
One University
in Many Places
Overview of the Transitional Design
to 21st Century Excellence
Objective of the Design Process
Build a comprehensive metropolitan
research university that is an unparalleled
combination of academic excellence and
commitment to its social, economic, cultural,
and environmental setting.
ASU Challenges
 Rapid socio/economic change
 Increased global competition
 Rapid cultural diversification
 Limited higher education infrastructure
 Underperforming pre K-20 education
ASU Evolution
 Stages of ASU evolutionary history
 Physical constraints on the Tempe campus
 Limited public and private support for ASU
ASU Design Options
 Replication Model
 Minnesota, Ohio State, UCLA
 Incremental Model
 Linear extrapolation to future from ASU of today
 Differentiation Model
 Building the New American University
New American University:
Design Imperatives
 ASU Must Become a Force, and Not Only a Place
 ASU as Entrepreneur
 Pasteur’s Principle
 A Focus on the Individual
 ASU Must Embrace Its Cultural, Socioeconomic,
and Physical Setting
 Intellectual Fusion
 Social Embeddedness
 Global Engagement
New American University:
Differentiation Model
Build on existing strengths of ASU:
 New, flexible academic units
 Strong cooperative environment of staff,
faculty and students
 Strong and deep linkages to the
 Nationally competitive interdisciplinary
New American University:
Differentiation Model
 Build for 21st century
 Build for teaching and discovery
 Build for the community: the
University as social enterprise
 Build colleges/schools and
college/school clusters (campuses)
that are different in kind but equal in
ASU Design Approach:
College/School Centric
 Build the University around strong,
entrepreneurial colleges/schools.
 Create a design that allows colleges/schools
to grow and prosper to their intellectual and
market limits.
 Create a federation of unique
colleges/schools as the foundation of the
premier metropolitan research university in
the United States.
College/School Centric Model:
 University success will be driven by
academic excellence, social, economic and
cultural impact and creativity attained by
communities of students, faculty and staff
driven to compete at the highest level.
 Competition is nurtured and enhanced by
close-knit organizations with focused
missions and high degrees of freedom. In
College/School Centric Model:
 Overcome historical physical and fiscal
constraints through school level ownership
 Encourage and allow new designs and new
directions to gain distinctive differentiation
for ASU colleges/schools
 Empower each college/school to compete at
the highest level for students, faculty and
College/School Centric Model:
Transformation to New ASU Model
 Unique intellectual identity within ASU
 Unique physical identity within ASU
 College/School centric plan for success
 Targeted competitors
 School specific metrics for success
College/School Centric Model:
Conceptualization & Design
Existing Colleges/Schools
 Incremental changes after careful
 New directions, new models and new
space for many
 New and differentiated names
College/School Centric Model:
Conceptualization & Design
Re-Designed and New Colleges/Schools
 Interdisciplinary initiativites
 Transdisciplinary initiatives
 New environments for intellectual fusion
College/School Centric Model:
Conceptualization & Design
Examples of New Colleges & Schools
 School of Life Sciences
(Tempe campus)
 School of Criminal Justice
(West campus)
 University College
(Capital Center campus)
 School of Industrial Administration
(Polytechnic campus)
College/School Centric Model:
Phase 0
Design and Planning
2004 – 2006
(1-2 years, depending on program)
Phase 1
2005 – 2009
(2-4 years depending on programs
and facility needs)
Phase 2
University Integration & Linkage
2007 – 2012
(3-5 years, depending on program)
College/School Centric Model:
By 2012 –
On path to be the next great university of
America — shaped by its era, its place and
its environment.
Tempe campus
 College of Architecture and Environmental Design will
offer select programs to students on other campuses.
 Herberger College of Fine Arts will develop an arts
presence on the Capital Center campus and on the
Polytechnic campus.
 Del E. Webb School of Construction will continue to
be headquartered on the Tempe campus within the
Ira. A. Fulton School of Engineering; the school will
offer a construction management program on the
Tempe campus, and a construction technology
program on the Polytechnic campus.
Polytechnic campus
 Movement of Technology and Applied
Sciences School to top 5-7 in the U.S.
 General engineering program
 Real Estate program
 Physical Education Program
 School of Industrial Administration
 Construction Technology Program
West campus
 School of Criminal Justice & Criminology
 Recreation and Tourism Management
 College of Teacher Education and
Capital Center campus
 College of Nursing
 Public College
 School of Public Affairs
 School of Community Development and
 School of Social Work
 Morrison Institute for Public Policy
Capital Center campus
 Cronkite School of Journalism
 KAET (Channel 8)
 The School of Health Management and
 University College
 School of Interdisciplinary Studies
 Community College Alliance
 Extended Education
 Education, business and communications programs
Other Significant Decisions
 College of Law will continue to explore
alternate program opportunities.
 Hugh Downs School of Human
Communication will remain on the Tempe
campus and become part of the College of
Liberal Arts and Sciences.
 Justice Studies on the Tempe campus will
become the School of Social Inquiry and will
decide if it should relocate to the Capital
Center campus or become part of the
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences on the
Tempe campus.