Heart Rate - Universal Companies

Do Now
1. Find your pulse
1. Calculate your heart rate for one minute and
write it down ( i.e. your BPM)
1. If you were not here yesterday you need to
ask a friend how to do this
Calculating your target heart rate
What is Target Heart Rate
The number of heartbeats per minute
reflecting the exercise intensity that
gains the maximum training benefits
from an aerobic workout
 We calculate our target heart rate to give
meaning to our exercise
 It allows one to monitor their workout
 Can increase or decrease intensity based
upon heart rate (fat-burning zone)
How to calculate…
1. Find your maximum heart rate
 220-your age=MHR
 Example:
 220-18=202  Maximum HR
Step #2
 Target Heart Rate = Maximum Heart Rate x Intensity
 Example = 202 x 60% = 121 BPM
 Example = 202 x 80% = 161 BPM
 This individual’s target heart rate zone is between 121
BPM and 161 BPM (60%-80%)
Target Heart Rate
You will be completing your target
heart rate worksheet for your final
grade for the 3rd quarter.
Due at the end of the period
Do Now 4/21/14
New DO NOW sheets up front
Write down one type of exercise you
did over break and the component of
health related fitness it fell under.
Welcome back agenda
Quick review of Rules and
Spring folder cleaning
Quarter 4 begins today! Start it the
correct way!
 Absolutely no CELL Phones (Seen or heard)
 Assign detention notify DEAN or climate after first and
only warning
 Arriving late will result in a detention
 Disruptive behavior including
eating in class
 1st offense – Name on board (Verbal)
 2nd offense - Check next to name (Verbal)
 3rd offense – Detention and a call home
Spring Cleaning
Empty every piece of paper out of your
folder that is written on except Chapter 6
Staple or paper clip the whole thing
together (place in back slot)
When you show me your old packet of
papers stapled or paper clipped I will give
you new paper
Target Heart Rate
Take out or turn your folder to the target heart
rate worksheet (we started to complete it
Thursday before break)
If you do not have one raise your hand!!
We are going over the answers today!!