8th grade syllabus

8th Grade Math Course Syllabus
Mrs. Trench
Cedar Creek Middle School
Welcome to the start of a new school year! This year, students will be studying mathematics from the Go
Math! Curriculum. The curriculum is problem centered. This means that the students will investigate
mathematical ideas within the context of a realistic problem, as opposed to looking only at numbers.
Some problems involve real-world applications or unusual situations, while others are purely mathematical.
A problem’s context provides a vehicle for understanding and remembering the mathematical concepts.
We are excited about this new curriculum and its potential for helping students develop strong
mathematical knowledge and skills. We are looking forward to a successful year for all of our students.
Supplies Needed
Textbook: The students will be using the Go Math! Textbook and supplemental materials by Holt.
There will be a class set for them to use while in class. There WILL NOT be any books checked
out to students this year.
 Binder: 1-inch or 1.5-inch binder that will be used for math. It can be kept at home or in the
classroom, depending on which is easiest for the student!
 Five notebook dividers
 Pencils: Students are expected to do math work in pencil only. If the work is not completed in
pencil, it will not be accepted, and will follow the late work policy listed below.
 Paper: An ample supply of loose-leaf notebook paper (preferably wide-ruled).
 Notebook: A composition book for writing to be kept in the classroom.
 Calculator: A graphing calculator will be provided in class; however, a simple operation calculator
will be helpful in completing homework assignments.
***I will provide as needed. Please let me know what I can do to help your child succeed in my
Year at a Glance
The following is an overview of the curriculum for this year.
1st Semester (August through December)
 Unit 1 – Real Numbers
 Unit 2 – Expressions & Equations
 Unit 3 – Angle Theorems
 Unit 4 – Transformational Geometry
 Unit 5 – Measurement (Pythagorean Theorem)
 Unit 5 – Measurement (continued)
 Unit 6 – Statistics & Samples
2nd Semester (January through April)
 Unit 7 – Relationships & Functions
 Unit 8 – Personal Financial Literacy
 Unit 9 – STAAR Review Unit
 Unit 10 – Math & Science
 Tuesday, March 29th – 8th grade Math STAAR
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Unit 11 – Simplifying & Solving Equations
Unit 12 – Targeted Interventions/Algebra Readiness
Grading Summary
Students will be allowed to demonstrate how well they are making sense of the mathematics in many
ways. Below is a grading summary.
Daily – These grades will count for 40% of your grade.
1. Participation
Because participating in discussions and activities is so important in helping the students make
sense of the mathematics, this is one part of the students grade. They rate themselves at the
end of each week on how well they participated throughout the week. On page 3 is the rubric for
grading participation.
2. Quizzes
All of the quizzes will be done independently. Students will have an opportunity to do quiz
corrections once to improve their score. Points will be assigned bases on the individual questions.
3. Homework
Homework assignments offer students opportunity to think about problems more in depth.
Homework assignments are very important. Students will have the opportunity to revise their
answers as we discuss problems. On page 4 is a rubric for grading homework.
4. Vocabulary
Understanding mathematical terminology is necessary for developing mathematical
understanding. Students will periodically be given vocabulary words to list and define.
Major – These grades will count for 60% of your grade.
1. Journals/Mathematical Reflections
It is very important to communicate mathematically in writing. Therefore, journals also figure
into the grade. Journals are used for problem solving, communicating and understanding, and
summarizing concepts learned. Journals will be collected weekly. On page 4 is a rubric for grading
2. Tests
At the end of each unit an individual test is given. This serves as an opportunity for the students
to show what they, as individuals, have learned from the whole unit. Points will be assigned based
on the amount of work asked for to solve each problem. Not all problems are awarded the same
amount of points. Students will have an opportunity to do test corrections once to improve their
***Information regarding quiz and test corrections:
If the student failed the test, the maximum grade that can be earned from corrections is a 70
(per district policy).
The corrections must be done within 3 days from when the test has been graded and returned,
per district policy. For example, the test was taken on a Monday; the students will get their test
back on Tuesday, and then that means you have Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday to complete
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them to be handed in on Friday. Corrections should include the work and an explanation as to
why it is the correct answer. Students will be given a specific test correction sheet to show
their work.
**It is up to the student to voice concerns with their grades. If there are severe
circumstances, a parent or guardian will be contacted, either by phone or through email.
Late Work Policy
Late work will be accepted up to 3 days after the due date. Here is the grading rubric:
 1 day late: -15 points
 2 days late: -30 points
 3 days late: -50 points
Progress Reports/Report Cards
Progress reports are sent out by the school every 3 weeks to be signed and returned.
Report cards are sent out by the school every 6 weeks to be signed and returned.
I am available for tutorials during these times:
Mornings (8:00-8:25) – Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
Afternoons (3:50-4:30) – Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
**If you are unable to meet any of these times, please see me for an appointment!**
Grading Rubrics – Examples
Participation Grading Sheet
Name ___________________________
Week of _____________________________
Think about how well you participated in class this week. Answer the following questions, as they will
help you give yourself a fair participation grade for this week.
Did you participate in discussions?
Did you come prepared to class, having done your homework, so that you could ask
Did you ask questions when you didn’t understand?
Did you listen to others?
Give yourself a 5 if you answered yes to all of the questions. Hooray for you!
Give yourself a 4 if you answered yes to most of the questions.
Give yourself a 3 if you answered yes to a few of the questions.
If you answered no to several of these, give yourself a 2 and rethink your role in this class or talk
to me.
I grade myself a ______________ for this week.
Signature _______________________
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Journal Grading Sheet
Effectively communicates thoughts
Uses appropriate academic vocabulary
Uses a variety of strategies to solve problems
Journal is well organized and the entries are labeled and dated
Effective in communicating your thoughts most of the time
Uses appropriate academic vocabulary some of the time
Uses some different strategies when solving problems
Journal is a fairly well organized and entries are labeled and dated
Attempt to communicate thoughts but entries are unclear at times
Uses some appropriate academic vocabulary
More strategies are needed in solving problems
Journal needs to be organized with the entries labeled and dated
Please see me
Homework Grading Sheet
All problems are completed correctly; all work is shown
All problems are completed; most of the work is done correctly
Most problems attempted, some given wrong answers or incomplete
Only half done, most work wrong or incomplete
Incomplete and incorrect
No work
Please review the above with your child. By signing below, both parent and student are indicating
that they have read the above. Students should have their supplies ready for use in the classroom
by Monday, August 31st.
Parent/Guardian signature
Student signature
E-mail address _________________________________
Phone number
The best way to contact me (the parent) is by:
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