Minutes - North Notts College

Full Corporation
13 March 2014
S81, FTC
14.37 Membership
Mr L Allen
Mr C Bows
Mr J Connolly
Mrs L Coombes
Mr A Elce
Mr C Fitzpatrick
Mr L Holland
Mr I Knowles
Mr W Newill
Cllr D Pressley
Dr G Scott (Vice Chair)
Mr L Smith
Mr S Smith
Mr A Stott
Mrs K Wood
In attendance:
Ms J Dallinson
Mr P Baylis
Mr G Adams
Ms D West
Mr M Tolond
Clerk to the Corporation
Assistant Principal
Director of Finance and Resources
HR Director
Governance & Clerking Advisor
Apologies for absence
Apologies were received from Mrs Coombes, Mr Fitzpatrick, Mr Holland, Mr
Newill, Cllr Pressley and Mr S Smith.
Declarations of Interests
Mrs Wood’s standing declaration of interest was noted in relation to the Retford
Post 16 Centre.
Minutes of the Full Corporation Meeting held on 13 February 2014
The minutes were agreed as an accurate record of the meeting and were
signed by the Chairman.
Matters Arising
Re 14.24.1 Safeguarding:
Feedback from the Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) indicated they felt
they had sufficient representation from the education sector on the Board,
however attendance at meetings as an observer had been offered. Ms West
had been informed by the Local Authority of a further forum, which she
suggested she would attend and report back to the Board.
Re 14.28 College Condition Fund:
Further to Mr L Smith’s comments at the previous meeting, the Director of
Finance had investigated the temperature of the Sports Hall and reported that
the current level of 15˚C was considered appropriate by the curriculum staff.
Re 14.28 College Condition Fund:
At the request of Governors, the Director of Finance had contacted the
Economic Development Manager of BDC with regard to publicising future
Recommendations from Search Committee
The CV of a potential new Governor had been considered by Search Committee
and the Chairman and Principal had subsequently met with Catherine Burn,
Director of BCVS. The Chair reported that Ms Burn was an excellent candidate,
and Search Committee had supported the recommendation for appointment to
the Board. Ms Burn had also been approached with regard to the Link
Governor vacancy for E&D, and had confirmed she would be very happy to
take up the role, subject to approval of the appointment.
RESOLVED 14.42.1 To appoint Ms Catherine Burn as a member of the
Corporation for an initial term of office of one year with effect from 1
May 2014
Recommendations from Audit Committee
Proposed changes to the Financial Regulations had been considered by Audit
Committee and further amendments had been requested. Mr Adams outlined
the proposed amendments, which included an additional clause at 3.5.10 to
incorporate credit notes:
3.5.10 Credit notes should be authorised as per Appendix C – bad debt write
off unless the credit is simply being issued to correct an error with a matching
invoice, in which case this can be authorised by any of the Finance Manager,
Director of Finance or the Principal.
The second amendment requested by Audit Committee allowed claims for
expenditure without receipts to be authorised by the Director of Finance or the
3.8.1 All claims for expenditure must be accompanied by valid receipts to
ensure payment. In exceptional circumstances if receipts are unobtainable the
expenditure can still be authorised by either the Director of Finance or the
RESOLVED 14.43.1 To approve proposed amendments to the Financial
Tuition Fees Policy
Minor changes to the Tuition Fees policy were presented to the Board for
consideration and approval. In response to a query from Mr Knowles, the
Principal explained that ‘optional fees’ referred to extra curricular activities not
essential to achieving the qualification.
RESOLVED 14.44.1 To approve proposed amendments to the Tuition
Fees Policy
Half Year Financial Performance
The Director of Finance provided an overview of the current financial position.
An operating deficit of £27,000 was reported at the half year stage compared
to a budgeted deficit of £417,000. The £90,000 year surplus forecast at
quarter one had been reduced by £58,000 to a £32,000 forecast surplus at
quarter two. Mr Adams outlined the main contributors to movements in
forecast at period 6.
