and TIA Management - Alberta Provincial Stroke Strategy

Project) and TIA
Shelagh Coutts BSc, MBChB, MD, FRCP(C)
March 13th, 2009
Telehealth Presentation
• What is a TIA and what isn’t?
• How can we differentiate high risk from
low risk TIAs? What are the data?
• How urgently should TIA patients receive
diagnosis, assessment, investigation and
• How to facilitate rapid assessment of
TIA? The ASPIRE Project and the TIA
Patient 1
• Jerome is a 85 year old male with HT,
CHF, hyperlipidemia.
• Complains of three spells in the previous
four days that have been referred as
• Spells involve loss of consciousness
• Are these TIAs?
Diagnosing ‘spells’
• Phenomenology: before, during, after the
• Was the event witnessed? What did
witnesses observe?
• What is the setting? (vascular risk
factors, elderly, young without risk
Patient 1
• Upon rising from seated to standing
patient develops a sense of dizziness
and unsteadiness and feels very lightheaded
• Then experiences blurring of the vision
starting peripherally and loses
Patient 1
• Upon rising from seated to standing
patient develops a sense of dizziness
and unsteadiness and feels very lightheaded
• Then experiences blurring of the vision
starting peripherally and loses
• Syncope
The Definition of
Stroke/ TIA
A clinical syndrome
characterized by the sudden
onset of a focal neurological
deficit presumed to be on a
vascular basis.
Conditions Misdiagnosed as TIA:
•Migraine aura
•Syncope, postural hypotension
•Transient Global Amnesia
•Unexplained fall
•Peripheral nerve palsy etc.
Focal versus non focal symptoms
• Localised cerebral ischemia
causes focal symptoms.
• Non focal symptoms such as
faintness , dizziness or
generalized weakness are
rarely due to focal cerebral
Focal neurological symptoms
Motor: weakness, clumsiness, ataxia*
– one side of body.
Speech/language: difficulty speaking
or expressing, slurred speech*.
Sensory symptoms: abnormal feeling.
Visual: monocular, binocular,
Vestibular: vertigo.*
*in isolation not usually stroke.
Non focal Neurological symptoms
•Generalized weakness and/or
sensory disturbance.
•Incontinence of urine or feces
Top 6 symptoms likely
to be a TIA-1
Sudden onset, lasting minutes to hours,
6. Vertigo only if present with brainstem
5. Hemibody numbness
4. Double vision, crossed numbness or
weakness, slurred speech, ataxia of gait
Top 6 symptoms likely
to be a TIA - 2
3. Speech disturbance for a defined period
of time (definite dysarthria, muteness or
marked word finding difficulty, paraphasic
2. Monocular or hemifield visual loss (not
blurring of entire visual field)
1. Hemibody weakness
Top 7 symptoms unlikely to
be a TIA
7. Postural dizziness alone
6. Tingling of all 4 extremities
5. Syncopal events
4. Momentary word finding trouble that is
not new
3. Positional and recurrent numbness of
one limb
2. Scintillating or flashing visual
Symptoms unlikely to
be a TIA - 2
1. Almost anything with hyperventilation or
chest pain (but make sure it isn’t cardiac!)
Why are these
patients important?
90 Day Prognosis after ED Dx of TIA
•180 / 1707 (10.5%) patients had stroke
– 91 occurred in first 2 days
– Age > 60, DM, Sx > 10 min, weakness, speech
•428 (25.1%) had some adverse event
– More than half occurred in first 4 days
Johnston SC, JAMA 2000;284:2901-2906
Independent Risk Factors for
Stroke Following TIA
• Independent risk factors for stroke following
suspected TIA include:
Age >= 60 years
Diabetes mellitus
Motor weakness
Speech impairment
Symptom duration > 10 minutes
Johnston et al. JAMA 2000;284:2901-6.
ABCD2 Score
Derived a 7 point score to stratify the
clinical risk of stroke after TIA:
•A: age > 60 years – 1 point
•B: BP (systolic>140mmHg, diastolic>90
mmHg). Either 1 point. (max 1 point)
•C: clinical – unilateral weakness =2,
speech only = 1,
•D: Duration, >60 minutes =2, 10-59 =1,
<10 =0.
•D: Diabetes mellitus =1
Johnston, SC, Lancet 2007;369:283-292.
ABCD2 Score
Predictive Value of the ABCD2 progostic score
Prognostic scores for screening:
caution advised
= recurrent stroke
Most events actually occur in
those of medium risk! So be
careful of too high a cutoff.
How urgently should high risk
TIA patients be assessed?
Does it make a difference?
Express Study
• Urgent triage and assessment of TIA should
be province wide
• Access to expertise should not be dependent
on geography.
• TIA Triaging algorithm created at Aug 2008
• Facilitate urgent access for high risk patients
using a TIA Hotline
• Backing of the APSS and the Educational
Strategy of the APSS
• Either ABCD2 >=4 OR Speech or motor symptoms
can identify high risk symptoms
• They have similar sensitivity (88-100%) and
specificity (31-52%) to identify high risk stroke
• ASPIRE Consensus group choose these cutoffs for
TIA Triaging within Alberta
Hotline process
• North - every TIA hotline call will result in
contact with a Telestroke Neurologist
• South - TIAs will be screened by
operator using risk algorithm;
• High or if referring physician requests it
still - Stroke Neurologist
• Low risk and if no specific request - fax
referral in to clinic
• The TIA Hotline and TIA Triaging
Strategy overlap with APSS Educational
Strategy as well as Pillar 1 - quality
• Data will be tracked by TIA Hotlines
(SARCC in the south and the CCL/UCL
in the north)
• Stroke Prevention Clinic referral forms
will be faxed to a central number to track
all TIAs that come to referral across the
ASPIRE Outcomes
• Rate of recurrent stroke determined by
presentations to emergency departments
and admissions to hospital will be
tracked using administrative data
• Two years ‘pre’ compared to two years
‘post’ implementation
• Is the TIA Hotline/Triaging strategy
effective? Is it worth the cost and effort?
• Ongoing feedback and refinement
TIA Hotline ‘go live’
• North including Red Deer (1-888-2824825)
• Goes live March 16, 2009
• South excluding Red Deer (1-800-6611700)
• Goes live March 16th, 2009