Trojan War Worksheet

Mr. Kelly & Mr. Waterman
Name: _______________
Trojan War Worksheet
Instructions: Read the Trojan War summary and then answer the following
1. Which Goddess was awarded the golden apple?
2. Who gave the apple to her?
3. Why do you think he (answer to number 2) picked beauty over power?
4. Do you think the Greeks really went to war over one woman?
Why or why not?
What do you think they really went to war over?
5. How did the Greeks get past the walls of Troy?
6. Do you think the Trojan Horse really existed?
Why or why not?
7. Name three people in the story that lived beyond the war.
8. Name three people that were killed during the war or because of it.
9. How did Schliemann find the ruins of Troy?
10. Do you think the Trojan War really happened?
Why or why not?
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