Chapter 4 Section 4 Study guide

Chapter 4 Section 4 Culture of Classical Greece
Greek Religion
What was the relationship between church and state in Greece?
What was the idea behind the Greeks performing rituals. What is a ritual?
What were the purpose of festivals? List the festival that first happened in 776 B.C.
What were Oracles? What was the oracle at Delphi about?
Give an example of their puzzling responses.
Classical Greek Arts and Literature
How did Greek art influence the West?
What was the concern in Greek Art? What was the subject matter?
What ideals are presented in Greek Art?
Architecture and Sculpture
Read the first two paragraphs. List at least five reasons why the Parthenon was important.
Explain “revered ruin”
Describe a classic Greek sculpture
How did Polyclitus achieve the ideal human form?
What is literary Greek Tragedy? (not in the text—find a definition)
Summarize Oresteia. What is the intended moral of the play?
Who wrote Oedipus Rex? Summarize the theme of this play.
List the themes in Greek tragedies that we still use today
What were Greek comedies used for? What did they use to make their point?
The Writing of History
What were the Greeks first in when history is considered?
Who is Herodotus and how did he depict the conflict between the Greek and Persians?
The text tells us Herodotus traveled widely to collect information. How does the text
describe him.
Who was Thucydides? How is he different form Herodotus? What was his emphasis?
Why did Thucydides value history?
Greek Philosophy
The Term philosophy is Greek explain what it means and its Greek meaning
Where did Pythagoras believe one could find the essence of the universe?
Why do geometry students love Pythagoras?
How did they view people such as Pythagoras? Why?
What did they feel it was important for people to do?
What is rhetoric? Why was it important in Athens?
List the qualities of the Sophists (their debating ability)