Fitness Study Guide

Cardiovascular Fitness
Aerobic- meaning “with or in the presence of oxygen.” Aerobic exercise (cardiovascular
exercise) is performed at a low enough intensity to keep the individual from running out
of oxygen.
Heart rate- a term used to describe the frequency of the cardiac cycle; it is considered
one of the four vital signs; it is usually calculated as the number of contractions (heart
beats) of the heart in one minute and expressed as “beats per minute” (bpm); usually 60100 bpm in adults
Maximum heart rate- the highest number of time the heart can beat in one minute
Resting heart rate- the number of heartbeats in 60 seconds when you first awake; this is
taken before lifting your head or sitting up
Target heart rate (THR): a desired range of heart rate reached during aerobic exercise
which enables one’s heart and lungs to receive the most benefit from a workout
Heart Rate Calculations:
Maximum heart rate: MHR= 208- (0.70 x your age)
Target heart rate (Simple Method):
THR = MHR x % Intensity
Example for someone with a MHR of 180:
50% intensity: 180 x 0.50 = 90 bpm
85% intensity : 180 x 0.85 = 153 bpm
Target heart rate (Karvonen Method):
The Karvonen Method is more accurate, factoring in Resting Heart Rate (RHR):
THR = ((MHR – RHR) x % Intensity) + RHR
Example for someone with a MHR of 180 and a RHR of 70:
50% intensity: ((180-70) x 0.50) + 70 = 125 bpm
85% intensity: ((180-70) x 0.85) + 70 = 163 bpm
Components of Fitness
Body Composition: the amount of body fat compared to lean tissue
(Ex. A person whose muscles are defined and tone)
Cardiovascular endurance: how well the heart and lungs get oxygen to the body during
exercise and how quickly they return to normal (Ex. Running the mile)
ability to move body joints in certain ways
(Ex. Bending over and touching your toes)
Muscular endurance: ability of the muscle to work for extended periods of time without
tiring (Ex. Rowing or cycling)
Muscular strength: the most work muscles can do at any given time (Ex. Pull-up)
Agility: the ability to rapidly change the position of the body when moving from point to
point (Ex. Zig-zag running or cutting plays)
Balance: the ability to keep one’s body in a desired position without falling
(Ex. Handstand)
Coordination: the ability to make different parts of your body move together in a
controlled way (Ex. Juggling)
Power: the ability to perform one maximum explosive effort in as short a time as
possible (Ex. Jumping)
Reaction time: how long the body takes to respond to a stimulus
(Ex. Any game played with a ball or object)
Speed: the ability to cover a distance in the shortest time possible (Ex. 100-yard dash)