Research Report for AP Literature and Composition

Name: ____________________________ Date: ___________________ Period: _________
Research Report for AP Literature and Composition
-- Statement of Topic in MLA format. Due Monday, April 21, 2014.
-- Source List (at least four) in MLA format. Due Wednesday, April 30, 2014.
-- Annotated Source List (at least four) in MLA format due Wednesday, May 7, 2014, on paper
AND to
-- Research report (at least five pages) using at least four scholarly sources in MLA format
due on Thursday, May 22, 2014, on paper AND to
The following two texts are available for your use in the media center and in the classroom:
Culler, Jonathan. Literary Theory: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press,
1997. Print.
Eagleton, Terry. Literary Theory: An Introduction. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press,
2008. Print.
You can also use scholarly research databases, such as and Do not use encyclopedias of any kind. Both databases are available
through the WHRHS Media Center.
The Task
Apply ONE of the following literary theories to a five-page discussion of TWO of the following
Choose one of these Literary Theories:
-- structuralism
-- deconstruction
-- feminist theory
-- psychoanalytic theory
-- marxism
-- post-colonialism
Apply one Literary Theory to TWO of these 19 poems:
1. Margaret Atwood -- "Siren Song"
2. W. H. Auden -- "If I could tell you"
3. Elizabeth Bishop -- "In the Waiting Room"
4. Elizabeth Bishop -- "One Art"
5. Eavan Boland -- "It's a Woman's World"
6. Billy Collins -- "The History Teacher"
7. Emily Dickinson -- "The last Night that She lived"
8. Emily Dickinson -- "We grow accustomed to the Dark"
9. Edward Field -- "Icarus"
10. Robert Frost -- "Acquainted with the Night"
11. Seamus Heaney -- "Blackberry-Picking"
12. John Keats -- "Bright Star"
13. Philip Larkin -- "Here"
14. Philip Larkin -- "Poetry Of Departures"
15. Robert Pack -- "An Echo Sonnet"
16. Sylvia Plath -- "Daddy"
17. Adrienne Rich -- "Storm Warnings"
18. Robert Penn Warren -- "Evening Hawk"
19. William B. Yeats -- "Leda and the Swan"
This task is three quiz scores and a test score in the 4th Marking
# # # 04/04/2014.