Economical Feasibility W

Economical Feasibility
Economic Feasibility means ,the project benefit of the proposed system outweigh .
The estimated cost usually considered the whole cost of ownership(TOC) Which
must includes :
1 - Ongoing support
2 - Maintenance cost
3-Acquisition cost
To determine TCO , the analyst must estimated cost in each following areas:
People, include IT staff and user, Hardware and equipment ,Sofware, house
development, purchase from vendors, Formal and informal training ,Licenses and
feeds ,Consulting expenses, Facility costs,Tangible benefits and intangible
benefits .
Iidentify the financial benefits and costs associated with a development project
Benefits (Return)
• Tangible or intangible
Costs (Investment)
• Tangible or intangible
Cost Analyses
• Tangible cost
– Cost associated with an information system that can be measured in dollars and
with certainty
• Intangible cost
– Cost associated with an information system that cannot be easily measured in
terms of dollars or with certainty
• Recurring cost
– Cost resulting from the ongoing evolution and use of a system
• One-Time cost
– Cost associated with project start-up and development or system start-up
Benefit Analysis
 Tangible benefits can be easily quantified.
 Measured in terms of monthly or annual savings, or of profit to organization
 Intangible benefits more difficult to quantify.
Tangible Benefits
Tangible benefit derived from the creation of an information system that can be
measured in dollars and with certainty.
Cost reduction and avoidance; error reduction; increased flexibility; increased
speed of activity; improvement of management planning and control; opening
new markets and increasing sales opportunities.
Fewer processing errors
Increased throughput
Decreased response time
Elimination of job steps
Increased sales
Reduced credit losses
Reduced expenses
Intangible Benefits
Intangible – benefit derived from the creation of an information system that
cannot be easily measured in dollars or with certainty.
Competitive necessity; increased organizational flexibility; increased
employee morale; promotion of organizational learning and understanding;
more timely information.
Improved customer goodwill
Improved employee morale
Better service to community
Better decision-making
Cost – Benefit Analyses
The use of a variety of analysis techniques for determining the financial
feasibility of a project
It uses financial analysis tools