Pip's Mentors

Who are Pip’s heroes?
The Breakdown of
Prominent Personalities
Philip Blass and David Stahl
Mrs. Joe Gargery
Boisterous and Egotistical
“Who brought you up by hand and
don’t you forget it!”
“Appreciate who brought you up by
Tough Love- She definitely cares about
She did bring him up by hand, and she
really didn’t have to- she did show up.
(The Rashah)
Rough Personality
“Jammed the loaf hard.”
“Sawed a very thick round off the loaf.”
Harsh Character
“Tickler” the whip
“Mrs. Joe has been out a dozen times,
looking for you, Pip” (Joe to Pip)
Desire to instill manners and
appreciation- this is why she’s so hard
on him (Obama example)
She went all Jewish mother on him- she
was so concerned about his job- his
future (double sided argument)
Miss Havisham
• No Love
Transformation of adopted
Estella into another Ms.
Havisham – mesorah of hatred
• Angry and Cruel
Playing with Pip’s heart and
• Vengeful
The use of Estella as a puppet
• Unwilling to move on in life
The permanently stopped clock
• What have I done? Response to
the marriage of Estella and
Drummle- ultimately learns her
lesson- Pip sees repentance
• Lesson reversed: Pip stands up
to Estella despite Ms.
Havisham’s attempts- strength
from betrayal.
Abel Magwitch
• Bad man
Let’s not forget…he is a
• Bad in a Convict’s eye
Pip on the gravestone
Prisoners and Child
• Mysterious and Shadowed
No contact with Pip,
Forces himself on Pip
• Supports Pip, gives him
money that he makes
• “I worked so you wouldn’t
have to”
• Honors his debt (theme
with Jaggers also, cleaning
your debts)
Mr. Jaggers
• Intimidating
Scruff marks, scary office,
anxious clients
• Dirty Business, Dirty
Convicts all day, can even scare
them. What a way to make a
• Hides from Guilty Conscience
Soap scented hands
• Takes care of Pip
• Takes jobs nobody else does
and gets the job done
• His intimidation will help Pip
be intimidating and take
intimidation if and when it
becomes necessary.
• He teaches Pip what he thinks
Pip will need to know ex. How
to be successful in the business
Joe Gargery
• Simpleton
• No Education
Can’t even read or write
• Spineless?
“Joe look at [Mrs. Joe] in
a helpless way, then took a
helpless bite, then looked
at me.”
• Defenseless for Pip
Mrs. Joe has her way with
him every time
• Will teach Pip anything
and everything that he
does know
• He loves Pip
• He and Pip give each
other the strength to deal
with Mrs. Joe. They cheer
each other up and
entertain each other, esp.
after one gets berated.
• He supports Pip’s