personal CAD project

Personal CAD project
--- Boeing 747
Bolun lu
Due 05/05/2015
I chose to make an airplane (Boeing-747) in the Solid works. Though it might be challenging to
make an airplane with my current knowledge, I still tried my best to do it because I was really
interested in mechanics like planes, cars and etc. This CAD project also closely related to my
major. Since my major is mechanical engineering, I feel like it must be very helpful for me to
learn how to make machines like an airplane. Another reason why I chose to make an airplane as
my personal CAD project is that I really wanted to challenge myself. I still remembered that at
the first several classes, I was so confused about how to use solid works. Actually I don’t even
know how to use some most basic techniques like extrude or extrude cut. However I tried my
best to catch up the class and finally I made it : ). So if I could successfully using solid works to
make an airplane, I would be really proud of myself.
I did encountered a lot of difficulties. One major difficulties I encountered earlier was that when I
was building the body of the airplane, I didn’t know how to make a curve on the right plane
intersects with other curves that go across that plane. I tried a lot of times and still couldn’t
figure out how to make it works. It was a really important step because if I couldn’t do that then I
wouldn’t be able to use loft to build the body of the plane. I tried to google it and finally found
out that pierce function would work and it did work!
From this CAD project I learned a lot more about how to use solid works like how to make many
planes and use loft feature to create very complicated or ununiformed body. Also I learned that
how to make different parts perfectly assembled together, how to use a background picture as
my reference to draw precisely and etc. I really enjoyed this project because I like learning new
skills, solving hard problems and challenging myself.
4. Part of the loft skills I learned is from a youtube tutorial video. Basically that video teaches me
how to use loft to build a nonuniform body.