to view - Southeast Whitfield High School

2014 - 2015
1954 Riverbend Road
Dalton, GA 30721
(706) 876-7000
Maroon and Silver
Member, Region 7AAAA for all Athletic and Literary Competitions
Additional information concerning Whitfield County High School curriculum can be found online at
(Click on the High School Curriculum & Instruction Guide)
Table of Contents
Alma Mater .....................................................................................................................................5
Southeast Whitfield High School Statement of Beliefs ..................................................................6
WCS Board of Education .................................................................................................................6
WCS Administration…………………………………………………………………………….. ......................................6
Southeast High School Administration ........................................................................................... 6
Southeast High School Faculty and Staff ........................................................................................7
Welcome From the Principal ..........................................................................................................8
WCS Calendar ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………9
Model Notification of Rights under FERPA for Elementary and Secondary Schools………………….10
Model Notification of Rights under the Production of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA)………….11
PPRA Model Notice and Consent/Opt-Out for Specific Activities ................................................ 12
Notice of Rights of Students and Parents under Section 504 ...................................................... 15
Reporting of Inappropriate Teacher to Student Behavior ............................................................ 18
Release of Directory Information ................................................................................................. 18
Student Use of Internet ................................................................................................................ 19
Apprenticeship Program ............................................................................................................... 19
College Information ...................................................................................................................... 19
College Admission Information..................................................................................................... 20
Whitfield County Schools Graduation Requirements ................................................................... 21
Senior Exemption from Final Exams ............................................................................................. 21
Final Examinations ........................................................................................................................ 21
Gifted Program.............................................................................................................................. 21
Grading Policy ............................................................................................................................... 22
Grades and Grade Reports............................................................................................................ 22
Georgia Milestone (EOCT)………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 23
Georgia Virtual School……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..23
Graduation Exercises .................................................................................................................... 25
Honors and Advanced Placement Courses ................................................................................... 25
Honors, Scholarships, Awards....................................................................................................... 26
Southeast Awards Reception ........................................................................................................ 26
Hope Scholarship Requirements (Graduating Class of 2007 and After)....................................... 28
Whitfield County Scholar .............................................................................................................. 29
Post-Secondary Options................................................................................................................ 31
Post-Secondary Financial Aid ........................................................................................................ 31
Promotion and Graduation Requirements ................................................................................... 31
Repeating Courses ........................................................................................................................ 31
College Admission Tests................................................................................................................ 32
Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test/ National Merit Scholastic Qualifying Test ........................ 32
Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery ............................................................................... 32
Georgia High School Graduation Test ........................................................................................... 32
Transcripts..................................................................................................................................... 33
Absences for School-Sponsored Events and College Visits .......................................................... 34
WCS Attendance Procedures ........................................................................................................ 35
Certification of Attendance........................................................................................................... 38
Make-up after Absences ............................................................................................................... 38
Perfect Attendance Policy ............................................................................................................. 38
Check-in or Check-Out .................................................................................................................. 39
Hospital/ Homebound Program.................................................................................................... 39
Tardy to School Policy ................................................................................................................... 39
Tardy to Class Policy...................................................................................................................... 40
Tardies Are Cumulative Through Each Term/Semester ............................................................... 40
Withdrawal from School ............................................................................................................... 41
Registration Information............................................................................................................... 41
Academic Courses ......................................................................................................................... 41
Elective Courses ............................................................................................................................ 41
Prerequisites and Concurrent Courses ......................................................................................... 42
Levels of Course Difficulty ............................................................................................................. 42
Honors Courses ............................................................................................................................. 42
Scheduling Conflicts and Alternate Choices ................................................................................. 42
Counselors..................................................................................................................................... 43
Assistance and Decisions .............................................................................................................. 43
Administrators .............................................................................................................................. 43
WCS Harassment Policy ................................................................................................................ 44
Buses ............................................................................................................................................. 44
Student Use of Prescribed and Over the Counter Medications ................................................... 45
Zero Tolerance Weapons Law....................................................................................................... 45
Discipline Code .............................................................................................................................. 45
Whitfield County Discipline Code of Conduct............................................................................... 45
Statement of Due Process ............................................................................................................ 46
Student Parking Policy .................................................................................................................. 46
Board Policy: Student Dress Code: Grades 6-12 ........................................................................... 47
Accidents and Illnesses ................................................................................................................. 51
Building Hours ............................................................................................................................... 51
Cafeteria ........................................................................................................................................ 51
Athletic Program ........................................................................................................................... 51
Procedure for Chronic Charges ..................................................................................................... 52
Bell Schedules ............................................................................................................................... 52
Closed Campus .............................................................................................................................. 52
Insurance for Students .................................................................................................................. 53
Lost and Found .............................................................................................................................. 53
Safe Schools Information .............................................................................................................. 53
Telephone Policy ........................................................................................................................... 54
Visitors .......................................................................................................................................... 54
Homecoming ................................................................................................................................. 55
Prom .............................................................................................................................................. 55
Senior Field Day ............................................................................................................................ 55
Clubs and Organizations ............................................................................................................... 55
Sports ............................................................................................................................................ 56
Let us stand with love and honor;
Lift her banners high.
Here’s to thee, our alma mater,
Southeast Whitfield High.
Strength and valor be her symbols;
Let her spirit soar.
Lead us on with hope and courage
Found within her door.
Loyal always be our motto;
Hear our heartfelt cheers.
Onward march, Maroon and Silver
Brave the coming year.
Never will our friendship falter,
Bound by silver ties.
We will love and long remember
Dear old Southeast High.
We are proud to be the Raiders;
Let our voices swell.
Sing of praise to our dear high school.
Southeast High. All Hail!
By: Rusty Wilson
Southeast Whitfield High School
Statement of Beliefs
Raiders believe:
* All individuals should be treated with dignity and respect.
* Learning is a continuous process that is challenging and meaningful.
* Teachers are designers of engaging lessons and leaders of students.
* Community and parental involvement are essential for success.
* Learning environments should be inviting and safe.
* Students take responsibility as partners in learning.
Mr. Thomas Barton
Mr. Tony Stanley
Mr. Louis Fordham - Chairman
Mr. Rodney Lock
Mr. Bill Worley – Vice Chairman
Dr. Judy Gilreath Superintendent
Ms. Karey Williams Assistant Superintendent
Ms. Denise Pendley
Mr. Mark Lentych
Mr. Larry Farner
Mrs. Wanda Storey
Assistant Principal
Assistant Principal
Assistant Principal
Southeast High School Faculty and Staff
Albertson, Anna
Allen, Tom
Bailey, Wendy
Baker, Lisa
Barto, Debby
Bishop, Carrie
Braly, Jamison
Bryant, Crystal
Burgess, Hannah
Cantrell, Tammy
Carraway, Tanya
Carraway, Scot
Carty, Rhonda
Case, Jim
Childers, Anne
Clayton, Carol
Close, Todd
Cole, Shannon
Conger, Shane
Cook, Pam
Cooper, Cassie
Dempsey, Ethan
Dunn, Emily
Durham, Mike
Farner, Larry
Ferrick, Jeff
Fields, Collette
Fowler, Jared
Gass, Kayla
Gibson, Cindy
Gibson, David
Green, Karlene
Hall, Anthony
Hammond, John
Harrington, Suzanne
Harvey, Kristi
Hayes, Nicole
Hickman, Matt
Holcomb, Jericka
Hoskins, Dennis
Howell, Beverlee
Hunt, Alison
Jones, Wade
Kenemer, Bethany
Kettenring, Kevin
Khote, Nihal
King, Philip
Lafever, Rachel
Lentych, Mark
Lofton, Brad
Lumpkin, Zach
Lyles, Maggie
Mangrum, Sonja
Moore, Jason
Murray, Todd
Noll, Leigh Ann
Ogle, Brad
Oliver, Ben
Oliver, Hannah
Painter, Heather
Pendley, Deni
Pharis, Michael
Gray, Sean
Powell, Michael
Ramfjord, Amanda
Ramsey, Ginger
Reece, Sherry
Richards, Darline
Rodriguez, Anthony
Rodriguez, Susie
Sane, Alana
Sewell, Aaron
Shields, Aubrey
Smith, Brittany
Smith, Mayra
Spoon, Kristin
Storey, Wanda
Thomas, Lauren
Trammell, Brandy
Tucker, Jason
Williams, April
Williams, Bob
Wood, Amie
Zhu, Lianxing
Bailey, Terri
Kyle, Michelle
Edgeman, Shirley
Elrod, Meshell
Reeves, Myra
Newton, Robyn
Washington, L.
Jarod Hayes
I hope each of you had a great summer and are ready to return to school to meet the challenges
of your new classes, participate in athletics and clubs, and re-connect with friends.
We believe that we have in place at Southeast all you will need to make good choices. We
have an outstanding faculty and staff whose job is to create learning experiences that will engage you; we
have facilities that are conducive to learning and exploring as you move toward graduation, and we have
a supportive community that sees Southeast High School as a launching pad for the hopes and dreams of
young people.
The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools is the accrediting organization for our
school, and we meet or exceed all SACS standards. Southeast offers Advance Placement, honors, and
college preparatory courses. We are proud to offer many educational opportunities for our students. The
Whitfield County Career Academy, a 9th – 12th grade school is available to Southeast students full or parttime. Students may also access online learning through Georgia Virtual High School. College courses at
Dalton College and Georgia Northwestern Technical College are also available for Southeast students
during the school year. In addition to the instructional programs, various extracurricular offerings at
Southeast provide many avenues for success.
Our goal at Southeast is to provide engaging work so that all students work at maximum levels of
performance. We want to build within each student the strength of character that will become the
foundation of our community and our nation’s future.
Best wishes to each of you as you begin a new year at Southeast. Work Hard, Play Fair, Dream
Big, Make A Difference, Be Proud of who you are, Make Wise Decisions and Have a Good Day. You will do
well and we will be cheering you all the way!
Deni Pendley, Principal
Southeast High School
Whitfield County Schools
2014 – 2015 Calendar
Monday–Wednesday, August 4–6 .............................. Pre-Planning for Teachers
Thursday, August 7 .................................................... First Day of School for Students
Monday, September 1 ................................................ Labor Day Holiday
Monday–Tuesday, October 13–14 ............................. Staff and Student Holiday
Wednesday, October 22 ............................................. Early Dismissal
(Parent Conference/Professional Learning)
Monday–Friday November 24–28 .............................. Thanksgiving Holidays
Friday, December 19 .................................................. Early Dismissal
(Parent Conferences/Professional Learning)
Monday, Dec. 22–Friday, January 2 ........................... Christmas Holidays for Staff and Students
Monday, January 5………………………………….. .... Professional Learning Day for Teachers
Tuesday, January 6 .................................................... Resume Classes after Christmas Holidays
Monday, January 19 ................................................... Staff and Student Holiday
(Martin Luther King Birthday)
Monday–Friday, February 16–20 ............................... Staff and Student Holiday
Thursday, March 12 .................................................... Early Dismissal
(Parent Conference/Professional Learning)
Friday, March 13 .............................................................. Staff and Student Holiday or Inclement
Weather Make-up Day
Monday–Friday, March 30–April 3 ............................. Spring Holidays
Friday, May 22 ............................................................ Early Dismissal
(Last Day of School for Students 176 days)
Monday, May 25 ......................................................... Memorial Day Holiday
Tuesday–Wednesday, May 26–27 ............................. Post Planning for Teachers
High Schools
Semester Ends
Progress Reports Issued
Semester Report Cards
1st Friday, Dec. 19
Thursday, Sept. 25
Thursday, Nov. 6
Thursday, Jan. 8
2nd Friday, May 22
Thursday, Feb. 26
Thursday, April 16
End of Year
Model Notification of Rights under FERPA
for Elementary and Secondary Schools
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords parents and students over 18 years of age
(“eligible students”) certain rights with respect to the student’s education records. These rights are:
(1) The right to inspect and review the student’s education records within 45 days of the
day the School receives a request for access.
