
By: Dylan
Scientific Name: Acinonyx jubatus
Fastest land animal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Home: In all parts of Africa where
there are not many trees
Description:Long and flexible cat
with dark spots and yellow to
white fur. It seems like the head is
way too small for it’s body.
An estimated 9,000 to 12,000 cheetahs remain
in the wild.
LIFESPAN: 10 to 12 years.
RANGE:Cheetahs are found in eastern and
southwestern Africa.
HABITAT: open and partially open savannas.
FOOD: Cheetahs use their agility and quickness
to catch prey, such as gazelles, wildebeest
calves, impalas and smaller hoofed animals,
pushing them to the ground and using its sharp
teeth to chomp on the neck to kill it. They have
to eat fast so their kill doesn’t get taken by
other carnivores.
THREATS: The future of the cheetah is fading
because of cub mortality rate and their slowly
losing their habitats.
Scientific name:
Panthera onca
Largest land animal!!!!
DESCRIPTION:The jaguar is very colorful and it blends in well with its
environment. It has an orange-tan fur coat with black spots and white on the
SIZE: The jaguar measures five to six feet from its nose to the tip of its tail and
weighs 140 to 220 pounds (females are. Not as big but still a good size).
POPULATION: About 15,000 jaguars remain in the wild.
LIFESPAN: Jaguars can live between 12 and 16 years.
RANGE: Mostly found in Central and South America and some continue to live in
HABITAT: Jaguars prefer thick forest or swamps with good cover and water access
but some hunt on open areas .
FOOD:The jaguar’s dinner menu is very
big, including peccaries (wild pigs),
capybaras (large rodents), deer, sloths,
caymans, tapirs, freshwater fish and
smaller animals. Sometimes livestock is a
choice for them.
THREATS: Jaguars are threatened by
hunting but the greater danger is their
habitat loss and fragmentation.
Scientific Name: Struthio camelus
Mean and NASTY! !!!!!!!!!
DESCRIPTION:Flightless bird that
when full grown it is 98 inches tall
and weighs over 250 pounds. The
male ostrich has black fluffy feathers
on its back and primary white
feathers on its tail and wings.
Females are more camouflage with
dark green feathers on its back.
Ostriches have bare skin on their
necks and thighs. For males it’s
either blue or pink and for females
the skin is a pinkish-gray. They have
long necks, strong legs with two toes
on each foot, small head, and large
eyes. Their voices are either a roar or
loud hiss.
HABITAT: Ostriches live on
flatlands that don’t get much rainfall
in Africa.
FOOD: They eat shoots, leaves,
flowers and seeds.