Resource Solutions Provider - Business Profile Information

Resource Solutions Provider - Business Profile Information
Organizational Name : ESSA Logistic, LLC
Organizational Address: 145 Gruner Road, Cheektowaga, NY 14227
City, State, Zip
Web Address:
Business Phone 716-856-9552 x212
Business Fax: 716-847-8842
Business Mobile: 716-602-5116
How many offices or organizational locations: one
How many employees in your organization 10
Please describe your organization’s core competencies and purpose of business: Warehousing,
distribution, leasing warehouse and office space in shared services environment, transportation
brokerage and trucking, fulfillment and pick and pack services.
Please describe what your organization can offer to NYS manufacturing companies: Office/warehouse
space, cross-docking, truckload, intermodal, less-than-truckload, freight transportation, local
transportation services.
Please describe/list the number and types of products and/or services your organization sells.
Transportation brokerage, cross-border transportation, warehousing, distribution, fulfillment,
warehouse and office space.
Please describe your organizational supply chains (describe the major supply chain or supplier types
that your organization serves/sells to, and buys from) Extreme value retailers (Big Lots, Dollar Tree,
etc) manufacturers of various commodities to include food, machinery, health and beauty aids)
Industry (please describe your organization’s major industry sector(s)/sub-sector(s) classification) –
Transportation and warehousing
Which organizations do you consider as the major organizational competitors? Please list
organizational names: TMSI , Speed Global Services, Productive Transportation, SonWil Distribution.
How many years has your organization been in business in New York: 78
Please describe any notable accomplishments or successes you have achieved or facilitated for your
customers: successfully efficiently transport and warehouse freight everyday
Please check all of the resource capabilities, services and/or expertise from the following list that your
organization can provide:
____Engineering: Contract Services
____Engineering Consulting Services
____Management Consulting/Strategic Planning
____Production Flexibility/Capacity
____Product Design & Development/Prototype Development
____Additive Manufacturing/Process Automation
____Commercialization/Scale Up
__x__Supply Chain Management/Supply Chain Development/Supplier Scouting
____Specialized Equipment/Instrumentation
____Specialized Facilities/Labs
____Site Selection/Fit Up
____Information Technology Services
____Sustainability/Waste Management/Energy Savings
____Marketing/Web/Social Media Services
____SBIR/Grant Application Assistance
____Funding/Capital & Finance Services/Grants/Investment
____Research/R & D
____Business Development/Partner Development/Market Development
__x__Professional Business Services: Legal/IP
____Professional Business Services: Sales/Sales Training
__x__Professional Business Services: Accounting/Finance
__x__Professional Business Services: Administrative/Conference Room/Facility leasing
____Professional Business Services: Executive Recruitment/Executive Advisory/Mentorship
____Start Up/Business Planning
__x__Other – Transportation, warehousing, package design and supply chain optimization
Please provide any additional key words that represent the organization’s capabilities, expertise,
application domain and sector focus, target customers or markets, industry(s), etc.
Specialized Equipment, Facilities, Lab and Technical Related Services - If
If applicable, please provide information about equipment, lab and facility resources or related
technical services your organization offers. Please describe each facility, equipment asset and related
services separately:
Organization Name
Geographic location of the equipment, facilities or lab
Terms of Use
What is the main purpose or application of the equipment or facility?
Who are the main or target commercial or industrial customers/users?
Provide any key words that represent this resource equipment or facility (no limit)
Individual Expertise/Profile Information Form – If Applicable
If applicable, please provide information about individual experts within your organization.
Individual Name
Business Phone(s):
Business Mobile(s)
Other (fax)
Please provide an updated resume, CV, Bio:
Please describe your domain expertise, capabilities, and focus areas (customers, applications,
markets, industries, etc.) any key words that represent your