Fit
Badge Activity
• Complete the Healthy Habits Journey supplements available on the GSUSA
website. http://girlscouts.org/program/journeys/booklets/
• Register on ZisBoomBah.com and complete activities and nutritional
challenges http://blog.zisboombah.com/girl-scouts
• All girls who take on the challenge will earn a fun participation patch!
Annual Program Book:
Get yours to help kick off your Girl Scout year!
The books will be available for free at Council shops, programs and Service
Unit meetings. Download the book
at: http://www.girlscoutsofcolorado.org/annual-program-guidebook
• Designed to help girls/troops plan activities and budget to attend programs
• Details about more than 100 programs statewide.
• Travel opportunities for 2013 and beyond.
• An exciting new media program and movie-make contest.
My World- 2012 Election Activity Guide: The November 2012 elections are
fast approaching, now is a great time to engage your troop or group in learning
more about government and citizenship. Girl Scouts of Colorado has put
together an activity guide to get Girl Scouts more involved in the elections while
also giving them the skill needed to encourage other members of their
community to become involved as well. Download your copy at:
GSCO and FIRST Lego League:
GSCO has been awarded funding for two teams of 10 girls
to participate in the FIRST Lego League Robotics Challenge.
We need both girl participants and adult volunteers to participate.
They will create a robotic solution to an issue or a problem facing senior
citizens and then present at a competition in late November. After the
competition, they will present their idea to the broader GSCO community in
the spring of 2013!
Link to the application: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/P9JKMLP
blog post that has more information:
GSCO Properties: Consider one of GSCO’s beautiful properties for your next
family reunion, party, organizational retreat or even a wedding! Whether you
like roughing it or prefer contemporary cabins with full kitchens or even meal
service, we have accommodations to fit your needs. See Properties on the
GSCO website.
Continuing Happenings
Alumnae ! Ready to re-connect?
Once a Girl Scout, always a Girl Scout.
Register at the Girl Scouts of the USA Alumnae
Association fantastic new website. You’ll find
opportunities to connect with other alumnae. Check it
out! Join the GSCO Alumnae group on Linked In and like
us on Facebook.
Include All Girls Patch Program: This patch program is
specifically designed for including all girls who have
special needs ranging from ADHD to Blindness. Check it
out at: http://www.girlscoutsofcolorado.org/inclusion
When girls succeed, so does society. Together, we can
get her there.
Get involved: ToGetHerThere.org
What does she want to be when she grows up?
Does she imagine she can become whatever she wants to
Is she growing up in an environment that supports her
It’s Your Business –
What areIt!
the 5 skills and why do they matter?
1. Goal Setting: Girls set cookie sales goals and with
their team, create a plan to reach them. This matters
because girls need to know how to set and reach goals
to succeed in school, on the job, and in life.
2. Decision Making: Girls decide where and when to sell
cookies, how to market their sale, and what to do
with their earnings. This matters because girls must
make many decisions, big and small, in their lives.
Learning this skill helps them make good ones.
3. Money Management: Girls develop a budget, take cookie
orders, and handle customers’ money. This matters
because girls need to know how to handle money – from
their lunch money to their allowance to (someday)
their paycheck.
4. People Skills: Girls learn how to talk and listen to
their customers as well as learning how to work as a
team with other girls. This matters because it helps
them do better in school and later, at work.
5. Business Ethics: Girls act honestly and responsibly
Program Summary
PROGRAM OVERVIEW: This financial literacy
program, facilitated in conjunction with
the Girl Scout cookie program, focuses on
goal setting, decision making, money
management, people skills, and business
Participants will:
• set sales goals
• create a budget
• craft a marketing message
• role play effective sales strategies
• prepare a risk management plan
• present their business plan to leaders
in their community