December 16, 2015 Meeting of SRC-DBVI

SRC-DBVI Meeting
December 16, 2015
2:30 - 4:00
Sarah Wilson C.R.
DOL Augusta
SRC Members Present: Kathy Despres, SRC-DBVI Chair/CAP advocate; Kelly
Osborn, Executive Director Goodwill Workforce Services; Nancy Moulton,
Education Services for Blind and Visually Impaired Children; Scott Murray, SRCDBVI Admin. Assistant; Sue Fairfield, MPF Rep; Chris Boynton, Maine State
Library; Annette Tillsley, DBVI
SRC Members On Phone: Carol Mackey, general member; Walter Woitasek,
Deaf-Blind rep; Cheryl Peabody, ACB Maine; Darcy Gentle, Native American VR;
Carrie Brooker, DBVI Brad Strause, SILC/AlphOne;
Members of the Public Present: Jenn Ardito, CAP advocate; Rosemary
Houghton, FFS-DBVI; Brenda Drummond, DBVI, Jim Phipps, Iris Network
SRC Members Absent with Notice: Lynn Merrill, PTGDU; Annette Tillsley,
DBVI VR counselor; Michelle Mason, VA Healthcare System/Blinded Veterans
Members of the Public On phone: Mary Beth Walsh, Carolyn Bebee, Andrea
Bickford, Rosemary Houghton
1. Call to Order: Meeting called to order at 2:32 by Kathy Despres.
2. Old Business
a. Approval of Minutes: Walter made motion to accept November minutes, Cheryl
seconded. Scott cited receiving clarification from Nancy that her interest was in
discussing the interview questions rather than being on the interview committee,
Jim Phipps was included in the roll call as a member; is currently not an SRC
member. All in favor of approving minutes with above amendments, motion
carried unanimously.
b. Update on Emergency Legislation (Jenny): Steve Hoad says the legislative
leadership council going back into session tomorrow, hope to consider the bill hat
that time, much support incoming from b/vi folks.
c. State Plan Comments (Kathy): Only got 4 comments on the CSNA, more
needed; group urged to share their views with Kathy by 12/30--will be compiled
and put into the state plan. Brad noted document length - 95 pp., but stressed
its importance in SRC function.
d. Hiring Committee: Did meet, sent out results, positive comments from Karen
Fraser, questions should not go out, though, will not be read out loud, applicants
should not see ahead of time. Hiring committee recommendations, include Bud
Lewis, others as per BRS. Brad asked if SILC/stakeholders should be involved,
Kathy will consider. Group size needs to be kept under control.
Brenda (filling in for Bud) updated group on progress--job is posted, closes this
Friday, small window, not many applicants, probably will get extended; group
needs to get the word out, NERCVE, AFB suggested. Committee member
selection is still in progress, will include SRC member (Cheryl recommended and
CAP rep--Kathy).
e. Recognition Letter: Letter for John McMahon pending--Brad still on board for
that, will send e-mail to Scott and/or Annette for distribution, requesting info
about his accomplishments.
3. New Business:
a. Appropriations: Kathy started discussion about email re: Appropriations. Jenny
added (as SRC-DVR Chair) new info about DVR shortfall, feels similar to DBVI
situation--no warning per se, monthly DVR reports favorable. Kathy going to
meeting Friday as CAP director, will also listen from SRC perspective, but not
much to report at the moment other than initial shock--different programs, same
problem, moving target--$0.5-1.0M. Jenny looking to follow example of SRCDBVI in crafting response/questions. Chris cited MSL's challenges; information
from DAFS not adequate for budget monitoring/planning, staff turnover-different people handle accounts at different times and they don't always
understand the federal side of how money is spent, need internal staff to
monitor things more closely. Kathy looking to SRC to make recommendations.
Brenda cited lengthy vacancy at DAFS as part of issue, but has been filled,
answers should be more forthcoming going forward. Kathy expressed concerned
about quality of training new person receives, Brenda confident.
SRC could recommend DBVI/BRS have some kind of fail-safe accounting
protocol. Becoming a commission wouldn't circumvent DAFS issues, but might
leverage external review of DAFS data. Brenda favors waiting to hear about
Bud's investigations. Kathy favors waiting for the whole picture, maybe respond
in unison with SRC-DVR. Jim agrees, there may be more info by Jan. meeting.