Mrs Wood joined the meeting
Governors noted the monthly cashflow graphs for College and Create,
indicating the cumulative cashflow forecast behind budget by £375,000,
reflecting changes in the funding methodology.
The report was received.
Quality Report
The Assistant Principal presented the monthly report, which included an
analysis of the impact of 16-18 Study Programmes on retention and learning
aims. Due to the requirement to now focus on a single substantial vocational
qualification, plus English and maths and work experience, 16-18 year old
learners were undertaking far fewer additional qualifications, which had led to
a national change in the profile of learning aims. The Senior Leadership Team
were currently considering the potential to reintroduce some short courses
where qualifications would benefit the learner.
Overall retention figures continued to improve, and retention on long courses
was very positive. Whilst the differential between male and female retention
was still evident, the figure had reduced to 1.1%, and in 2012/13 male success
rates were ahead of national benchmarks.
In response to Mr Knowles’ query around the dramatic shift in female learning
aims, Mr Baylis said this was due to the sizeable reduction of additionality in
Hairdressing, which was predominantly female students. Mr Baylis undertook
to provide a full analysis including student numbers. It was also noted that the
gender bias within the curriculum contributes to the gap in performance,
therefore if performance on those courses which attract predominantly male
learners was improved, this would help to address the issue.
The Assistant Principal then provided an update on the observation of
teaching, learning and assessment programme, currently being undertaken by
external consultants, all of which were Ofsted Inspectors. At the half way stage
of the process, 77 observations had been carried out; 87% graded good or
better of which 13% had received outstanding. Mr Bows asked how much that
figure would need to improve to achieve outstanding in terms of an Ofsted
inspection. Whilst no benchmark was available, it was considered 20%
outstanding teaching and learning would be recognised positively by Ofsted.
Very positive feedback had been received about the college in general,
particularly in terms of the supportive environment provided to learners.
Mrs Wood asked the Assistant Principal if all available support resources were
being utilised, such as QIA, LSIS, peer to peer collaboration, sharing good
practice and utilising Learning Coaches and the Advanced Practitioner to full
effect, in addition to visiting other colleges graded outstanding. An explanation
of the ongoing internal process was provided to Governors, which involves
Learning Coaches working with lecturers to aspire to outstanding. Lecturers
are encouraged to try new methods of delivery and are given the opportunity
to take risks in a safe environment. Mr Elce said he had recently accepted an
invitation to visit York College, recently graded outstanding by Ofsted. In
response to a further query from Mrs Wood, the Assistant Principal confirmed
that teaching, learning and assessment was a key focus for all staff team
meetings, and would be the main discussion topic for the Curriculum
Development Day planned for 25 March. The outcome of these discussions
would be reported back to the Quality Management Group and Strategic
Quality Group for consideration.
Dr Scott said Ofsted had recently stated that there is no set formula for lesson
delivery, the key focus being the learning taking place, not the teacher. This
was a very encouraging message that should be communicated to staff,
although the sense of accountability needed to remain with lecturers.
The report was received.
Outcome of Principal’s PDR
The Chairman confirmed that he had conducted the Principal’s annual appraisal
and that targets would be set for the coming year following discussions at the
Away Day. Given the continued unaffordability of a general pay award for all
staff at the College, the Principal had not sought any review of his
remuneration. The Chairman added that if any Governors wished to have sight
of the paperwork, this would be provided.
Annual Report: Equality & Diversity and SES Update
The annual report of Equality & Diversity was presented, together with a
revised Single Equality Scheme. Further to a question from Dr Scott, the
Assistant Principal confirmed that the reduction in the achievement gap
between young male and female learners was as a direct result of
improvements in achievement rates of males.
An excellent response had been received to the staff E&D survey, which would
be used as evidence for reaccreditation for the Investors in Diversity award.
The student survey would be launched shortly.
The HR Director provided an update on progress against objectives within the
SES, reporting that two female staff had recently been appointed to Electrical,
and the female lecturer in Computing was doing some excellent work. In terms
of the BME profile across the College, Ms West said all options were being
explored to maximise representation from this group, however achievement of
the 5% target by July 2015 was unlikely. Dr Scott offered to publicise any
future staff vacancies to students at the university, which may help address
the issue.
