Florida ALHFA Conference - Florida Association of Local Housing

Florida ALHFA Conference
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
2:00 - 5:00 PM
Advance Conference Registration
Exhibitor Set-Up
2nd Floor Foyer
4:00 PM
Florida ALHFA Annual Board Meeting
Dewey Boardroom, 3rd Floor
6:00 PM
Welcome Reception: Indoors at the Westin Hotel
2nd Floor, Parlors C, D, E & F
Paid Conference Guests may attend this event.
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Conference guests may not attend the breakfast, breaks, luncheon, or sessions.
8:00- 9:00 AM
Conference Registration
Full Breakfast Buffet
2nd Floor Foyer
9:00 - 10:00 AM
Opening General Session
2nd Floor, Parlors A & B
Opening Remarks
Election of Officers
State Legislative Update
W.D. Morris, President, Florida ALHFA
Nominating Committee
Mark Hendrickson, President, The Hendrickson Company
10:00 – 10:15 AM
Break- Beverages
2nd Floor Foyer
10:15 - 11:30 AM
General Session – Single Family in Today’s Environment
2nd Floor, Parlors A & B
What can HFA’s do in today’s environment when single family bond issues do not make
economic sense? How can lender relationships be maintained? What changes are Master
Servicers making to their procedures and requirements? What are new techniques for outreach
to homebuyers? The panel will discuss these questions, Mortgage Credit Certificates, and HFA
origination and sale of loans outside of bond issues.
Moderator: Helen Feinberg, Managing Director, RBC Capital Markets
Sue Denihan, eHousing Plus
Nicholas Hoffer, Vice President, Raymond James
Scott Schmitt, Account Executive, US Bank Home Mortgage
11:30 – 11:45 AM
11:45 - 1:15 PM
Luncheon for Conference Attendees
Guests may not attend luncheon
2nd Floor, Parlors C, D, E & F
Luncheon Speaker:
State Representative Ron Saunders:
2012 Legislative Session and Beyond
1:15 – 1:30 PM
1:30 - 2:45 PM.
Concurrent Sessions
Session A:
The Sadowski Act and How to be an Effective Advocate
2nd Floor, Parlors A & B
What is the Sadowski Act and how/why was it passed? What does it have to do with local
HFA’s? How can you be an effective advocate when you talk with legislators? Join this panel
which will include a breakout into smaller groups with advocacy training and role playing. Use
this experience to become a better advocate for housing funding.
Moderator: Richard Pierro, Vice-Chairman, HFA of Manatee County
Ken Pruitt, President, The P5 Group
W. D. Morris, Executive Director, Orange County HFA
Mark Hendrickson, President, The Hendrickson Company
Session B:
Hot Issues in HFA Internal Operations (Part I):
Budgeting, Investments and Analysis of Single Family
3rd Floor, Sunrise Room
HFA’s of all sizes, or with or without staff, must be address key issues to be successful.
What are the state laws that govern budgeting, and how should an HFA address this
task? What are the state laws that govern investments, and what are good investment
strategies in today’s world. All HFA’s have a single family portfolio. How do you analyze
its performance and what is the importance of doing so? Join this panel to learn how to
improve the performance of your HFA.
Moderator: Jim Singh, Deputy Executive Director/CFO, Orange County HFA
Sally Mazzola, Client Support Representative, .U.S Bank Home Mortgage
Misty Taylor, Esquire, Bryant Miller Olive
TBD, an HFA Representative to discuss budgeting
2:45 - 3:00 PM
3:00 - 4:15 PM
Session A:
Break- Beverages
2nd Floor Foyer
Concurrent Sessions
Rental: Making Deals Work in Present Market Conditions
2nd Floor, Parlors A & B
What types of rental bond deals are actually being done? How do they work? How do 4%
Housing Credits work? What sources of funds are available, including HFA funds, NSP, HOME,
SAIL, and SHIP—and what are the restrictions of each? What is the FHFC “Mini-Application” for
4% Housing Credits, and what does it mean for local HFA’s? What are “Year 15 financings” and
how do they present opportunities for locals? How can HFA’s increase the number of rental
transactions, including uses of HFA funds? What credit enhancement and private placement
opportunities are available? The panel will discuss these and other topics.