Bud's independent record-keeping mentioned--even before DAFS--used a form to
monitor monthly cash flow. Bud still has the form and can re-create it for current
use. Bud's absence noted, working half time, learning curve steeper than
expected, but should have data for next SRC meeting.
Audits touched on, Brenda cited various ones done by funders. Kathy wants
copies of audits if any.
Kathy wants to include monetary request with comments to Appropriations,
possible amounts discussed. Jim cited 2010 report/request resulting in additions.
Kathy will draft request for group to review, needs to include justification, could
be frozen positions, lack of VR counselors, 2010 report includes list of positions
still not funded, could also refer to current crisis. Appropriations not meeting
again until 1/6/16.
b. Membership Update (Kathy): Five packets out: Carol, Sue, Chris, Brad, John
Grondin. Kathy should hear by Monday. Trying to get Jim back on, question is
which seat. Nancy noted lack of corporate members--4 business seats empty.
Brenda noted employers at Immersion Center open house, could reach out.
Business members could be offered dial-in or partial attendance, group could
send something out to VR counselors and have them reach out.
Kathy moved Order of Selection to end of agenda to allow time for committee
4. Subcommittee Updates:
a. Homemaker: Met yesterday, Annette is new chair. Diane reported cost of
services for homemakers for last 4 years: 2012: 68 successful for $221,000,
2015: 78 successful for $177,500. (IL not reflected) Will re-review with
community-based waivers. Also talked about approaches to additional funding
requests, who to partner with.
Next steps: set future meeting dates, explore exception to states with high
number of homemakers to continue to explore DHS for funding for IL services.
b. Transition: (Nancy). Met today, reviewed work plan and WIOA section-by-
section from Sam and PETS. Looked at number of students 14 and up in ESBVIC
program--total for state is 62, also looked at readers versus non- or pre-readers
to discern academic from multiple challenges and differences by county.
Identified 3 questions for DBVI: Are they reflecting whatever VR money is in the
ESBVIC contract for WIOA? Services provided by contracted partners need to be
tracked? What's the actual dollar amount and how to confirm accuracy?
Nancy then talked about specific requirements of the 15% for PETS, already
covered, with things like instruction of self-advocacy, teaching the staff, question
is, what do we need to track?
c. Realignment: (Kathy) Sent out question to all stakeholders, staff,
consumers, providers, got 8 pages of varied responses, should be ready to add
to state plan by next month. No comments yet from SRC members, Kathy will
send out questions tomorrow. Praised groups for hard work.
d. Finance: (Jim) DBVI did provide information to entire SRC, but not in time for
finance group meeting so rescheduled to this morning, but preempted by news
of DVR shortfall. Report short on helpful info about DBVI shortfall, need to go
back to whoever generated it and ask for more detail. It's no wonder why the
problem arose because this report isn't enough to manage this agency. Jim
favors seeking more financial expertise than available with current committee
Brad suggested someone from SCORE.
Kathy opened floor to public comment but none forthcoming.
5. Order of Selection: (Kathy) Numbers seem good, Order of Selection
(OOS) may not be relevant, but SRC supposed to make yearly determination
about OOS according to state plan, hasn't done it, discussion could be by phone.
Brenda advised keeping the time frame in mind.
Jim clarified SRC role as simply to concur or disagree, that DBVI is responsible
for making the determinations. Kathy cited Rehab Act's view. More info needed
to make determination, justification might need to focus on why not to do it.
Recommendation could be to revisit in 6 months, OOS itself is a lot of work,
other negative consequences, too, but in hindsight, OOS should have been
started in June for brief period. Kathy will send out e-mail to recruit for OOS
subcommittee. Jim wants to see report from DBVI on whether it believes an OOS
is warranted at this point and their justification for why or why not. Will ask for
that before the next SRC meeting. DVR's OOS status then discussed, DVR not
in OOS, but has committee looking at it, will meet Friday.
6. Adjournment. Nancy made motion to adjourn, Walter seconded. All in
favor. Meeting adjourned at 3:56.