RESOLVED 14.48.1 To approve the revised Single Equality Scheme to
be uploaded to the College’s website by April 2014
Annual Report: HR Data
The HR data report indicated sickness absence for 2012/13 at 3.1% compared
to the benchmark of 3.84%. Mr Allen queried the make-up of the figures,
which Ms West agreed to add to future reports. Labour turnover data for
2012/13 showed the College at 12.1% against the AoC benchmark of 18.2%,
which some Governors considered to be high and questioned the impact on the
quality of delivery. Ms West agreed to provide an analysis of turnover including
the average cost associated with each replacement member of staff, and the
impact on continuity to a future meeting. It was noted by Mr Allen that the
STEM strategy would be at risk if the hard to fill vacancy posts continued at
the present rate.
Following a query raised by Mrs Wood regarding CPD costs, Ms West confirmed
that where possible, training was undertaken in-house, however the figures
reflected the increase in participation rates in teaching and learning related
Governors noted the ongoing issues around job evaluation but accepted
management commitment to complete the pay modelling phase by the year
end. The outcome was expected to contribute to a sustainable pay model.
Mr Knowles requested progress of apprentices within the organisation be
recorded in future reports.
The report was received.
Strategic Plan Update
An update of the strategic plan agreed following the previous Away Day was
presented to the Board. The Principal reported that the new NFPC facility had
generated £116,000 additional income with no increase in delivery costs since
completion in September 2013. Governors were supportive of proposals to
develop a new role of Strategic Research Officer and bid writer.
Mrs Wood was critical of the level of detail included in the plan in terms of the
contribution and involvement of Governors in meeting strategic aims. It was
hoped to continue this dialogue at the Away Day to identify opportunities
where Governor expertise could be used to benefit the College and the
Dr Scott was pleased to note the first cohort of international students had been
recruited. The Assistant Principal informed Governors of the four students from
Libya undertaking Health and Safety qualifications. Responding to the Board’s
concerns around the level of support given to these learners as a minority
group, the Principal advised that the students had arrived with their families,
supported by an agency with experience of managing student placements
across the country.
The report was received.
Principal’s Report
Mr Connolly informed Governors of discussions relating to the Retford Post 16
Centre, which were likely to reach a critical stage over the next few weeks.
Proposals submitted by the Retford Schools required the College to commit a
significant cohort of learners to the Centre, together with a revised Governance
and Management agreement, which would give the schools the freedom to
offer vocational provision. Mr Connolly was working with Notts County Council
representatives to provide a response.
The adult funding allocation had just been received from the SFA, indicating an
overall reduction of 8% from the previous year’s allocation. Whilst the
reduction was lower than anticipated, Governors acknowledged the significant
impact on budgets. Further analysis and reports would be prepared as part of
the budget planning process.
The Board provided their thoughts on the structure of a possible Employer
Stakeholder Group and how best to engage local employers with such a group.
It was reported that discussions with shareholders of the proposed acquisition
continued. Mrs Wood would be attending a meeting the following week to
advise on quality assessment of the organisation.
Succession planning discussions with the Chairman and other members of the
SLT continued. The Principal hoped to be in a position to report back to the
Board following the Away Day.
Mr Allen requested an update on health and safety performance be reported to
future meetings. Whilst the cycle of business included an annual report on
heath and safety, the Principal undertook to provide a monthly update as a
standing item in future reports.
The report was received.
Equality and Diversity
The appointment of a new female Governor was welcomed, which would help
address the gender imbalance of the Corporation.
Governance Risk
The Retford Post 16 Centre issues remained a significant risk to the College.
Further developments would be closely monitored and reported.
The CV of the new appointment to remain permanently confidential.
Date and Time of Next Meeting
Thursday 8 May 2014
Governors Development Day 4/5 April 2014
Signed __________________________________ Chairman
Date ____________________________________