Write the definition of the vocabulary word.

Week Two: Idiomatic Phrases from Greek Mythology
1. To harp- to talk/write tediously and persistently on a particular topic (Harpies- birds with the heads of beautiful
women who tortured people).
2. Trojan Horse- A threat disguised as friendly, innocent, or a gift (Trojan horse, Greek gift to Trojans secretly hiding
3. Greeks Bearing Gifts- Someone or something that looks too good to be true (Trojan horse).
4. A Mercurial Disposition- Subject to sudden or unexpected changes in mood (Mercury, Roman equivalent to
Hermes, the unpredictable trickster Olympian).
5. Adonis- An ideal, handsome human being, usually male (Adonis was a beautiful young boy, who Aphrodite fell in
love with because of Eros’ arrow).
6. The Midas Touch- The good fortune of having everything lead to success (King Midas, granted one wish by
Dionysus requested that everything he touch be turned to gold).
7. Achilles’ Heel- A tragic weakness or flaw (Achilles, the hero of the Trojan War, had one weakness- his heel).
8. Plutocracy-noun- a government that is run by the wealthy (Pluto, god of wealth).
9. Capitalization Rule- Capitalize the names of nationalities, languages, races, and ethnic groups. Adjectives
formed from these names are also capitalized.
Mythology Vocabulary Practice #2
Name: _________________________________
Directions: Circle the idiomatic phrase.
1. My wife is such a nag; she won’t stop harping on me about those bills!
2. Did you know Steve Jobs cofounded Pixar? That man had the Midas Touch.
3. Rodney had a mercurial disposition. He would go from fits of rage to sudden glee, and that was when he was
truly frightening.
4. I thought I was downloading episodes of Glee, but one of them came with a Trojan.
5. I was doing so well on my new diet, but Oreo cookies are my Achilles’ heel.
6. Brad Pitt is seen by many as a modern Adonis.
7. When my nemesis suddenly became very friendly to me, my friend Becky reminded me, “Beware of Greeks
bearing gifts!”
8. That country seems to have a plutocracy and it may not always represent the middle class.
Directions: Circle the words that need to be capitalized.
My sister and I love thai food.
Can I have another piece of that delivious french bread?
This book is about aztec pyramids.
The hindu god shiva is the patron of dancers.
My new english teacher is canadian.
Mythology Vocabulary Practice #2
Name: _________________________________
Directions: Circle the idiomatic phrase.
My wife is such a nag; she won’t stop harping on me about those bills!
Did you know Steve Jobs cofounded Pixar? That man had the Midas Touch.
Rodney had a mercurial disposition. He would go from fits of rage to sudden glee, and that was when he was
truly frightening.
I thought I was downloading episodes of Glee, but one of them came with a Trojan.
I was doing so well on my new diet, but Oreo cookies are my Achilles’ heel.
Brad Pitt is seen by many as a modern Adonis.
When my nemesis suddenly became very friendly to me, my friend Becky reminded me, “Beware of Greeks
bearing gifts!”
That country seems to have a plutocracy and it may not always represent the middle class.
Directions: Circle the words that need to be capitalized.
My sister and I love thai food.
Can I have another piece of that delivious french bread?
This book is about aztec pyramids.
The hindu god shiva is the patron of dancers.
My new english teacher is canadian.
Everything King Midas touched turned to gold. Write one sentence naming someone you think has the Midas touch.
1. _______________________________________________________________________________________________
An Achilles’ Heel is a tragic flaw. Write one sentence listing someone that is otherwise perfect, except for one flaw.
2. _______________________________________________________________________________________________
Trojan Horses are not always found near a battlefield. Write one sentence describing a Trojan Horse in everyday life.
3. _______________________________________________________________________________________________
Do you know an Adonis? Write one sentence using the word.
4. _______________________________________________________________________________________________
Hopefully you never encounter a harpy! Write a sentence using the phrase to harp.
5. _______________________________________________________________________________________________
Everything King Midas touched turned to gold. Write one sentence naming someone you think has the Midas touch.
1. _______________________________________________________________________________________________
An Achilles’ Heel is a tragic flaw. Write one sentence listing someone that is otherwise perfect, except for one flaw.
2. _______________________________________________________________________________________________
Trojan Horses are not always found near a battlefield. Write one sentence describing a Trojan Horse in everyday life.
3. _______________________________________________________________________________________________
Do you know an Adonis? Write one sentence using the word.
4. _______________________________________________________________________________________________
Hopefully you never encounter a harpy! Write a sentence using the phrase to harp.
5. _______________________________________________________________________________________________
Greek Mythology Vocabulary Quiz #2
Write the definition of the vocabulary word.
1. Plutocracy
2. Greeks Bearing Gifts
3. Trojan Horse
4. A Mercurial Disposition
Use the vocabulary word in a sentence, making
sure to give context clues to show understanding.
***Use your capitalization knowledge in one
sentence, and then mark that sentence! ***
5. Adonis6. Achilles’ heel
7. The Midas Touch
8. To harp