Moderator: Michael Drapkin, Vice-President, AmeriNational Community Services
Barry Krinsky, Director, Citi Community Capital
David Leon, Partner, Broad and Cassel
John Sabatier, Vice-President, RBC Capital Markets
Session B:
Housing Bond Basics
3rd Floor, Sunrise Room
Topics to be determined but will include basics for new Board members, including role of
various parties in a financing, basics of economics, how smaller HFA’s can work with larger
HFA’s, bond allocation, and interaction with FHFC. What are the basic rules that govern taxexempt bonds? What are Housing Credits? What is negative arbitrage? What is gap financing?
Moderator: Harry Hedges, HFA of Hillsborough County
Tom Alderson, Vice President, Wells Fargo Bank
Debbie Berner, Director, RBC Capital Markets
Patt Denihan, eHousing Plus
6:00 PM
Dine Around
A&B Lobster House
700 Front Street
Paid Conference Guests may attend this event.
Friday, July 13, 2012
Conference guests may not attend the breakfast, breaks, or sessions.
8:00 – 9:00 AM
Continental Breakfast
2nd Floor Foyer
9:00 - 10:15 AM
General Session: What You Can and Can’t Do. Lobbying,
Advocacy Sunshine and Ethics in 2012 and Beyond
2nd Floor, Parlors A & B
HFA’s have become much more active advocates for affordable housing, particularly funding.
As making bond deals work often depends upon other sources of funds, HFA’s have entered
the lobbying arena. What can and can’t you do? What’s effective? Do you need to register? Can
HFA funds be spent on educational or advocacy efforts? Also, in these times of fiscal shortfalls,
HFA’s faced increased scrutiny of their activities. What are the latest do’s and don’ts in the
world of ethics, gift laws, and political reality? What does the Sunshine Law allow and prohibit?
Moderator: John Kopelousos, Authority Counsel, HFA of Clay County
Paula Drummond, Authority Counsel, Escambia County HFA
Mary Helen Farris, General Counsel, HFA of Hillsborough County
10:15 - 10:30 AM
10:30 - 11:45 AM
General Session: What is Happening at the State and Federal
2nd Floor, Parlors A & B
Federal topics will include federal legislative initiatives, changes to Housing Credit Program, and
the impact of the Dodd-Frank legislation. State topics will include FHFC rulemaking on Housing
Credits, Location A, the 4% Housing Credit “Mini-Application”, interaction with the Division of
Bond Finance, and the state law governing the use of HFA funds.
Moderator: W. D. Morris, Executive Director, Orange County HFA
Marianne Edmunds, Senior Managing Director, Public Resources Advisory Group
Helen Feinberg, Managing Director, RBC Capital Markets
Ben Johnson, President, Seltzer Management Group
11:45 - 1:30 PM
Lunch on Your Own
1:30 – 3:00 PM
General Session: Hot Issues in HFA Internal Operations (Part
II): Strategic Planning, NIBP Reporting and Disclosure, MultiFamily Financial and Compliance Monitoring, and Use of
Social Media
2nd Floor, Parlors A & B
What is a strategic plan, and how is it useful to your HFA? How should you conduct strategic
planning? Many HFA’s sold bonds using the NIBP Program, and there are extension reporting
and disclosure requirements. Who should be making the reports? Where do they get the
information? All HFA’s that finance rental developments need to make sure the developments
are in compliance with federal law and are performing financially. How does an HFA do this and
what do they do with the information? Our public increasingly lives in a world of social media,
with information obtained from non-traditional sources. How can HFA’s use social media to
reach our public?
Moderator: Jim Singh, Deputy Executive Director/CFO, Orange County HFA
Patricia Braynon, Executive Director, HFA of Miami-Dade County
Tim O’Malley, Senior Vice-President, AmeriNational Community Services
Liz Feezor, Vice-President, Bank of New York Mellon
Susan Leigh, President, The Community Concepts Group
Saturday, July 14. 2012
Conference guests may not attend the breakfast.
8:30 – 12:00 Noon
Breakfast Roundtable: HFA Open Forum
Breakfast available at 8:30; Meeting at 9:00
2nd Floor, Parlors C & D
Facilitator: Susan Leigh, Director, Florida ALHFA
Florida ALHFA Board of Directors
W. D. Morris, President
Angela Abbott, Vice President
Walt Ferguson, Secretary-Treasurer
Patricia Braynon, Member
Rodney Fischer, Member
Harry Hedges, Member
Elbert Jones, Member
John Kopelousos, Member
Richard Pierro, Member
What can Florida ALHFA do that would help our membership? What type of information is
useful? How can the information be communicated more effectively? What types of education
would be helpful?
What issues and concerns are facing your HFA? What would you like to know about what other
HFA’s are doing and how they operate? What would you like to share with other HFA’s?