Parents or eligible students should submit to the School principal (or appropriate school
official) a written request that identifies the record(s) they wish to inspect. The School official will make
arrangements for access and notify the parent or eligible student of the time and place where the
records may be inspected.
(2) The right to request the amendment of the student’s education records that the
parent or eligible student believes are inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the student’s
privacy rights under FERPA.
Parents or eligible students who wish to ask the School to amend a record should write
the School principal (or appropriate school official), clearly identify the part of the record they want
changed, and specify why it should be changed. If the School decides not to amend the record as
requested by the parent or eligible student, the School will notify the parent or eligible student of the
decision and advise them of their right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment. Additional
information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the parent or eligible student when
notified of the right to a hearing.
(3) The right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in
the student’s education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent.
One exception, which permits disclosure without consent, is disclosure to school officials
with legitimate educational interests. A school official is a person employed by the School as an
administrator, supervisor, instructor, or support staff member (including health or medical staff and law
enforcement unit personnel); a person serving on the School Board; a person or company with whom
the School has contracted as its agent to provide a service instead of using its own employees or officials
(such as an attorney, auditor, medical consultant, or therapist); or a parent or student serving on an
official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee, or assisting another school official in
performing his or her tasks.
A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an
education record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibility.
(Optional) Upon request, the School discloses education records without consent to
officials of another school district in which a student seeks or intends to enroll. (NOTE: FERPA requires
a school district to make a reasonable attempt to notify the parent or student of the records request
unless it states in its annual notification that it intends to forward records on request.)
(4) The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged
failures by the School District to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the
Office that administers FERPA are:
Family Policy Compliance Office
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue, SW
Washington DC 20202-5920
(NOTE: In addition, a school may want to include its directory information public notice, as required by § 99.37
of the regulations, with its annual notification of rights under FERPA.)
Model Notification of Rights Under the Protection of
Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA)
PPRA affords parents certain rights regarding our conduct of surveys, collection and use of information
for marketing purposes, and certain physical exams. These include the right to:
Consent before students are required to submit to a survey that concerns one or more of the
following protected areas (“protected information survey”) if the survey is funded in whole or in
part by a program of the U.S. Department of Education (ED)1. Political affiliations or beliefs of the student or student’s parent;
2. Mental or psychological problems of the student or student’s family;
3. Sex behavior or attitudes;
4. Illegal, anti-social, self-incriminating, or demeaning behavior;
5. Critical appraisals of others with whom respondents have close family relationships;
6. Legally recognized privileged relationships, such as with lawyers, doctors, or ministers
7. Religious practices, affiliations, or beliefs of the student or parents; or
8. Income, other than as required by law to determine program eligibility.
 Receive notice and an opportunity to opt a student out of –
1. Any other protected information survey, regardless of funding;
2. Any non-emergency, invasive physical exam or screening required as a condition of
attendance, administered by the school or its agent, and not necessary to protect the
immediate health and safety of a student, except for hearing, vision, or scoliosis
screenings, or any physical exam or screening permitted or required under State law;
3. Activities involving collection, disclosure, or use of personal information obtained
from students for marketing or to sell or otherwise distribute the information to others.
 Inspect, upon request and before administration or use –
1. Protected information surveys of students;
2. Instruments used to collect personal information from students for any of the above
marketing, sales, or other distribution purposes; and
3. Instructional material used as part of the educational curriculum.
These rights transfer from the parents to a student who is 18 years old or an emancipated minor under
State law.
(School District will/has develop(ed) and adopt(ed)) policies, in consultation with parents, regarding
these rights, as well as arrangements to protect student privacy in the administration of protected
information surveys and the collection, disclosure, or use of personal information for marketing, sales,
or other distribution purposes. (School District) will directly notify parents of these policies at least
annually at the start of each school year and after any substantive changes. (School District) will also
directly notify, such as through U.S. Mail or email, parents of students who are scheduled to participate
in the specific activities or surveys noted below and will provide an opportunity for the parent to opt his
or her child out of participation of the specific activity or survey. (School District) will make this
notification to parents at the beginning of the school year if the District has identified the specific or
approximate dates of the activities or surveys at that time. For surveys and activities scheduled after
the school year starts, parents will be provided reasonable notification of the planned activities and
surveys listed below and be provided an opportunity to opt their child out of such activities and surveys.
Parents will also be provided an opportunity to review any pertinent surveys. Following is a list of the
specific activities and surveys covered under this requirement:
 Collection, disclosure, or use of personal information for marketing, sales or other distribution.
 Administration of any protected information survey not funded in whole or in part by ED.
 Any non-emergency, invasive physical examination or screening as described above.
Parents who believe their rights have been violated may file a complaint with
Family Policy Compliance Office
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue, SW
Washington, D.C. 20202-5920
PPRA Model Notice and Consent/Opt-Out for
Specific Activities
(LEAs should adopt the following model form as appropriate)
The Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA), 20 U.S.C. § 1232h, requires (School District) to notify
you and obtain consent or allow you to opt your child out of participating in certain school activities.
These activities include a student survey, analysis, or evaluation that concerns one or more of the
following eight areas (“protected information surveys”):
1. Political affiliations or beliefs of the student or student’s parent;
2. Mental or psychological problems of the student or student’s family;
3. Sex behavior or attitudes;
4. Illegal, anti-social, self-incriminating, or demeaning behavior;
5. Critical appraisals of others with whom respondents have close family relationships;
6. Legally recognized privileged relationships, such as with lawyers, doctors, or ministers;
7. Religious practices, affiliations, or beliefs of the student or parents; or
8. Income, other than as required by law to determine program eligibility.
This requirement also applies to the collection, disclosure or use of student information for marketing
purposes (“marketing surveys”), and certain physical exams and screenings.
Following is a schedule of activities requiring parental notice and consent or opt-out for the upcoming
school year: use of internet, release of student picture and or release of directory information. This
list is not exhaustive and, for surveys and activities scheduled after the school year starts, the (Whitfield
County Schools) will provide parents, within a reasonable period of time prior to the administration of
the surveys and activities, notification of the surveys and activities and be provided an opportunity to
opt their child out, as well as an opportunity to review the surveys. (Please note that this notice and
consent/opt-out transfers from parents to any student who is 18 years old or an emancipated minor
under State law.)
Aviso a Padres/Tutores y Alumnos Elegibles
de Derechos bajo
el Acta de Derechos Familiares Educacionales y de Privacidad (FERPA)
y Enmienda para Protección de Derechos de Alumnos (PPRA)
Acta de Derechos Familiares Educacionales y de Privacidad (FERPA)
Bajo el Acta de Derechos Familiares Educacionales y de Privacidad (20 U.S.C. 1232g) (el “Acta”) usted tiene el derecho a:
(1) Revisión e inspección, dentro de 45 días de una petición, el expediente de un alumno que es su hijo, o en el caso de un
alumno quien tenga 18 años de edad o más, su propio expediente de educación. Padres o Alumnos elegibles deben someter al
Superintendente una petición escrita que identifique el/los expediente/s que desean revisar. El Superintendente hará los
arreglos para el acceso y avisara de tales arreglos.
(2) Pedir la enmienda del expediente de educación del alumno para cerciorarse que no estén incorrectos, corruptos, o de
otra manera en violación de los derechos de privacidad u otros derechos del alumno. Para pedir que el distrito escolar
enmiende un expediente, padres o alumnos elegibles deben escribir al director de la escuela, especifique la parte del
expediente que desean cambiar, y especifique porque es incorrecto, corrupto, o de otra manera en violación de los derechos de
privacidad u otros derechos del alumno. Si el distrito decide no enmendar el expediente, notificara al padre o alumno elegible
de la decisión e informara de su derecho a una sesión. Información adicional en relación al proceso de la sesión será provista a
los padres o alumno elegible al ser notificado del derecho de tener una sesión.
(3) Consentir a divulgar información personal identificable contenido en el expediente de educación del alumno, excepto a
la medida que el acta y la reglamentación promulgada de acuerdo al acta autoricen divulgar sin consentimiento. Una excepción
que permite la divulgación sin consentimiento es a oficiales de escuela con legítimo interés en la educación. Un oficial de
escuela es una persona empleada por el distrito como administrador, supervisor, instructor, o miembro del personal de apoyo;
un miembro del Consejo Educativo; una persona con quien el distrito haya contratado para cumplir una tarea especifica (la cual
seria un abogado, auditor, o terapeuta); o un padre o alumno que sirve en un comité oficial, (como un comité disciplinario o de
agraviamientos). Un oficial de escuela tiene un legítimo interés educacional cuando el oficial necesite revisar el expediente de
educación para cumplir con su responsabilidad profesional. A petición, el Distrito escolar envía expedientes de educación sin
consentimiento previo a otra escuela en cual el alumno busca o pretende matricularse.
(4) El Distrito Escolar del Condado Whitfield ha designado la siguiente información como información de directorio:
[Note: El consejo puede, pero no se obliga, a incluir la información listado abajo. Información listada debe ser
consistente con los artículos designados en la política del consejo.]
Nombre de alumno, dirección, numero telefónico, y fotografía;
Lugar y fecha de nacimiento del alumno;
Participación en deportes o asociaciones del alumno;
Peso y altura del alumno cuando él/ella es miembro de un equipo atlético;
Fechas de asistencia a las Escuelas del Condado Whitfield; y
Reconocimientos recibidos durante estuvo matriculado en el Sistema Escolar del Condado Whitfield.
Excepto que usted como Padre/Tutor o alumno elegible, pida lo contrario, esta información podrá divulgarse al público a
petición. Además, dos leyes federales requieren de los sistemas escolares que reciben asistencia financiera federal de proveer
a reclutadores militares o instituciones de educación superior, a petición, el nombre, dirección, y numero telefónico excepto
que los padres hayan avisado que no desean que la información de su alumno sea divulgada sin su consentimiento previo por
escrito. Usted tiene el derecho de negar a permitir que toda o cualquier parte de esta información sea designada como
información de directorio y de negar a permitir que sea divulgada al publico a petición sin su consentimiento previo por escrito.
Por si desea ejercer este derecho, deberá notificar al Director de la escuela en la cual el alumno este matriculado por escrito
dentro de 20 días después de haberse matriculado en la escuela o dentro de 20 días de este aviso.
