AU-CPB/HFA Guidelines

Pitt County Schools
Exceptional Children’s Program
AUCBP/HFA Guidelines
(Revised January 2013)
Only students with disabilities identified under IDEA are eligible for placement consideration for
the Autism Center Based Program/High Functioning Autism Programs. The student served in
these programs is a student who fits the profile of someone with Autism Spectrum disorder,
requiring more intensive small group instruction in the areas of social skills and pragmatic
language than can be provided in the students’ attendance area school. The focus of
programming include but are not limited to specific needs in relating to people and the
environment, language/communication, responding to sensory needs and how these impact
their progress in the common core standards and essential standards. Consideration of services
at the students' home school (LRE) are strongly recommended before determination of
placement into the AU-CBP/HFA programs.
The purpose of the AU-CBP/HFA is to provide the level of service that students needs in the
least restrictive environment. Every effort should be made to maintain the student in the
common core and essential standards in both academic and non-academic areas and provide
opportunities for peer modeling and interaction whenever possible. Students exiting the program
should be able to have their needs met through existing Exceptional Children’s Programs at
home school with the necessary supports and modifications.
A. Recommendation by the IEP team to begin the process to consider possible
placement (completed IEP minutes page and a copy of IEP should be included in referral
packet). A Program Specialist must be present.
B. Completion of Questionnaire in its entirety by each required member of referring team
(i.e. Exceptional Children’s Teacher, Regular Education Teacher, Parent and any Related
Service Providers serving the student).
A. The Autism Program Committee comprised of an Interdisciplinary Team, EC Director
or Designee and teachers will meet to discuss and review all referrals.
B. The recommendations of the Autism Program Committee are shared with the IEP
team for consideration at the referring school. A Program Staff member or designee will attend
the IEP meeting to go over the committee recommendations.
A. Students will be monitored throughout each school year to determine additional
needs/services as well as to determine whether student can return to their least restrictive
environment in their home school setting.