Catholic Church of Sts. Peter and Paul, Northfields

Catholic Church of Sts. Peter and Paul, Northfields
38, Camborne Avenue, Ealing, London, W13 9QZ
Tel. 020 8567 5421
e-mail: website:
Parish Priest: Fr. Jim Duffy
Pastoral Assistant: Miss Anna Maria Dupelycz
Office Opening Hours: Mon, Tues, Weds, Fri, 10.30am-1pm; 2pm-6pm Closed Thursday
Sacraments and Devotions:
Reconciliation (‘Confession’): Saturday, 10am & 6pm
Baptisms: Second and Fourth weekends of the month after attendance at a Preparation Course
Marriages: arranged by appointment. Six months’ notice required. Information on prep. courses available on parish website.
Eucharistic Adoration: Tuesday 10am – 11am
Rosary: After weekday Mass
Psalter Week 1
In case you are admitted to hospital........
In light of data protection please indicate on entering hospital that your details are to be passed to the RC Chaplain. Also state that
you would like the RC Chaplain to visit you.
1st Sunday Advent Year B
Sunday 30th November, 2014
Readings for This Week Isaiah 63:16-17,; 64:1, 3-8; Ps 79; 1 Corinthians 1:3-9; Mark 13:33-37
Readings for Next Week
Reflection from Fr. Hilary – The Healing of Conflict
Oh dear, what a subject! We have it in the new every day – conflict between nations, cultures, religions, parties,
organisations and groups right down to relationships between individuals. And we pray for peace. We know true peace
is at the heart of Christ’s teaching and it is his gift which he craves to give to those willing to receive it and with the
capacity to receive it. There’s the crunch. What do I mean? I mean that any person or group or nation harbouring an
attitude of superiority, bitterness, stupid pride, rancour or disrespect hasn’t the capacity to receive that peace and so will
let conflict fester. Peace is much more than the absence of war and keeping law and order. Genuine peace entails
being prepared to be vulnerable, knowing and accepting our weakness. We must be vulnerable to others and they to us.
This will require great patience. It’s no use having just a vague feeling of benevolence. We must be ready to enter into
true dialogue with others.
Think of that word dialogue. Crucial to it is learning to listen to others, to listen properly. Many do not listen properly.
I’m sure you’ve come across the sort of persons who give every appearance of listening but you soon know by their
reaction that they really don’t want to hear what the other is really saying. They remain set in their attitudes. Apply that
to the way many nations and cultures treat each other. They don’t listen. Hence the continuation and intensification of
Respect, therefore, for the dignity of all others is vital for dialogue. All sides must be made to see this and then act
accordingly. What is utterly necessary is to start first with a profound realisation of the humanity we all have in
common. That must come before our nationality, our religion, our politics. Otherwise narrow-mindedness and pettiness
and disrespect will continue to do their rotten work.
What it is to be human – truly human. That’s what matters. How to grow as humans is our supreme task and
get rid of so much that is inhuman in us and between us all throughout the human race. That’s what Jesus came for,
that’s what he willingly suffered and died and rose for. He is the secret of our humanity – the humanity of all peoples.
Only then will all of us, individually and collectively, have the capacity to receive his profound and precious peace which
alone can destroy all conflict.
Please keep for prayerful reflection.
Fr. Bruno
Many parishioners are already aware of Fr Bruno celebrating Mass over the weekend. He is a priest of the
Missionaries of Africa (‘White Fathers’), currently living in Ealing whilst undergoing further studies. He has kindly agreed
to help out over the weekends for which we thank him and welcome him.
Music in Mass Rehearsals take place in the Church. All welcome.
1. For Carol Service and 10.00am Mass, 7.30pm, Thursday. 2. For 11.30am Mass, 7.00pm- 7.45pm Tuesday.
Church & Hall Cleaning
Church: This week : Team A; Hall: Team 4. More volunteers are needed for both the
church and the hall. If you are willing to help, please contact the parish office.
Project 76 will be holding their bazaar on Sun. 7th Dec. Help needed on the day and donations of any unwanted gifts.
Contact the parish office.
Westminster Yearbooks Now available from the back of the church, priced £4.50. to be paid in the newspaper box
Masses this week
Sunday 30th November (1st Advent Year B)
6.30pm (Sat.) Paul Hancock (L.D.)
8.30am Matty Hayes (L.D.)
10.00am Carmela Locci (Ann.)
11.30am Kevin Barry (Ann.)
6.30pm Deceased Members of Knights of St Columba
Monday 1 December (St Andrew)
9.30am Our Lady of the Holy Eucharist
Tuesday 2nd December
9.30am Nuala Langton (Ann.)
Wednesday 3rd December (St Francis Xavier)
9.30am Anna and Hugh Sleator (Ann.)
Liturgical Ministries
Thursday 4th December (St John Damascene)
No Mass
Friday 5th December
9.30am Dec. sisters, relatives, friends & benefactors MMS
Saturday 6th December (St Nicholas)
9.30am Bridget Page (L.D.)
6.30pm Michael Coutinho (L.D.)
Sunday 7th December (2nd Advent Year B)
8.30am Matty Hayes (L.D.)