(5) Se le avisa también que, de vez en cuando, los alumnos podrían ser fotografiados, grabados, o
entrevistados por los medios informativos en la escuela o algún evento o actividad escolar; si usted no notifica, como
padre/tutor por escrito que no desea que su alumno sea fotografiado, grabado, o entrevistado al Director de la escuela en la
cual su hijo esta matriculado. Usted debe avisar al Director de su objeción antes de la fecha arriba expuesta. El Director tomara
medidas razonables para controlar el acceso de los medios al alumno. Sin embargo, la sumisión de una objeción escrita no
constituye ninguna garantía de que su alumno no sea entrevistado bajo circunstancias que estén fuera del conocimiento o
control del Director.
(6) Si desea someter al Departamento de Educación de EEUU una queja concerniente a alegados fallos por el
sistema escolar de cumplir con los requisitos del acto o las reglas promulgadas bajo el puede hacerlo escribiendo a la siguiente
dirección: FERPA, Family Policy Compliance Office U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW Washington DC
Enmienda para Protección de Derechos de Alumnos (PPRA)
PPRA provee a padres ciertos derechos concernientes a nuestra conducta de encuestas, colección y uso de
información para mercadeo, y ciertos exámenes físicos. Estos incluyen el derecho de:
Padres y alumnos elegibles (18 o mayores o menores emancipados) serán notificados al comienzo del año
escolar cuando el distrito escolar haya identificado las especificas o aproximadas fechas durante el año escolar
cuando cualquiera de las actividades listadas abajo se esperan o han sido programadas. Para encuestas y
actividades programadas después de haberse comenzado el año escolar, los padres serán dados aviso razonable de
las actividades y encuestas programadas y provistas de una oportunidad de excluir su hijo de tales actividades y
encuestas. El Consejo Educativo ha desarrollado y adoptado política, en conjunto con Padres, relacionados a las
actividades descritas abajo. De acuerdo a la política del Consejo, consentimiento previo por escrito debe
obtenerse de los padres antes que los alumnos sean requeridos a someterse a cualquier encuesta que contiene
preguntas sobre una o mas de las áreas listadas en el párrafo (A) y que sean fundadas enteramente o en parte por
el Departamento de Educación de EEUU. Usted tiene el derecho de revisar cualquier encuesta o instrumento
usado en la colección de información bajo párrafo (A) y (B) antes de la administración del instrumento o
distribución al alumno y de excluir su alumno de participar en cualquier actividad descrito debajo de acuerdo al
reglamento desarrollado por el Superintendente.
la administración de cualquier encuesta que contiene una o más de los siguientes artículos:
1. Afiliaciones políticas o creencias del alumno o sus padres;
2. Problemas mentales o psicológicos del alumno o su familia;
3. Comportamiento o actitudes sexuales;
4. Comportamiento ilegal, antisocial, auto-incriminante, o degradante;
5. Evaluaciones criticas de otros con quienes los respondientes tengan relación familiar cercana;
6. Relaciones legalmente reconocidas privilegiadas o semejantes, como las de abogados,
doctores, o ministros;
7. Practicas, afiliaciones, o credos Religiosos del alumno o sus padres; o
8. Ingresos, excepto las requeridas por ley para determinar elegibilidad para programas.
Actividades involucradas en la colección, divulgación, o uso de información personal colectado de
alumnos con el propósito de mercadeo o para vender esa información (o de otra manera proveer esa
información a otros para ese propósito).
Cualquier examen físico invasivo o revisión, no de emergencia, que se requiere como condición de
asistencia, administrada por la escuela y programada por adelantado por la escuela, y no necesario para
proteger la salud inmediata y seguridad del alumno, o de otros alumnos.
La Escuela no tiene programada ninguna tal actividad cuales son descritas arriba. Fueran tales actividades
iniciadas durante el año escolar, los padres serán notificados de acuerdo y serán dados todos los derechos
requisitos por la ley.
Usted puede, a petición, revisar cualquier material instructivo usado como parte del currículo educativo de su
La ley federal requiere que la Escuela de este aviso a Padres.
Notice of Rights of Students and Parents under
Section 504
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, commonly referred to as "Section 504," is a
nondiscrimination statute enacted by the United States Congress. The purpose of Section 504 is
to prohibit discrimination and to assure that disabled students have educational opportunities
and benefits equal to those provided to non-disabled students.
For more information regarding Section 504, or if you have questions or need additional
assistance, please contact your local system’s Section 504 Coordinator at the following address:
Wanda Phillips
201 East Tyler St.
Dalton, GA 30721
The implementing regulations for Section 504 as set out in 34 CFR Part 104 provide parents
and/or students with the following rights:
1. Your child has the right to an appropriate education designed to meet his or her individual
educational needs as adequately as the needs of non-disabled students. 34 CFR 104.33.
2. Your child has the right to free educational services except for those fees that are imposed
on non-disabled students or their parents. Insurers and similar third parties who provide
services not operated by or provided by the recipient are not relieved from an otherwise valid
obligation to provide or pay for services provided to a disabled student. 34 CFR 104.33.
3. Your child has a right to participate in an educational setting (academic and nonacademic)
with non-disabled students to the maximum extent appropriate to his or her needs. 3CFR
4. Your child has a right to facilities, services, and activities that are comparable to those
provided for non-disabled students. 34 CFR 104.34.
5. Your child has a right to an evaluation prior to a Section 504 determination of eligibility. 3
CFR 104.35.
6. You have the right to not consent to the school system’s request to evaluate your child. 34
CFR 104.35.
7. You have the right to ensure that evaluation procedures, which may include testing, conform
to the requirements of 34 CFR 104.35.
8. You have the right to ensure that the school system will consider information from a variety
of sources as appropriate, which may include aptitude and achievement tests, grades, teacher
recommendations and observations, physical conditions, social or cultural background, medical
records, and parental recommendations. 34 CFR 104.35.
9. You have the right to ensure that placement decisions are made by a group of persons,
including persons knowledgeable about your child, the meaning of the evaluation data, the
placement options, and the legal requirements for least restrictive environment and
comparable facilities. 34 CFR 104.35.
10. If your child is eligible under Section 504, your child has a right to periodic reevaluations,
including prior to any subsequent significant change of placement. 34 CFR 104.35.
11. You have the right to notice prior to any actions by the school system regarding the
identification, evaluation, or placement of your child. 34 CFR 104.36.
12. You have the right to examine your child’s educational records. 34 CFR 104.36.
13. You have the right to an impartial hearing with respect to the school system’s actions
regarding your child's identification, evaluation, or educational placement, with opportunity for
parental participation in the hearing and representation by an attorney. 34 CFR 104.36.
14. You have the right to receive a copy of this notice and a copy of the school system’s
impartial hearing procedure upon request. 34 CFR 104.36.
15. If you disagree with the decision of the impartial hearing officer (school board members and
other district employees are not considered impartial hearing officers), you have a right to a
review of that decision according to the school system’s impartial hearing procedure. 34 CFR
16. You have the right to, at any time, file a complaint with the United States Department of
Education’s Office for Civil Rights
Georgia Department of Education
Dr. John D. Barge, State School Superintendent
February 13, 2011
Aviso a los Padres de Estudiantes Discapacitados de sus Derechos Legales Bajo la Sección 504 del
Decreto de Rehabilitación de 1973
El Decreto de Rehabilitación de 1973, conocido generalmente como la “Sección 504,” es una ley federal
legislada por el Congreso de los Estados Unidos. El propósito de esta ley es prohibir la discriminación en
contra de los estudiantes discapacitados y asegurar que tengan oportunidades y beneficios educativos
tan adecuados como los de los estudiantes sin incapacidades.
Para más información con respecto a la Sección 504, si tiene preguntas o necesita ayuda adicional, favor
de comunicarse con la Coordinadora de la Sección 504 de su sistema local a la siguiente dirección:
Wanda Phillips
201 East Tyler St.
Dalton, GA 30721
Los reglamentos federales que dan efecto a la Sección 504 los cuales se encuentran en el Título 34, Parte
104 del Código Federal de Reglamentos, o CFR otorgan a los padres y a los estudiantes discapacitados
los siguientes derechos:
1. Su hijo(a) tiene el derecho de una educación apropiada diseñada para satisfacer sus necesidades
educativas individuales tan adecuadamente como las de los estudiantes sin incapacidades. 34 CFR
2. Su hijo tiene el derecho de recibir servicios educativos gratuitos, con la excepción de costos que
normalmente se les cobran a los estudiantes sin incapacidades o a sus padres. Las compañías de
seguros y otras terceras partes similares no son libres de sus obligaciones normales de proveer o pagar
por los servicios proporcionados a un estudiante discapacitado. 34 CFR 104.33.
3. Su hijo(a) tiene el derecho de participar en un ambiente educativo (académico y no académico) que
permita el máximo contacto y relación con los estudiantes sin incapacidades a menos que sus
necesidades educativas no puedan ser satisfechas en ese ambiente. 3CFR 104.34.
4. Su hijo(a) tiene el derecho a las facilidades, servicios, y actividades comparables a las que son
proporcionadas a estudiantes sin incapacidades. 34 CFR 104.34.
5. Su hijo(a) tiene el derecho a una evaluación antes de determinar la elegibilidad bajo la Sección 504. 3
CFR 104.35.
6. Usted tiene el derecho de no darle su consentimiento al sistema escolar para que evalúen a su hijo(a).
34 CFR 104.35.
7. Usted tiene el derecho de asegurarse que los procedimientos de evaluación, los cuales pueden incluir
exámenes, se ajusten a los requisitos de 34 CFR 104.35.
8. Usted tiene el derecho de asegurarse que el sistema escolar considerará la información de diversas
fuentes apropiadas, las cuales pueden incluir exámenes de aptitud y logros, calificaciones,
recomendaciones y observaciones del maestro, condiciones físicas, trasfondo social o cultural,
expedientes médicos, y recomendaciones de los padres. 34 CFR 104.35.
9. Usted tiene el derecho de asegurarse que las decisiones de ubicación se realicen por un grupo de
personas, incluyendo personas que conocen la situación de su hijo(a), el significado de los datos de la
evaluación, las opciones de ubicación, y los requisitos legales para ambientes educativos menos
restrictivo, que permita el máximo contacto con estudiantes no incapacitados y facilidades comparables.
34 CFR 104.35.
10. Si su hijo(a) es elegible bajo la Sección 504, tendrá derecho a ser evaluado periódicamente,
incluyendo antes de cualquier cambio significativo de ubicación subsiguiente. 34 CFR 104.35.
11. Usted tiene el derecho a que el sistema escolar le avise antes de tomar cualquier acción en relación
a la identificación, evaluación o ubicación de su hijo(a). 34 CFR 104.36.
12. Usted tiene el derecho de examinar los expedientes de educación de su hijo(a). 34 CFR 104.36.
13. Usted tiene el derecho a una audiencia imparcial si no esta de acuerdo con las acciones del sistema
escolar en relación a la identificación, evaluación, o ubicación educativa de su hijo(a), con la oportunidad
de participar personalmente en tal audiencia y de ser representado por un abogado. 34 CFR 104.36.
14. Usted tiene el derecho de recibir una copia de este aviso y de solicitar una copia de los
procedimientos de una audiencia imparcial del sistema escolar.
34 CFR 104.36.
15. Si usted no esta de acuerdo con la decisión del oficial de audiencia imparcial (los miembros de la
junta escolar y otros empleados del distrito no son considerados como oficiales de audiencia imparcial),
usted tiene el derecho de pedir una revisión de esa decisión de acuerdo a los procedimientos de
audiencia imparcial del sistema escolar. 34 CFR 104.36.
