strength OR weakness - Thomas County Schools


Unit 3 Unit Test

Read the list of governmental duties- Determine if it’s a duty of the Federal Gov’t, State Government, or both.

1. _______________ Declaring War

2. ______________ Printing Money

Understanding the Constitution handout from video

3.______________ Establishing Schools

4. _____________ Imposing Taxes

5.______________ Establishing Courts

6. Why was the Constitutional Convention held in secret? ________ Understanding the Constitution handout from video

7. Which Branch of Gov’t was created by the Articles of Confederation ? How did the A of C organize the first national government? handout

8. How did the French and Indian War affect GA? 5W’s and an H in notebook (which rivers became our new western and southern boundaries?)

9. Why was the Battle of Kettle Creek an important victory for the GA militia? Rev. War notes in notebook

10. What was the name of our country’s first constitution? You should know this without notes!!

11. How was GA’s reaction to the Stamp Act different from the other 12 colonies? Rev. War Notes/Quiz

12. What was the name of the order that established the Appalachian Mountains as the western boundary of the

British Colonies? Rev. War Quiz

13. Even though those framing our new national government believed the U.S. needed a central government, they purposefully made it ____________ with the states having power over the national government. How did A of

C organize. . . handout #6

14. How did the French and Indian War lead to the American Revolution? (see steps on American Rev. Quiz

15. What was the meeting called that was held in Philadelphia to rewrite the Articles of Confederation, America’s first constitution? No brainer

16. What was the major accomplishment of the Articles of Confederation? How did A of C organize . . . handout

#4 on the achievements side of t-chart

17. Why did Georgians support the ratification of the U.S. Constitution? Questions on pg. 14 of notebook

18. Having a government in which there is a separate executive, judicial, and legislative branch with specific duties is known as (Understanding the Constitution video sheet.

19. Giving the Legislative Branch the majority of power was the main

strength OR weakness

of GA

Constitution of 1777

20. What are 3 similarities between the GA and U.S. Constitution? a. both have a preamble and bill of rights b. amendment process c. set up 3 branches of government

21. A number of states filed lawsuits against Obama Health Care plan (passed by Congress – the legislative

branch) and the U.S. Supreme Court (judicial branch) ruled that the law was constitutional. What government practice is being described? _________________________________ (constitutional principle on

Understanding the Constitution handout)

Why are these people important to GA History?

22. Nancy Hart-

23. Abraham Baldwin and William Few-

24. Elijah Clarke-

25. Button Gwinnett, Lyman Hall and George Walton-

26. Casimir Pulaski and William Jasper-

Citizenship Terms

27. Obeying the law-

28. Democrat/Republican-

29. Being 18, a U.S. Citizen, and legal resident of a county-

30. Assembly-

American Revolution Quiz – except

# 23

What makes me a Georgia citizen notes on pg. 15