10.00am Deceased Members of Treanor Family
11.30am Thomas Londra (L.D.)
6.30pm Charles Coll (Intentions)
Please let Anna know of any changes in availability or contact details, preferably in writing.
Altar Servers
There will be a meeting of senior servers, parents and anyone interested and willing to help with the
training sessions of servers on Fridays on 12th December, 5.15pm in the church.
Young CAFOD Thank you for your support last Sunday for Winter Wonderland. Total raised will be given next week.
Sick and Retired Priests Many thanks for your generosity for this year’s collection which realised £1286.45.
New Young Readers Training for new young readers continues on Fri. 5th Dec., 6.15pm in the Church. It has been
decided to split the Monday group into a girls’ group (MG) and a boys’ group (MB). The next session on Mon 1 st Dec,
6.15pm, will be for the girls only.
Young Eucharistic Ministers There will be a commissioning of a new batch of young ministers (aged 16 upwards)
during the 6.30pm Mass this Sunday. We thank them for agreeing to take up this important ministry.
There will be training session for new adult readers next Saturday 6th, from 10.30am –
12.30pm in the Church. Any existing adult or teenage readers who would like a ‘brush up’ on skills is invited to come
along from 11.30am.
Adult/Teenage Readers
Youth Club for Years 6 & 7s, Friday 7.30pm in the Parish Hall.
Parish Catechetics and Sacramental Preparation
1. Journey in Faith (R.C.I.A). If you or someone you know would like to know more about the Catholic faith, please
contact Anna or Fr Jim. Sessions continue 3rd December, 8.00pm.
2. R.E. for Children in Non-Catholic Primary Schools
Next session: 3rd December, 5.45pm Parish Hall, for all
children in non-Catholic Primary schools in years 1 to 6 (ages 5 to 11).
3. First Communion There will be a session for children only on Weds. 3rd. Dec., 5.45pm in the Church.
4 Confirmation Sessions for candidates who have applied continue 7th Dec. 4.30pm – 6pm, Parish Hall.
5. Aged 16 or over, Catholic and never been confirmed?
If this describes you and you would like to be
confirmed, contact Anna in the Parish Office as soon as possible. Arrangements will then be made regarding preparation
and celebration of the sacrament.
Catechists’ and Adult Formation Various sessions are on offer at various locations. Details for December can be
found on the noticeboard in the church or by following the links on
Please contact Kathleen (020 8567 5864) or Hazel (020 8567 9595) to arrange a mutually
convenient time to return and process applications. Please note: nobody should be exercising a church ministry that
involves working with children and/or vulnerable adults without a disclosure obtained through the parish and
Westminster Diocese. Application forms available from the parish office.
Nursery, Reception and Sixth Forms Applications
Fr Jim will be available to sign priest reference forms this
week as follows: Mon., 11am – 12.30pm and Tues. 4.30pm – 6.30pm. No appointment necessary. These are the last
opportunities before Christmas.
Parish Mass Books Year A Part 2 There are around 25 copies unaccounted for. If you have a copy at home,
please return it asap. Thank you!
Senior Citizens’ Lunch
will this year take place on Sun. 14th Dec. A sign up list is available at the back of the
church today and next week.
Recycling for Charity Next April I will be running in the Virgin London Marathon 2015, please support me in raising
money for Age UK by donating your old mobile phones and printer cartridges which I will recycle and donate the proceeds
to Age UK. A collection box is in the church entrance for any mobiles and cartridges you would like to donate which I will
empty regularly. Thank you in advance, Louise Curran.
Mount Carmel’s Christmas Fair is today. Raffle tickets on sale after the morning Masses. It is appreciated that is a
very busy and costly time of year, but please do consider buying a ticket. All funds raised go directly to the school.
Windows/Church Maintenance
One side of the sanctuary has had the stained glass windows installed with the
other side being completed later in the week. Work on the outside of the church to repair pointing and a leak also
continues. Consequently, Advent Exposition and Morning Prayer will be postponed to begin week beginning 8 th
Offertory Envelopes
A substantial number of sets of envelopes have not been collected. This is especially
important if you gift aid your donations, as the parish will not be able to claim back the tax if donations are not recorded.
Unclaimed envelopes are in the sacristy.
Candles For health and safety reasons please take care when lighting candles in church. Please do not use noncontainer candles on the stands: these could pose to be a fire risk. If a candle stand is full, please do not place candles
on the foil covered bases as this can generate too much heat on the candles above.
Lost Property
The lost property cupboard at the back of the church, (under the newsletters/Catholic papers), is rather
full with items that have been there for a while. If you think you’ve left something in church, please check the cupboard
over the next 2 weeks. Any items left at the end of the weekend of 14th will be taken away and given to charity shops.
CAFOD’s 10K Nativity run Kate Eastmond, currently doing a gap year with CAFOD, will be running dressed as the
Angel Gabriel on 6th Dec to raise funds for to help mothers and babies in a health clinic in Guarjila, El Salvador. If you
would like to support Kate, visit her JustGiving page
Baptism Photos
If you have recently celebrated a baptism and would like your photo returned, please collect it from
the parish office by 14th December. Any left after this date will be shredded.