16. Usted tiene el derecho a, en cualquier momento, presentar una queja ante la Oficina de Derechos
Civiles del Departamento de Educación de los Estados Unidos.
Departamento de Educación de Georgia
Dr. John D. Barge, Superintendente Escolar del Estado
13 de febrero de 2011
Reporting of Inappropriate Teacher to Student
Any student (or parent or friend of a student) who has been the victim of suspected inappropriate
behavior by a teacher, administrator, or other school system employee is urged to make and oral report
of the act to any teacher, counselor, or administrator at his/her school. For more details, please see the
Student Discipline brochure.
Georgia HB 1321 addresses the issue of falsifying reports of alleged inappropriate behavior by
teachers or school personnel stating it is an offense “falsifying, misrepresenting, omitting, or erroneously
reporting information regarding instances of alleged behavior by a teacher, administrator, or other school
employee toward a student.”
Esta es la declaración del reporte que necesita estar en el manual para el año escolar 09-10.
Reporte sobre un comportamiento inapropiado: Cualquier estudiante ( padre o amigo de un estudiante)
que ha sido victima de una sospecha de comportamiento inapropiado por parte de un maestro, un
administrador, o cualquier otro empleado del sistema escolar se le pide que haga un reporte oral del acto
a cualquier maestro, consejero, o administrador de su escuela. Para más detalles, favor de ver el folleto
de disciplina del estudiante.
Georgia HB 1321 señala que es un delito (ofensa) el asunto de falsificar reportes declarando por
supuesto comportamiento inapropiado de un maestro o personal, “falsificación, tergiversar (representar
deshonestamente a alguien), Omitir (pasar por alto), o reportar erróneamente información relacionada a
las circunstancias por alegado comportamiento inapropiado de un maestro, administrador, u otro
empleado de la escuela hacia un estudiante
The Board of Education designates the following information as "directory information." Unless a parent
or eligible student makes a timely request to the principal of the school where the student is enrolled that
such information not be designated directory information on the individual student, such information will
not be considered confidential and may be disclosed upon request:
1. Student’s name, address and telephone number
2. Student’s date and place of birth
3. Student’s email address
4. Student’s participation in official school clubs and sports
5. Weight and height of student if he/she is a member of an athletic team
6. Dates of attendance at schools within the school district
7. Honors and awards received during the time enrolled in the district’s schools
8. Photograph
9. Grade level
Parents are further notified that students may be photographed, videotaped, or interviewed by the news
media or school system personnel at school or some school activity or event. Parents wishing that the
above information be denied release must notify the school principal in writing within 30 days of the
first day of a school year or the date of enrollment.
All students have access to the internet. Acceptable use and internet safety guidelines are available on
the Whitfield County Schools website at Parents may request a written copy
of these guidelines by contacting the school. The school district cannot provide an absolute assurance
that students will be prevented from accessing inappropriate materials or sending and receiving
objectionable communications but the district will ensure that all practical precautions will be taken to
keep students safe from illegal and/or inappropriate material. Students are instructed in acceptable use
and internet safety and their internet use is monitored as closely as possible. If a parent does not wish
their child to be allowed on the internet, they must notify the school principal in writing within the
first week of each school term.
Youth Apprenticeship is a structured combination of school-based and work-based learning.
Through a coordinated effort involving business and industry, Youth Apprenticeship addresses the dual
of preparing students for the world of work and providing Georgia with a highly skilled, technologically
competitive workforce. A student participating in the Youth Apprenticeship Program receives an
education that is both academically challenging and relevant to employment in today’s economy. The
program enables a student to receive a high school diploma, a post-secondary certificate or degree, and
certification of industry-recognized competencies applicable to employment in a high-skilled occupation.
PROBE night is an information session on colleges held for students each fall. This affords an
opportunity for students as well as parents to meet college representatives from Georgia and
neighboring states. It is a good time to get booklets and brochures from various colleges as well as
information answered concerning cost, financial aid, admission requirements, and other pertinent data.
Announcements are made school-wide regarding time and date of the PROBE session. The meetings are
held at Walnut Square Mall. In addition, representatives from many colleges come to the Southeast
campus during the school year. Students make arrangements to meet with these representatives
through the counseling office. Announcements of each visit are made to students so they may have an
opportunity to talk with the representative.
The College Freshman Index (FI) is figured as follows:
FI=(500xHigh School Grade Point Average) + SAT
FI=(500xHigh School Grade Point Average) + (ACTx42) + 88
There are differences in admission requirements for different Georgia public colleges and
universities. Each different type of institution (research, regional, and two-year college) requires a
minimum of 16 college prep units.
Additional requirements (beyond the 16 college prep units):
Research Universities (Georgia State University, Georgia Tech, Medical College of Georgia,
University of Georgia)
+4 additional academic units
Freshman Index of 2500-3600
Regional Universities (Georgia Southern University, Valdosta State University)
+2 additional academic units
Freshman Index of 2040-3600
State Universities and Colleges (Albany State University, Armstrong Atlantic State University,
Augusta State University, Clayton College & State University, Columbus State University, Fort
Valley State University, Georgia College & State University, Georgia Southwestern State
University, Kennesaw State University, North Georgia College & State University, Savannah
State University, Southern Polytechnic State University, State University of West Georgia)
+2 additional academic units
Freshman Index of 1940-3600
State and Two-Year Colleges (Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College, Atlanta Metropolitan
College, Bainbridge College, Coastal Georgia Community College, Dalton State College, Dalton
College, East Georgia College, Floyd College, Gainesville College, Georgia Perimeter College,
Gordon College, Macon State College, Middle Georgia College, South Georgia College,
Waycross College)
Freshman Index of 1830-3600
Whitfield County Schools Graduation Requirements
For students entering the ninth grade beginning in 2008-2009, the state of Georgia requires 23 units for
graduation. By requiring 23 units for graduation, the Whitfield County School System has exercised its
authority to add to and expand these state requirements doing so in the following manner as illustrated
in the chart below.
System Requirements
4 units
4 units
4 units
4 units
4 units
4 units
Social Studies
3 units
3 units
1 unit
1 unit (must be Health and Personal
CTAE / Fine Arts / World Language
3 units
3 units
4 units
4 units
Health/Physical Education
(If began 9th grade 2010-11 or after)
23 units
23 units
****Students planning to enter or transfer to a University System of Georgia institution or other
postsecondary institution must take 2 units of the same foreign language.****
Final Exams
“Students who have enrolled as freshmen in high school in the Fall of 2011 or after will have final
assessments. A final assessment must be given in every class. The Final Assessment must count
as 20% of the course grade excluding classes that have state mandated Georgia Milestones
(EOC). In classes that have a Georgia Milestones (EOC), the Georgia Milestone grade will count
as 20% of the course grade. If an additional Final Assessment is given in a Georgia Milestones
course, the Final Exam is to be counted as a Regular Test grade.”
Southeast Whitfield High School provides services for intellectually gifted students through
honors, advanced placement, collaborative, Study Skills and Test Preparation. Students identified
as gifted and whose participation has received parental consent shall receive at least five
segments per week (or the yearly equivalent) of gifted education services, as described in
Appendix A of the Georgia Department of Education Resource Manual for Gifted Education
Services. A copy of this manual is on file in each elementary, middle and high school and at the
Central Office building.
The grade point average, or G.P.A., is computed cumulatively or by the semester.
Some colleges or post-secondary schools consider the student’s G.P.A. for core academic
courses. The G.P.A. reflects the average grade earned in courses taken. It is based on the
following scale, with 4.0 representing all A’s:
GradeQuality Point
The school year consists of 176 class days divided into two semesters of approximately 88 days
(or 18 weeks) each. For each course passed with a final grade of 70 or above at the end of the
year, students earn one (1) unit of credit for a total of seven (7) units per year. Grades in each
course are determined according to Whitfield County Board of Education Policy as follows:
9th – 12th grade weighting
1st semester 40% of total grade
2nd semester 40% of total grade
Final Exam 20% of total grade
1 and 2 semester grades are independent of each other
An EOCT score will be used instead of the Final Exam (20%)
***Please note that students may lose course credit for excessive unexcused absences
When determining which students will be named Valedictorian and Salutatorian, grade point
averages will be calculated differently (See Valedictorian.)
Class grades should consist of an average of grades taken from class participation, daily work,
homework, reports, quizzes, and tests. Varied assessments must be used to determine the
student’s grade. No one assignment or assessment may count more than 10% of the total
grade with the exception of the EOCT or final exam.
The intent of the above grading procedure is to give students numerous opportunities to be
successful and to give teachers flexibility in designing work.
Below 70
The A+ Educational Reform Act of 2000, O.C.G.A. §20-2-281, mandates that the State Board of
Education adopt end-of-course assessments in grades nine through twelve for core subjects to
be determined by the State Board of Education. With educator input, and State Board approval,
the Georgia Milestone Testing program is therefore comprised of the following eight content area
Coordinate Algebra
Analytic Geometry
Social Studies
United States History
Economics/Business/Free Enterprise
Physical Science
English Language Arts
Ninth Grade Literature and Composition
American Literature and Composition
The Georgia Milestone is administered upon completion of one of the above courses. EOCT
will count 20% of the final grade.
Georgia Virtual School
The Whitfield County School System recognizes the importance of putting technology into the
hands of students, and one aspect of this goal is allowing students to work through classes in the
online forum of Georgia Virtual School. Recognizing that our students are technological
learners with a growing need for flexibility, and that the business community, colleges, and
universities seek graduates whose high level digital skills match their ongoing professional and
learning needs, the school system offers Georgia Virtual classes as an option for students who
desire this technological platform for learning. The rigor of the Georgia Virtual School courses
mirrors the high level of expectation and quality that students are held to within the Whitfield
County School System.
In compliance with Senate Bill 289, online Whitfield County courses can be accessed through
Georgia Virtual School. Interested parents or students should see a guidance counselor for more
Recognizing the need for students to be ready for this type of learning, students interested in
taking a course through Georgia Virtual should adhere to these procedures:
1 – Read the information on the Georgia Virtual website, Pay close
attention to deadlines in the Georgia Virtual process as well as the list of courses offered. Check
this website often, as the information may change as semesters progress.
2 – A technology survey must be completed. If you participated in the Grade 8 Technology
Assessment, you may use that score. If you have not yet completed a Grade 8 Technology
Assessment, please see your school counselor for more information.
3 – Make an appointment for a meeting with the school counselor. Parent attendance at this
meeting is encouraged.
4 – In order to remain enrolled in Whitfield County Schools, a student must take at least one
WCS course on a WCS campus. Any student who chooses to take 100% of the course work
through Georgia Virtual Schools, cannot remain enrolled in Whitfield County Schools.
5 – If all parties agree to the Georgia Virtual setting, the Enrollment Agreement is signed, and
the student then registers for the Georgia Virtual class.
The Georgia Virtual class can be taken at home through the timeframe of first or last period. In
addition, there may be a limited number of seats available at each high school for students to take
a Georgia Virtual class at school during the school day, and students may need to bring their own
technology in order to take the course on the high school campus.
Other Important Details
The Whitfield County School System stresses the importance of communication with the
student’s counselor, since not all courses offered through Georgia Virtual would meet an
individual student’s graduation plan.
