Open House Handout 2015-2016 World History

World History 2015-2016
Dear Parents, Guardians, and Students:
I am pleased to be teaching 9th grade Modern World History this year and look forward to a
rewarding and exciting year for our class. In order to insure that each student is successful we must
have a pleasant and safe environment in which to learn. Being part of a classroom community requires
that each of us do his or her best and we understand the expectations that are required in order for
learning to take place. Please take a few moments to read through this handout and familiarize yourself
with my classroom policies. I am looking forward to working with you and learning with you this year. If
you have any concerns or questions please feel free to discuss these with me.
Course Description
Mr. Dial
Classroom Rules
1) Smile (Bring a Great Attitude)
2) Come Prepared (Bring all materials
to participate in class and complete
World History assignments)
3) Be On Time (Be at your seat when
the bell rings with materials out to
begin class)
4) Accountable to Produce
(Complete assignments and turn in
on time)
5) Follow Procedures (Move after
group and area has been assigned)
6) Wait Your Turn to
Share/Comment/Question the class
discussion by raising your hand.
8) Stay out of the teacher zone
(Teacher Desk Area)
*The Panther Five: Be On Time, Be
Prepared, Be Respectful, Be Hard
Working, and Be Of Good Character
will be followed*
Pg. #1
If a student chooses not to
follow the classroom rules
the following consequences
will be administered:
1. Verbal Warning (Once)
2. Detention(s)
3. If the student continues
to choose not to follow the
classroom rules then the
student will meet with a
4. In case of emergency, the
teacher (Mr. Dial) reserves
the right to send the
student(s) immediately to
the main office to meet with
a principal.
Theme: This course examines world
events from 1600 to the present. It
explores the impact of the
democratic and industrial revolutions,
the forces that led to world
domination by European powers, the
wars that changed empires, the ideas
that led to independence movements
and the effects of global
interdependence. The concepts of
historical thinking introduced in
earlier grades continue to build with
students locating and analyzing
primary and secondary sources from
multiple perspectives to draw
Remind Texts:
Phone#: 81010
Message: @wh9thgrade
Contact Info:
Perry High School Phone Number: 330-477-3486
Ext. 2155
Open House Handout 9/1/15
World History 2015-2016
Assessment Policy
Grading Policy
In 9th grade World History late homework will be accepted up to one
week past the due date with 10% taken off the student’s earned grade for
the assignment. After the one week deadline, the grade will be recorded as
a zero.
In 9th grade World History late papers/projects will be accepted up to
one week past the due date, with 5% taken off the student’s earned grade
for each day the assignment is late. A maximum of 35% will be taken off
for lateness. After the one week deadline, the grade will be recorded as a
Test retakes in 9th grade World History will be offered twice in the first
quarter, once in the second quarter, and once in the third quarter. No test
retakes will be offered during the fourth quarter. This is a grade level
social studies policy and helps to bridge the gap between Edison and
World History utilizes a
weighted grade system
with several categories
(different forms of
assessments). The
following chart illustrates
the grading system in
World History.
Assessments=80% [Tests,
Quizzes, Projects, Essays,
PHS. 10th-12th grade social studies classes will have no test retakes.
In 9th grade World History students will be afforded the opportunity
to re-submit (revise) any writing assignment/assessment.
*If a student has excused absences then the student will be afforded the extra
day(s) as outlined in the school policy*
*If special circumstances arise, the student and/or parent needs to
communicate with the teacher to create a common sense solution*
Topics Covered in Modern World
Needed Supplies
1) Writing Utensil: Pens/Pencils
2) Notebook-Notes & Journal
3) Folder
4) 1/2 inch or 1 inch Binder for Social Studies Materials
5) Colored Pencils or Markers
6) BYOD Policy Will Be Followed (Bring Your Own
Device District Policy)
Topic: Historical Thinking and Skills
Topic: Age of Enlightenment (1600-1800)
Topic: Age of Revolutions (1750-1914)
Topic: Imperialism (1800-1914)
Topic: Achievements and Crises (1900-1945)
Topic: The Cold War (1945-1991)
Topic: Globalization (1991-Present)
Open House Handout 9/1/15
Pg. #2