Dean of Ealing Catholic Churches
Every 3 years one of the priests of the Deanery (an area which encompasses
the parishes of Acton, East Acton, West Acton, Greenford, Southall, Ealing Abbey, Hanwell, Perivale, Polish Church,
Northfields) is appointed as Dean, a role which carries with it responsibility for the wellbeing of the priests and people of
the parishes of the deanery. For the next 3 years, Fr Jim has been appointed to this role.
Wanted by Refugee day centre: Table tennis table, billiard table or games boards. Please call Elizabeth on 0208 567
1415. Many thanks.
Treadmill available if able to collect great condition phone 07940772728
The Passage Please support the work of The Passage working with Homeless People. If you donate through The
Big Give website just after 10.00 a.m. on 4, 5 or 6 December every £1 is worth £2 due to matched funding. There is
an element of competition for full matching from The Big Give so if possible please give just after 10.00 a.m. on Thursday
5 December, Friday 6 December or Saturday 7 December. The Big Give site is quieter on the Saturday and the matched
giving remains open longer on that day. The link is
Calling all “Facebook” users
When visiting “Facebook”, please add “My Hospital Prayer and Activities Book” as a
“like”, to aid its publicity. This unique and original Catholic publication aims to help children pray if they are patients in a
hospital. All proceeds from the book go to “Seasons for Growth Eng. & Wales”, an education bereavement charity for
Scripture From Scratch: A Journey through the Bible. A basic bible study programme for everyone
interested: Parish Readers, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Adult Faith Formation & Small Communities
Leaders & Members, Catechists, Volunteers & all parishioners. Where: Vaughan House, 46 Francis St , SW1P 1QN.
When: 7pm-8.30pm. Tues 16th Dec. 2014 The Prophets with Brian Purfield. Registration beforehand required: or at or call 020 7931 6078. Suggested donation £3.
Begins at Evening Prayer 1 of the Sunday falling on or closest to 30th November (the First Sunday of
Advent) and ends before Evening Prayer of Christmas, on 24th December. There are 4 Sundays in
Advent has a twofold character:
• as a season to prepare for Christmas when Christ’s first coming to us is remembered;
• as a season when that remembrance directs the mind and heart to await Christ’s Second Coming at the end of time.
Advent is thus a period for devout and joyful expectation.
Since the tenth century the First Sunday of Advent has always marked the beginning of the Church’s year in the Catholic
Church. (In the Orthodox Church the season begins earlier in November). The beginning of Advent always follows the
Feast of Christ the King, so this year, (2014)the First Sunday of Advent falls on 30th November .
The earliest suggestion of a period of preparation for the birth of Jesus was towards the end of the 5th Century when St
Perpetuus decreed a fast three times a week from the feast of St Martin, 11th November, until Christmas. It became a
period of penance and fasting of 43 days, not unlike Lent, although somewhat less strict. It was commonly called St
Martin’s Lent. By the tenth century this period of time became the four Sundays, as we have now, and the rules of fasting
were relaxed.
The overall theme of Advent blends together a penitential spirit, a liturgical theme of preparation for the Second and Final
Coming of the Lord, called the Parousia, and a joyful theme of getting ready for the Bethlehem event.
• Week 1 Stay Awake and Watch
• Week 2 Prepare a Way for the Lord
• Week 3 Gaudete Sunday – Rejoice!
• Week 4 Mary Will Have a Child
Celebrating Advent – Preparing for Christmas
Extra Devotions and Services
Daily Reflection Booklets
A limited number of ‘Day by Day’ booklets
A leaflet summarising Advent with suggested scripture passages available in the porch. Can be used in
conjunction with ‘Wednesday Word’.
Exposition and Morning Prayer
(from week beginning 8th December)
Monday – Wednesday, Friday and Saturday
Exposition 8.15am
Morning Prayer 9.15am
Christmas Eve Solemn Mass (Carols 9.00pm, Mass 9.30pm)
Music Rehearsals Tuesday 7.45pm – 8.30pm
Christmas Eve Family Mass, 7.00pm
Initial involvement meeting, Tuesday 9th December, 5pm, Church
Subsequent rehearsals to be decided at the meeting.
Christmas Eve Children’s Mass, 5.00pm
Initial involvement meeting, Wednesday 10th December 5pm, Church
Subsequent rehearsals to be decided at the meeting.
Reconciliation (Confessions) – visiting priest
Saturday 13th December, after morning Mass
Carol Service
Sunday 21st December, 4.30pm
Rehearsal Thursdays 7.30pm in the Church
Social Events
Project 76 Christmas Bazaar
Sunday 7th December, after all morning Masses
Senior Citizens’ Lunch
Sunday 14th December, 1.00pm
Sign up list at the back of the church.
Practical Preparations
Church Cleaning
Monday 22 December, from after morning Mass onwards
All Age Flower Workshop
Tuesday 23rd December, 7pm, Parish Hall
to make Christmas arrangements for the church pillars; all materials provided
Sleeping Bags for the Homeless
Collection in the church porch after all Masses weekend of 6th/7th December