At all Whitfield County high schools, with the exception of Phoenix High School,
students are required to enroll in a minimum of seven classes each year. The Georgia
Virtual classes that students take can be a part of these seven required classes. It is the
expectation that students will remain enrolled in all seven classes each year, whether
these classes are delivered through the local high school or through Georgia Virtual
School. Please direct any questions to your school’s counselor.
The school system incurs fees for Georgia Virtual classes that are not passed on to the
student. In the event of an extenuating circumstance where a student might be given
special permission to drop a Georgia Virtual class, the parent must provide to the district
the reimbursement of all costs associated with the course.
If the Georgia Virtual School online course is taken in lieu of any of the regular school
day instructional periods, then the school will pay for the course. If a Georgia Virtual
School online course is chosen in addition to the regular school day instructional periods,
the parent will pay for the course.
Requests for courses through other online vendors must be evaluated on an individual basis. A
list of approved Georgia Online Clearinghouse providers can be found at . See your
guidance counselor prior to registering for consideration of credit. Courses taken through
vendors other than Georgia Virtual School will not be funded by Whitfield County Schools and
must be paid by the parent.
Students may complete requirements for graduation at the end of any semester. Formal
graduation exercises are held at the end of spring semester and students who have completed
requirements any time during the previous year may participate.
Any students who have met graduation requirements at any time during the school year are
encouraged to participate in graduation exercises, but are not required to do so. If they do
choose to participate, they are required to attend the graduation practice sessions. All financial
obligations should be cleared by each graduating senior by the final day of school.
Both honors level and Advanced Placement courses are offered in the four core academic areas.
Honors level classes are offered in a wide variety of subjects on all grade levels.
Advanced Placement courses are available in areas of Biology, Statistics, Calculus AB, English
Language and Literature, U.S. History, U.S. Government and Politics and Psychology. Other
Advanced Placement courses can be taken through Georgia Virtual High School.
Requirements for Honors/AP Courses:
The Honors and AP programs at Southeast are open to any student who shows high achievement
and motivation to excel in a rigorous learning environment. For upcoming Freshman, CRCT scores
and grades are used to determine enrollment in honors courses. For current students wishing to
enter Honors courses, a 90 or better grade is suggested in previous content courses for
consideration. In order to be promoted to the next honors grade level course, students should
maintain an 85 or better in the current course. Students who do not have these scores may
schedule a parent meeting with their teacher, counselor, the gifted coordinator and an
administrator to discuss promotion to the next level.
Grade Point Averages (GPA) for senior awards are calculated at the end of the 1st semester of the
senior year using the same criteria as Valedictorian/Salutatorian (See Valedictorian).
Highest Honor Graduates: Students who have an overall numerical average greater than or equal
to 95 using the above criteria.
High Honor Graduates Students who have a numerical average greater than or equal to 90 but
less than 95 using the above criteria.
Honor Graduates: Students who have a numerical average greater than or equal to 85 but less
than 90 using the above criteria.
During the 2014-2015 school year, each grade level will honor students’ academic achievements
during a school day in May.
Beginning in 2014-15 school year, requirements for wearing a white robe during commencement
exercises will be as follows:
Top 10 % of your class based on weighted HOPE GPA (same requirements for
determining Valedictorian/Salutatorian will be used)
Never received a failing grade in any course taken
Students may lose their white robe status because of attendance or discipline issues. A
student who is sent to a tribunal hearing, is assigned to attend Crossroads or is placed in
OSS will not qualify for white robe status.
Grade point averages used to determine valedictorian and salutatorian are calculated at the end of
the first semester of the senior year.
Guidelines for Selection of Valedictorian and Salutatorian
1) The Valedictorian shall be the student who has earned the highest grade point ranking in the
graduating class, earned a college prep diploma, and met the residency requirements as
specified in section H.
2) The Salutatorian shall be the student who has earned the second highest grade point ranking
in the graduating class, earned a college prep diploma, and met the residency requirement as
specified in section H.
3) Valedictorians and Salutatorians shall be selected based on grade point average (GPA) using
the following criteria:
A. Only numerical grades from core classes, in the content areas of Mathematics,
Language Arts, Social Studies, Science, and World Languages in grades 9-12, will be
used in GPA calculations for Valedictorian and Salutatorian.
B. Numerical grades earned in Honors, AP, ACCEL, and Move-On-When-Ready classes
will be multiplied by a factor of 1.05.
C. Numerical grades earned in all other core classes will be multiplied by a factor or 1.00.
D. Numerical grades earned in classes taken in middle school will not be counted.
E. Numerical grades earned in classes taken in the spring semester of a student’s senior
year will not be counted. A completed fall senior course will be counted according to
the credit given (ex: 0.5 for semester high school classes, 1 credit for completed college
course). For year-long senior courses, the numerical grade from the first semester will
be used with a weight of 0.4 for computing the GPA.
F. Students taking ACCEL classes must have the college submit a numerical grade for
each course. If a numerical grade is not received, the following scale will be used:
A=90.0, B=80.0, C=70.0, D=70.0, F=60.0.
G. Transfer grades from other school districts must be submitted using a numerical score
based on a 100 point grading scale. If a numerical grade is not received, the following
scale will be used: A=95.0, B=85.0, C=75.0, D=70.0, F=60.0.
H. Students must meet the residency requirement by being enrolled and attending class a
portion of the day at the same high school during both semesters of their junior and
senior year. However, Move on When Ready students can meet the residency
requirement by being enrolled and attending class a portion of the day at the same high
school during both semesters of their freshman and sophomore year.
In order to be a salutatorian or valedictorian of a high school, a student must meet
residency requirements by being enrolled and attending class a portion of the day at
that high school during BOTH semesters of their junior and senior year. Move on When
Ready students can meet the residency requirement by being enrolled and attending
class a portion of the day at the same high school during both semesters of their
freshman and sophomore year.
I. In the event of a tie in the grade point average for Valedictorian or Salutatorian, the
following criteria, in the order presented, will be used to break the tie in class ranking:
1. Numerical grades earned in all core and elective courses in grades 9-12 will be used
to calculate the GPA.
2. Number of Honors, Advanced Placement (AP), and ACCEL courses taken in
grades 9-12.
3. Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) scores.
Beginning with the class of 2007, the HOPE scholarship will be determined by the Georgia State
Finance Commission, who will evaluate the student’s complete transcript. Students completing
the College Preparatory diploma plans must have a 3.7 on a true 4.0 scale. There will be no
numerical scale used. In addition, all core academic credits attempted will be counted in the
calculation toward HOPE eligibility. (Foreign Language courses will be included for College Prep
diplomas.) Only Advanced Placement classes will be weighted extra in the calculation. The extra
weighting will be determined by the Georgia State Finance Commission.
*** To find the most updated information on the Hope Scholarship requirements for Georgia,
please visit the following website:
The requirements to be named a Whitfield County Scholar are as follows:
The student has a minimum of 1650 on the SAT at one test administration or a score
of 26 on the ACT.
The student will have earned 22 Carnegie units of credit for graduation
including: - 4 units in science, including 1 unit in chemistry or physics.
- 4 units in mathematics, including 1 unit in Coordinate Algebra.
- 4 units in social studies, including economics and citizenship,
world history, and U. S. studies.
- 4 units in English language arts.
- 2 units of single world language.
- 1 unit in fine arts. (A year of private lessons could meet this requirement, if it
is verified by the instructor, for students in the graduating class of 20122013. Private lessons will not be considered for students in graduating
classes beyond 2013)
In all work taken in grades 9-12 the student has maintained a non-weighted, cumulative
Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.5 on a 4.0 scale in core courses or an average of 95 or
above in core courses.
During grades 9-12, the student has participated in a minimum of one interscholastic
The student has been appointed by a school official or elected to a position of
leadership in a minimum of one activity sponsored by the school.
The student has shown evidence of leadership in a minimum of one activity outside of
The student is registered to vote if he or she is 18 years old and is a citizen of the United
The student shows evidence of self-esteem and concern for others in day-to-day
CRITERION ONE: A student must earn at least 22 Carnegie Units of credit for graduation and
have taken: 4 Units in English Language Arts; 4 Units in Mathematics, including one unit in
Algebra II; 3 Units in Science, including one unit in Physics or Chemistry; 3 Units in Social
Studies, Including Economics, Citizenship, World History, and U.S. Studies; 2 Units in a single
Foreign Language; 1 Unit in Fine Arts, chosen from Visual Arts, Music, Dance, or Dramatic Arts.
CRITERION TWO: A student must have a minimum combined score of 1360 (math and verbal
ONLY) on the Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT) at one test administration; a minimum
combined score of 1360 on the critical reading and mathematical reasoning skills sections of
the SAT Reasoning Test at one test 22 administration; or, a composite score of 31 at one test
administration on the American College Test (ACT).
CRITERION THREE: A student has a non-weighted, cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of at
least 3.75 on a 4.0 scale, where A = 4, B = 3, C = 2, and D = 1 in core courses.
CRITERION FOUR: Registered to vote if a United States citizen and 18 years of age on or before
March 1, 2010
CRITERION FIVE: A student shows evidence of self-esteem and concern for others in day-to-day
CRITERION SIX: A student has participated in at least three (3) different competitive
interscholastic activities (e.g., athletics, music and literary events, fairs, and exhibits).
CRITERION SEVEN: A student has been appointed by school official or elected to positions of
leadership in a minimum of two (2) different activities sponsored by the school.
CRITERION EIGHT: A student has shown evidence of leadership in a minimum of two (2)
different youth activities outside the school, including being appointed by an organization
sponsor or elected to a position of leadership or role of responsibility in a minimum of one (1)
of these activities. Note: This does not include paid positions.
The Post-secondary Options Program provides for students who are at least 16 years of age or
older or who are classified as juniors or seniors in Georgia public schools, and who meet other
specific requirements, to take courses full-time or part-time at Georgia public colleges,
universities, or technical institutions. Students must have been accepted by the higher institution
and may, under this program, receive high school Carnegie unit credit(s) and post-secondary
credit hours. For further information please consult your guidance counselor.
Many grants, loans and scholarships are available for post-secondary work in both colleges and
vocational schools. Some local funds are made available through various civic clubs. Please see
your guidance counselor for assistance in applying for these funds.
Students are assigned to a grade level based on accrued units at the beginning of each school
year. Summer school credits are included. Students may be moved to the next grade level after
the first semester provided they meet the requirements for promotion.
For those 9th grade students who enter high school in the 2010-2011 school year or later,
promotion shall be made on the following basis:
To be promoted to the 10th grade - 5 units to include 1 unit in English and 1 unit in math
To be promoted to the 11th grade - 11 units to include 2 units of English plus 2 units of math, 2
units of science, and 1 social studies credit.
To be promoted to the 12th grade - 17 units required to include 3 units of English, 3 units of math,
3 units of science, and 2 units of social studies.
Credit may not be earned for the same course twice. Students should take care they do not repeat
a course for which credit has already been earned. However, a student may be given permission to
retake a course in order to make a higher grade in that course. Students should be aware that state
guidelines make it mandatory to average in the lower grade even when a higher grade is earned.
More information may be obtained on this subject from the guidance counselor.
The American College Test (ACT) is accepted as an admission requirement by the colleges in
Georgia. A fee is charged. The test is given approximately five times as year.
Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) is also accepted as an admission requirement by the colleges in
Georgia. A fee is charged. The test is given approximately five times a year.
See your counselor for more information.
PSAT/NMSQT is administered in October. All sophomores will take this test with no fee.
However, any 9th or 11th grade students will be required to pay a fee for this exam. It is
recommended that students working toward completion of the college preparatory programs
take this test. It is designed to help prepare juniors for a College Board entrance examination.
This test also serves as the first step in qualifying for the National Merit Scholarship program. To
qualify as a National Merit Scholar, students must take the PSAT during the junior year.
The ASVAB is administered in the fall to juniors. This is an optional career aptitude test. See your
counselor for more information.
A vital component of the Teacher Keys Effectiveness System is Student Growth and Academic
Achievement. For teachers of tested subjects, this component consists of a student growth
percentile measure. Tested subjects include those assessed by Georgia Milestones in grades 4-8,
and all high school courses for which there is an End-of-Course Test (EOCT).
Non-tested subjects include all courses not listed as tested subjects. Approximately 70-75% of all
teachers teach non-tested subjects for at least some portion of the instructional day. For teachers
of non-tested subjects, this component consists of the Georgia Department of Education
(GaDOE)-approved) “Student Learning Objective Assessments (Pre and Post-Tests for all nonstate assessed courses.)” utilizing district-identified achievement growth measures.
District developed Course Pre-Tests and Course Post-Tests are content-specific, and
comprised of grade level learning objectives that are measureable, focused on growth in student
learning, and aligned to prioritized curriculum standards. As a measure of teachers’ impact on
student learning, these measures give educators, school systems, and state leaders an additional
means by which to understand, value, and recognize success in the classroom.
Purpose of Student Learning Objectives (Course-Pre and Post Tests)
The primary purpose of Student Learning Objectives is to improve student achievement at the
classroom level. An equally important purpose is to provide evidence of each teacher’s
instructional impact on student learning. The process of setting and using Course-Pre-Tests and
Course-Post- Tests requires teachers to use assessments to measure student growth. This allows
teachers to plan for student success by ensuring that every minute of instruction is moving
students, teachers, and schools toward the common vision of exemplary instruction and high
levels of student academic growth.
Transcripts are electronically uploaded to colleges upon written request to the school Guidance
Office. Students desiring transcripts sent to colleges or other post-secondary schools should fill
out a form in the counselor’s office.
Students may be excused during the school year for school-sponsored events they attend at the request
of the school. Class work for these days should be completed prior to the absence.
In addition, seniors are allowed two visits to a college during the school year (taken before April 1), which
are not counted as absences. Again, class work should be completed prior to the absence. Approval by
the principal is required prior to the date of absence.
Whitfield County Schools Attendance Procedures
Students are expected to be in school each day unless excused for one of the reasons listed below.
Personal illness that would endanger the student’s health or the health of others.
Serious illness or death in the student’s immediate family.
Special and recognized religious holidays observed by the student’s faith.
Mandated absence by order of governmental agencies, e.g., court order or pre-induction physical for
the armed forces.
5. Conditions rendering school attendance impossible or hazardous to health or safety.
6. A period not to exceed one day is allowed for registering to vote or voting in a public election.
7. Approved college visitation in accordance with high school regulations.
8. Working at an electoral poll site during an election.
9. Student trips deemed educational by the Assistant Superintendent.
Parent notes may be accepted for up to 10 absences in a school year and must be turned in 5 days after the absence.
After 10 absences, parents will be required to provide written medical excuses or documentation. However, in cases
when a student’s absences become excessive and are addressed through an attendance intervention (i.e.
Attendance Review Team, Educational Improvement Team or School Social Work Referral) absences will only be
excused by written medical documentation.
Students shall be counted present when they are serving as pages of the Georgia General Assembly and/or while
representing the school in an activity approved by the school and/or Board of Education. Students in foster care shall
be counted present when they attend court proceedings relating to their foster care.
A student whose parent or legal guardian is in military service in the U. S. armed forces or National Guard, and
such parent has been called to duty for or is on leave from overseas deployment to a combat zone or combat
support posting will be granted up to 5 days of excused absences per school year to visit with his or her parent
prior to the parent's deployment or during the parent's leave.
Individual students who have emergencies to arise that necessitate their absence from school for a portion of the
school day must have been present for one half of the instructional day in order to be included in attendance
An unlawful (unexcused) absence is one not permitted under the Compulsory School Attendance Law (20-2-690)
and policies of the Whitfield County School Board. A combination of (5) five unexcused tardies/ late check-ins or
unexcused early checkouts will be considered one unexcused absence for perfect attendance purposes. If a
student has excessive absences or tardies, the school social worker may refer the student and parent(s) to the
Department of Family and Children Services, Educational Improvement Team (EIT) or the appropriate court when
sufficient legal causes for these absences or tardies do not exist. Corrective measures may be taken against the
student and/or parent(s).
When a high school student has more than (6) six unexcused absences per semester in a class meeting fewer
than 90 days (6 block days), the student will not receive credit for that course. If a high school student has more
than (10) ten unexcused absences a class meeting more than 90 days (year long courses) the student will not
receive credit for that course. For TAADRA purposes, when a student has 10 unexcused days in a school year
he/she will be ineligible to receive his/her Certificate of Attendance or will have their driver’s license or permit
revoked. Any student who is absent one half the day is considered absent the full day.. The student must be
present for at least ½ of the high school class period to be considered present for the class. The student and/or
parent/guardian may request the school principal or designee to review the case if there are extenuating
circumstances. Upon denial, it can be appealed to the Superintendent or the Superintendent’s designee.
According to the State Board of Education rules, a student is truant who during the school calendar year has more
than five unexcused absences.
The school will contact you in writing by mail when your child has 5, 10 and 15 total absences each school
Parents may be requested to attend an Attendance Review Team (ART) meeting when students reach 5
unexcused or 10 total absences. Parents who do not attend the ART meeting will be referred to the
school social worker. Parents may also be asked to provide a written medical documentation to excuse
future absences due to illness.
Upon review of the student’s attendance, the social worker may refer the student and family on to the
community Education Improvement Team (EIT), the Department of Family and Children Services or the
Whitfield County Juvenile or Magistrate Court.
The ART and EIT process is ongoing and may not start over each year. If the intervention was held the
previous school year, the family may not attend an ART or EIT the following year. However, the family will
be notified by the school social worker of the continued attendance concerns.
Georgia Compulsory School Attendance Law
CODE SECTION --20-2-690-1.
(a) Every parent, guardian, or other person residing within this state having control or charge of any child or
children between their sixth and sixteenth birthdays shall enroll and send such child or children to a public
school, a private school, or a home study program that meets the requirements for a public school, a
private school, or a home study program;
(b) Any parent, guardian, or other person residing in this state who has control or charge of a child or children
and who shall violate this Code section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof,
shall be subject to a fine not to exceed $100.00 or imprisonment not to exceed 30 days, or both, at the
discretion of the court having jurisdiction. Each day’s absence from school in violation of this part shall
constitute a separate offense.
I have read and understand the Whitfield County Schools Attendance Procedures:
Student (Age 10 or older)___________________________
Escuelas del Condado de Whitfield
Procedimientos sobre la Asistencia Escolar
Se espera que los estudiantes asistan a la escuela todos los días a menos que estén excusados por alguna de las
siguientes razones.
Enfermedad personal que pondría en peligro la salud del estudiante o la de otros.
Enfermedad seria o muerte de algún familiar inmediato del estudiante.
Días especiales o fiestas religiosas observadas por las creencias del estudiante.
Ausencia por orden de alguna agencia gubernamental, por ejemplo: orden judicial o examen antes de la
inducción a las fuerzas armadas.
5. Condiciones que hagan imposible la asistencia a la escuela o que sería peligroso a la salud o seguridad del
6. Se permite que se ausente por un periodo que no exceda de un día para registrarse para votar o para
votar en una elección pública.
7. Visita aprobada a un colegio universitario de acuerdo con las reglas de la escuela secundaria.
8. Trabajar en un lugar de votación durante una elección.
9. Paseos educacionales de los estudiantes con el previo consentimiento de la Asistente del
Se aceptarán hasta 10 excusas escritas por los padres durante el año escolar. Después de las 10 ausencias, se les
requerirá a los padres traer excusas o documentación médica para que el estudiante sea excusado. No obstante,
en caso de que las ausencias lleguen a ser excesivas y hubiera la necesidad de que se hiciera una intervención (por
ejemplo: el Equipo de Revisión de Asistencia, Equipo de Mejoramiento Educacional o el Trabajador Social)
entonces las ausencias serán excusadas solamente con documentación médica.
Los estudiantes se contarán como presentes cuando estén representando a la escuela en la Asamblea General de
Georgia y/o en una actividad aprobada por la escuela y/o el Consejo de Educación. Los estudiantes que estén al
cuidado tutelar deben ser contados presentes cuando tengan que asistir a procedimientos de la corte relacionados
a su cuidado tutelar.
Un estudiante cuyo padre, madre o tutor legal está en el Servicio Militar de las Fuerzas Armadas de los E.U. o en
la Guardia Nacional, y que tal padre, madre, o tutor haya sido llamado al servicio o está de salida para el extranjero
a una zona de combate o enviado a apoyar un combate se le concederá hasta 5 días de ausencias por año escolar
para visitar con su familia a su padre, madre o tutor antes de la partida, o durante la salida del padre, madre o
Los estudiantes que tengan alguna emergencia y necesiten estar ausentes por alguna razón parte del día escolar
tienen que haber estado presente por lo menos la mitad del día escolar para ser contados como presentes.
Una ausencia inexcusada no está permitida bajo la Ley de Asistencia Compulsoria (20-2-690) y la Política del
Consejo Escolar de las Escuelas del Condado de Whitfield. Una combinación de cinco (5) tardanzas inexcusadas
será considerada como una ausencia inexcusada para propósitos de asistencia perfecta. Las razones mencionadas
en la parte de arriba aplican también para las tardanzas y salidas temprano. Cuando un estudiante tiene tardanzas
o ausencias inexcusables excesivas, la trabajadora social de la escuela podrá referir al estudiante y a sus padres al
Departamento de Servicios a las Familias y Niños, Equipo de Tratamiento de Ausencia/Falta a Clase o a la Corte
apropiada cuando no exista suficiente causas legales para estas ausencias o tardanzas. Se podrán tomar medidas
correctivas en contra del estudiante y/o padres.
Cuando un estudiante de escuela preparatoria tiene más de seis (6) ausencias inexcusadas por semestre en una
clase que se reúne menos de 90 días (días de 6 bloque), el estudiante no recibirá crédito por la clase. Si un
estudiante de la preparatoria tiene más de diez (10) ausencias inexcusadas en una clase que se reúne más de 90
días (cursos de todo el año escolar), no recibirá crédito por la clase. En la escuela preparatoria el estudiante debe
estar presente por lo menos la mitad del periodo de la clase para considerarse presente en la clase.
El estudiante y/o padres/tutor pueden solicitarle al director de la escuela o a su designado que revise el caso
cuando hay circunstancias atenuantes. Si el caso es denegado, puede apelar al Superintendente o a su designado.
