Obligations Of Peasants Well over 50 revolts in Russia between

Nobility’s reaction to _________________________________________
1. Preserve exclusiveness by making it hard to become a noble
2. Pushed to reserve appointments to officer courts of armies,
bureaucracy, and church for nobles
3. Attempted to use _______________________________________
________________________________ against the power of the
4. Sought to improve financial position by ____________________
Nearly all French peasants were subjected to _______________(feudal
 Prussia and Austria: landlords had ________________________________
 Hapsburg lands: law and custom required serfs to provide robot (service) to
the lords.
 Worst off in Russia
 Nobles reckoned wealth on number of male serfs. Serfs were
regarded as economic commodities
 ____________________________________________________
 Right to punish and exile serfs
 ____________________________________________________
 Southeastern Europe:
 peasants were free (scarcity of labor)
 the landlord increased authority by ________________________
Well over 50 revolts in Russia between 1762 and 1769.
Culminated in _______________________________
 Emelyan Pugachev promised the serfs land of their own and
freedom from lords
 Largest peasant uprising of 18th century
Smaller revolts in Bohemia, Transylvania, Moravia, and Austria
Almost no revolts in western Europe
 But England experienced many rural revolts
Serfs directed wrath against ___________________________
Sought to reassert traditional or customary rights
 Unfair pricing
 _________________________________
 Unjust officials
 _________________________________
Revolts were conservative in nature
The Aristocracy
Smallest, wealthiest, best defined, and most socially responsible aristocracy
Consisted of about _____ families (eldest male member in House of Lords)
Invested in ________________________________________________
Few legal privileges, but control over local govt. gave them political power
and social influence (___________________________________)
About 400,000 nobles divided:
-___________________: nobility derived from military service
-_________________:acquired titles by serving in bureaucracy
purchasing them
Two groups cooperated to defend common privileges
Also divided between:
 Reaped immense wealth from holding high office positions
-those who did not (provincial nobility-___________________)
 Little better off than wealthy peasants
Did not pat the taille (land tax)
Rarely paid the _____________________ (income tax) in full
Not liable for corvee (forced labor on public works)
Could collect feudal dues from tenants
Military traditions remained important
 Polish aristocrats:
-_______________ (nobles) exempt from taxes after 1741
-right of life and death over their serfs
-relatively poor
 Austria and Hungary:
-nobility continued to possess _________________________over
peasantry through manorial courts
-various degrees of exemption from taxes
 Prussia:
-position of Junker nobles became stronger after __________________
-extensive judicial authority over serfs
 Russia:
-Peter the Great linked state service with noble social status through
Table of Ranks
-determined to resist compulsory state service
-Empress Anna reduced service to 25 years
-Peter III exempted greatest nobles from service entirely
-Catherine the Great legally defined the rights and privileges of nobles
in exchange for voluntary state service (________________________)
1. Transmitting noble status to wife and children
2. Protection of rights and property
3. Power over serfs
4. Exemption from personal taxes