De acuerdo a las reglas de la Junta de Educación del Estado, un estudiante se clasifica en la categoría de
ausentismo habitual cuando tiene más de cinco ausencias inexcusadas durante el año escolar. (Es por eso que la
escuela sigue el siguiente procedimiento.)
La escuela se comunicará con usted por escrito cuando su hijo tenga un total de 5, 10 y 15 ausencias cada
año escolar.
 Se le pedirá a los padres asistir a una junta con el Equipo de Revisión de Asistencia (ART) cuando el
estudiante alcance un total de 5 ó 10 ausencias inexcusadas. Los padres que no se presenten a la Junta
con el Equipo de Revisión de Asistencia serán referidos al trabajador social de la escuela. También, se le
pedirá que provean una excusa del doctor para futuras ausencias debido a enfermedad.
 Al revisar la asistencia del estudiante, el trabajador social podrá referir al estudiante y a su familia al
Equipo de Tratamiento de Ausencias de la Comunidad (EIT), Departamento de Servicios a la Familia y a los
Niños, a la Juvenil del Condado de Whitfield o a la Corte del Magistrado.
 El Proceso de ART y EIT es continuo y puede ser que no vuelva a comenzar cada año. Si la intervención se
llevó a cabo el año anterior, la familia puede ser que no tenga la opción de tener la asistencia de ART o EIT
el siguiente año. No obstante, la familia será notificada por el trabajador social de las inquietudes que se
tiene en cuanto a la asistencia.
 Los estudiantes de las edades de 15-17, podrán perder su permiso de conducir y/o perder créditos
después de tener 10 ausencias inexcusadas en un año escolar.
Ley de Asistencia Escolar Compulsoria de Georgia
(a) Cada padre, tutor u otra persona que resida en éste estado teniendo control o a cargo un niño o niños
entre su sexto y décimo sexto cumpleaños debe matricular y enviar a su hijo o hijos a la escuela pública, a
la escuela privada, o al programa de estudio domiciliario que llene los requisitos de una escuela pública,
escuela privada, o el programa de estudio domiciliario;
(b) Cualquier padre, tutor u otra persona que resida en éste estado teniendo control o a cargo un niño o
niños y viole ésta sección del código será culpable de un delito menor y puede ser convicto del mismo,
será sujeto a una multa que no excede $100.00 o encarcelamiento que no excede 30 días, o ambas, a
discreción de la corte que tiene jurisdicción. Cada día de ausencia de la escuela en violación de ésta parte
constituye una ofensa separada.
Yo he leído y comprendo el Procedimiento de Asistencia Escolar de las Escuelas en el Condado de Whitfield:
Padres _________________________________________________________________________
Estudiante (de 10 años o más) ______________________________________________________
Fecha: __________________________________________________________________________
The following are rules for obtaining a driver’s license in the State of Georgia:
The student must be enrolled in and not under expulsion from a public or private school and has not had
more than ten (10) school days of unexcused absences in any semester or combination of two consecutive
quarters for the previous academic year and has not had ten or more school days of unexcused absences
in the current academic year. Also for a period of one academic year prior to the date of application the
student has not dropped out of school or remained out of school for more than ten (10) consecutive
school days, or has not been found in violation by a hearing officer, panel, or tribunal of one of the
following offenses, has not received a change in placement for committing one of the following offenses,
or has not waived his or her right to a hearing and pleaded guilty to one of the following offenses:
threatening, striking, or causing bodily harm to a teacher or other school personnel; possession or sale of
drugs or alcohol on school property; possession or use of a weapon on school property; or sexual offense
prohibited by law; or causing substantial physical or visible bodily harm to or seriously disfiguring another
person, including another student.
Arrangements for making up class work missed due to excused absences must be made with the
teacher within five (5) days of the absence. If a student is suspended from school more than
three days, they are allowed to make up work beginning on the fourth day. It must be completed
within three days of their return to school. In all cases it is the student’s responsibility to ask for
make-up work, assignments, and/or extra help and to make arrangements to fulfill all
responsibilities missed during the excused absences. Failure to obtain make up work is no excuse
for not doing work missed.
The following is the Whitfield County Board of Education policy concerning the granting of perfect
attendance certificates and awards.
If a student has five (5) or more unexcused tardies, or five (5) or more unexcused checkouts,
he/she cannot receive a perfect attendance certificate.
5 unexcused tardies
5 unexcused checkouts =
1 unexcused absence
1 unexcused absence
Late check-ins or early check-outs may only be excused for the same reasons as absences.
Checking in late to school or checking out early should be done in the attendance office.
** Please Note: NO CHECK OUTS AFTER 3:00PM **
A Hospital/Homebound Program is offered to students who must be absent from school for a
minimum of ten or more consecutive school days due to medical reasons or absent excessively
due to chronic health condition. The program is designed to help such students keep up with
schoolwork. Students receiving this service may be counted as present for daily attendance
Applications for the Hospital/Homebound Program may be obtained through the Attendance
Office. These include sections for both the physician and the parent to complete and sign.
Students accepted for the program must receive three hours of instructional contact per week.
The parent must be present at all times during the visits by the homebound teacher.
We believe all students and staff should ARRIVE TO school on time each day. First period
begins at 8:25 a.m. Any student who is late once first period begins must report to the
attendance office. Disciplinary action for students who are late to school will be administered
through the Attendance Office. Students must bring a note from their parents if they are late
to school; however, it is still considered to be an unexcused tardy to school. Students who
arrive to school late because of a doctor’s appointment must have a signed doctor’s note.
This tardy to school will be excused.
We believe all students and staff should be at school and in class on time each day. We also
believe that there are situations that are unavoidable that cause one to be late to school or to
class. We do not intend that such tardies be a violation of the policy.
“TARDY” is defined as arriving in class after the tardy bell.
Unexcused tardies to class or to advisement will be treated as follows:
1st – 3rd offense ..................... teacher warning
4th offense and after ............. office referral
Five (5) unexcused tardies to school or early checkouts will equal 1 absence for county perfect
attendance certificates.
The teacher will warn the student verbally and record the tardies on Infinite Campus. On the
5th, 10th, 15th, etc., a discipline referral is to be sent by the teacher to the Attendance Office
on Infinite Campus and discipline will be assigned. Late buses are excused tardies and will not
count toward tardy accumulation. Reasons for excused tardies are:
1. Medical/dental appointments
2. Administrators will reserve the right to excuse tardies under special circumstances
When a student desires to withdraw from school, he/she must have the written permission of
his/her parents or guardian if under the age of eighteen prior to withdrawing. Prior to accepting
such permission, a school administrator will have a conference with the student and parent/legal
guardian within two school days of receiving notice of the intent of the student to withdraw. The
purpose of the conference is to share with the student and parent/guardian educational options
available and the consequences of not earning a high school diploma.
Student will need to report to the attendance office to set up the conference and receive the
proper forms. Students will be highly encouraged to enroll in the Phoenix program before
dropping out.
Each spring you will register for courses for the next school year.
“Academic courses” are those courses in the five main, or “core,” curriculum areas: language arts,
mathematics, science, social studies and foreign language.
Elective courses provide you with some choices and flexibility in your high school program. They do count
toward your graduation. Each program of study leading to a diploma has a certain number of credits which
must be earned by “Additional Courses.” This means you must earn the credits, but you do have some
choice in which courses you select, so they are called “electives.”
Some electives may be required for one program of study, but not for another. Other electives may be
required for all students, but you are offered flexibility in which year you decide to take the course. Other
electives are “true” electives — that is, students take them due to an interest or to learn more about that
area of study.
Northwest offers a very wide selection of elective courses from which to choose. Students should use the
elective courses to create a schedule each year that is personal and adapted to individual interests,
talents, and career goals.
A prerequisite is a course which must be successfully completed with a passing grade in order to take
another course. A concurrent course is one which must be taken at the same time as another course.
Courses are offered in varying degrees of difficulty: college preparatory, honors, and Advanced
Placement courses. We encourage students to choose rigorous courses. All levels are open to all
Honors classes are designed to require not only more work and assignments than college preparatory
classes, but to challenge students on higher levels of thinking with abstract concepts and analytical
reasoning skills. There is no limit to the number of honors level courses a student may take. However,
due to the more difficult nature of these courses, as well as the adjustments and demands of the
freshman year of high school, parents and students are urged to consider the selection of these courses
carefully. The following is a list of guidelines and characteristics to assist parents and students in
selection of the honors level courses.
The student... has the following personal characteristics:
shows an interest in and like for the subject.
has the initiative to get started on and follow through assignments to completion.
works well independently.
does homework and outside reading as assigned.
studies for tests.
has an uncomplaining attitude.
has permission from and support of parents for taking the honors level class.
Academic courses receive priority in scheduling, and electives choices therefore receive
secondary consideration. If the student’s elective choice cannot be scheduled then another
elective course as similar as possible to the first choice is scheduled, or the student’s list of
alternate choices is consulted. Graduation requirements and needs of seniors are given priority.
A place is provided at the end of each registration sheet on which each student may list his
second and third elective choices. Students should list alternate choices for elective courses,
but not for academic courses (language arts, science, math, and social studies.) Alternate
selections should also be indicated for foreign languages.
Students are assigned to counselors based on the first letter of the student’s last name. These counselors
Kristin Spoon
Crystal Bryant
Anthony Rodriguez
After ninth grade, students keep the same counselor throughout high school, which enables each to come
to know the other well. Conferences may be scheduled at any time by the parent, the student, a teacher,
or the counselor. In addition, counselors are always available if the student would like to discuss a
problem or concern even without a scheduled conference.
You will receive assistance and instructions from many people as you consider your
choices for high school. Southeast counselors, administrators, and teachers will provide
information, advice, and answer your questions. Your teachers who know you will advise you
on the best level of academic course for you and possible electives which you might wish to
consider. You should discuss with your parents all of the information which you have received
and consider all of your options. It is very important that you and your parents consider your
future career plans and goals as you think about your high school program, including your
extracurricular plans for the next school year. Your decisions for courses for each year are very
important, as your program each high school year thereafter builds on these courses. The final
decision should be made by you and your parents together. The approval of your parents is
essential. Please make sure that you have discussed all options thoroughly, and that the
courses for which you register represent the final decision of you and your parents.
The principal of Southeast is Deni Pendley. Her office is in the main school office, and
she welcomes the opportunity to talk with parents or students at any time about their needs
and concerns. The assistant principals are Mark Lentych, Larry Farner, and Wanda Storey.
Click on the link below to view the Student Discipline Code
It is the policy of the Whitfield County School District that racial, sexual, or other forms of
harassment or discrimination are strictly forbidden. Any student, employee, applicant for
employment, parent or other individual who believes he or she has been subjected to
harassment or discrimination by other students or employees of the school district based upon
his or her race, color, religion, national origin, age, disability or sex should promptly report the
same to the principal of their school or the appropriate coordinator, who will implement the
board’s discriminatory complaints or harassment procedures. The Title VI and Title IX Coordinator
is Dr. Danny Hayes, and the Section 504 and Americans with Disabilities Act Coordinator is Sarah
Hoskins. Students may also report harassment or discrimination to their school counselor.
Students and employees will not be subjected to retaliation for reporting such harassment or
discrimination. A copy of the discriminatory complaint procedure of the Whitfield County School
District (GAAA/SAA) is located in the school district policy manual, which is available in either the
school office or the central office.
State law prohibits discrimination based on gender in athletic programs of local school systems
(Equity in Sports Act, O.C.G.A. 20-2-315.) Students are hereby notified that the Whitfield County
School System does not discriminate on the basis of gender in its athletic programs. The sports equity
coordinator for this school system is: Judy Gilreath, 1306 S. Thornton Avenue, P.O. Box 2167, Dalton,
Georgia, 30722-2167; 706-278-8070. Inquiries or complaints concerning sports equity in this school
system may be submitted to the sports equity coordinator.
Bus transportation is provided by the Whitfield County School System for every student. Safety
of all students is the primary goal in bus transportation.
Students are expected to care for the buses, exhibit respect, courtesy and consideration for bus
drivers and other bus riders, and behave appropriately on the buses. Abuse of any of these may
result in the loss of the privilege of participation in the bus transportation program.
No food or drinks are permitted on school buses.
From time to time students must bring to school prescribed and/or over the counter medication
to take on a timed basis. Students should bring all such medication to the attendance office for
safekeeping. Students will be allowed to leave class to come to the office to take their medication.
For their own safety and the safety of all students, no medication should be kept in the possession
of a student.
The state zero-tolerance weapons law was passed by the Georgia legislature. The law applies to
students of all ages, as well as to all visitors on school property, or within 1,000 feet of school
property, school provided transportation, or school functions. Weapons include guns and
knives or any other item that is used menacingly. The law requires that we notify law
enforcement authorities and the district attorney of any offense involving weapons or violence.
Please be aware that our schools do not allow students to bring “look-alike” guns, toy weapons,
or water guns to school.
It shall be unlawful for any person to carry or to possess or have under control any
weapon within a school safety zone or in a school building, school function, or on school
property or on a bus or other transportation furnished by the school. The term “weapon”
means and includes any pistol, revolver, or any weapon designed or intended to propel a
missile of any kind, or any dirk, bowie knife, switchblade knife, ballistic knife, any other knife
having a blade of three or more inches, straight-edge razor, spring stick, metal knucks,
blackjack, or any flailing instrument consisting of two or more rigid parts connected in such a
manner as to allow them to swing freely, which may be known as a nun chahka, nun chuck,
nunchaku, shuriken, or fighting chain, or any disc, of whatever configuration, having at least
two points or pointed blades which is designed to be thrown or propelled and which may be
known as a throwing star or oriental dart, or any weapon of like kind, and any stun gun or taser
as defined in O.C.G.A. §16-11-106. PUNISHMENT: A fine of not more than $10,000;
imprisonment for not less than two or more than ten years, or both. A juvenile who violates this
shall be subject to the provision of O.C.G.A. §15-11-37.
The Whitfield County Discipline Code is an outline of student offenses and the various
dispositions relating to these offenses. Disciplinary action will include appropriate hearings and
reviews. In all cases the rights of individuals will be ensured and protected. Disciplinary actions
will be administered consistently according to this code throughout the Whitfield County
School System. A copy of the discipline code is issued to each student at the beginning of the
school year by the Student Resource Time (SRT) teacher. A full explanation of all parts of the
code is given to ensure that each student completely understands the meaning of all aspects.
After a complete explanation of the code, students are asked to sign a form indicating that they
understand the disciplinary regulations. The Guidance Office provides a copy of the code and a
full explanation of its meaning to all students entering school after the first of the school year.
Due process will include appropriate hearings and reviews; and, in all cases, the rights of
individuals will be ensured and protected.
Driving personal automobiles or motorcycles to school is a privilege extended to students.
Students who choose to drive must have a valid driver’s license, valid license plates, register
their cars with the school authorities, have proof of liability insurance, and obtain a school
parking permit. Vehicles illegally parked will be ticketed or towed at driver’s expense. Parking
spaces are not assigned and will be on a first come basis. Students are expected to park in
marked spaces only. Students are prohibited to park in any of the teacher parking lots,
including the teachers’ parking area behind the gym. Forms to apply for student parking are
available from the Attendance Office. Each student who qualifies will be given a parking sticker
which is to be placed on the bottom of the rear window on driver’s side. The decal number
must be visible. The parking sticker is valid only for the approved vehicle and for the student
whose name appears on the application. The parking permit is $10.00 per year. If a student
drives a vehicle with no decal visible, he/she will be ticketed, even if a current decal has been
purchased. A deputy with the Whitfield County Sheriff’s Department is assigned to Southeast
Whitfield High School. Students are encouraged to see the officer or the administration
regarding any problem involving a vehicle. Students must leave their cars immediately upon
arrival at school. Students are not allowed to return to the parking lot during the school day
without the express written permission of the principal or an assistant principal unless driving
to the Career Academy or to work. Students attending the Whitfield County Career Academy
part-time will purchase a Southeast High School parking decal which will be honored at the
Career Academy. All rules concerning parking at Southeast High School will apply at the Career
Academy. Students are to obey all parking and driving regulations to ensure safety and care of
other persons and of property. All drivers must observe a maximum speed of 15 m.p.h. Noisy
mufflers, or radios, reckless driving, and any other procedures which may affect the safety,
convenience, or well-being of the student body at Southeast High are prohibited. All rules are
in effect for 24 hours - not just during the school day. Failure to abide by rules regarding use of
the automobile or abuse of the driving privilege may result in a loss of the privilege or other
The school is not responsible for personal property. Cars are subject to be searched if
there is reason to believe there is any illegal activity taking place. Cars may not contain alcohol,
tobacco, drugs, or weapons, including pocket knives or any other weapons described in
Whitfield County Discipline Code, Section 1. Cars are subject to be searched randomly.
1. SHIRTS/BLOUSES (All colors and color combinations are acceptable.)
 Styles – all styles which conform to rules concerning fit
 Fabric – all except sheer, see-through, and unlined lace, etc.
 Fit
o Sized appropriately, fitted modestly, (no cleavage showing), must have
sleeves (cap sleeves are acceptable)
o Buttoned properly
o Long enough to cover midriff at all times (no skin showing at midriff)
SKIRTS/DRESSES/JUMPERS (all colors and color combinations)
 Length – no shorter than knee length when standing
 Fabric – all except sheer, see-through, and unlined lace, etc.
 Fit
o Sized appropriately, fitted modestly, (no cleavage showing), must have
sleeves (cap sleeves are acceptable)
o Skirts properly fitted and secured at the waist
o Jumpers must be worn with blouse meeting the dress code
o No splits above the knee in skirts or dresses
 Styles – dress, chino, denim (jeans), cargo, sweatpants, etc. (no overalls, pajama
pants, or lounge wear)
 Fabric – all except sheer, see-through, unlined lace, etc.
 Leggings, yoga pants, any form-fitting pants must be worn with an appropriately
sized covering that comes to mid-thigh while standing and made of a material
that meets the dress code
 Fit
o Sized appropriately (no baggy or oversized pant legs)
o Shorts at the knee when standing
o Shorts may be dress, chino, denim (jeans), or cargo, gym, athletic, and
basketball shorts are acceptable (must be at least knee length)
o All styles fitted and secured at the waist
 Must be properly fastened (tied, buckled, laced, etc.)
 Flip flops are acceptable
 No shoes with wheels
 All dress code rules will apply to sweaters/jackets/outerwear when worn inside
the school building
 Hoodies must fit appropriately and not be oversized
 No trench coats
The following fads, styles, types of clothing, accessories, and appearances are deemed
 If clothing is worn with rips, holes, tears (above the knee), all holes must be
permanently patched with fabric meeting dress code standards. Underwear, leggings,
or shorts under pants with holes do not meet dress code requirements.
 Baggy and oversized clothing
 Pajamas or lounge wear
 Revealing, immodest
 Clothing or tattoos with writings, numbers, pictures, graphics, monograms, symbols or
drawings, that promotes:
o Gang/cult memberships or activity
o Trademarks, slogans, or advertising advocating the use of alcohol, tobacco,
drugs, drug paraphernalia, or other unlawful activity
o Discrimination based upon cultural, religious, racial or sexual orientations
 Clothing or jewelry deemed a safety risk or unlawful (see Discipline Code)
 Pants, shirts, coats, or clothing of any kind touching the ground
 Hair of any color or style disruptive to the learning environment
 Headwear (caps, scarves, bandanas, sunglasses, hoods, etc.) at anytime inside the
 Any objects in pierced body parts other than the ear. Spikes, gauges, etc. are not
 Writing on rear of pants or shorts
La Junta de Educación del Condado de Whitfield cree que un código de vestir apropiado apoyará para
un ambiente escolar seguro y propiciar el aprendizaje en la escuela. Miembros del comité de la junta,
administradores, maestros, padres y estudiantes revisarán éste código de vestir cada año. La Junta de
Educación intenta por medio de este código de vestir adaptarse continuamente a los cambios de estilos,
reflejando así las necesidades y opiniones de nuestras escuelas y comunidad.
1. CAMISAS/BLUSAS (Todos los colores y combinaciones de colores son aceptables)
o Todo estilo que conforma a las reglas concernientes a medida y talla.
Telas - Toda clase de telas excepto transparente, encajes, etc.
Medidas (Tamaños)
Talla apropiada, que quede modestamente, ( sin escotes) se aceptan mangas cortas
Abotonados apropiadamente
Suficientemente largo como para cubrir el abdomen superior todo el tiempo (que
no se muestre la piel del abdomen)
2. FALDAS/VESTIDOS/JUMPERS (Todos los colores y combinaciones de colores)
Largo – no debe ser más corto de las rodillas cuando este parada
Telas - Toda clase de telas excepto transparente y encajes.
Medidas (Tamaños)
Tamaños o talla apropiados, que quede modestamente, (no escotes) se aceptan
mangas cortas.
Faldas que tengan la medida apropiada y bien sujetas a la cintura
Los vestidos sin mangas (jersey) deben ser usados con una blusa abajo que cumpla
los requisitos del código de vestimenta
No aberturas arriba de la rodilla en faldas o vestidos
Estilos –de vestir, chino, mezclilla, (jeans), cargo, pantaloneras etc. (no overoles,
pantalón de pijamas o ropa de desgaste)
Telas – Toda clase de telas excepto, transparente, no encaje, ni agujeros
Mallas o licras, pantalones de yoga, pantalones ceñido deben ser usados con una cubierta
de tamaño adecuado que llega a medio muslo mientras esté parado y hechos de un
material que cumpla con el código de vestir.
Medidas (Tamaños)
Tamaños apropiados (no abultados, abombachados o pantalones de tamaños
demasiados grande)
Pantalones cortos que le lleguen a la rodilla cuando se ponga de pie.
Los pantalones cortos deben ser de vestir, chino, mezclilla (jeans), o cargo.
Los de gimnasio, atléticos, o de baloncesto son aceptables. (Debe tener al
menos hasta la rodilla)
Todos los estilos deben estar apropiadamente arreglados y asegurados en la
Medidas (Tamaños) – apropiadamente amarrados (atados, abrochados, encordonado, etc.)
Sandalias de goma/playa son aceptables
No zapatos (tenis) de ruedas
Todas las reglas de vestir se aplicaran a suéteres/abrigos/ropa exterior cuando se lleven
dentro de los edificios escolares.
Las capuchas deben tener la talla apropiada y no una talla demasiado grande.
No gabardinas o capas largas
Las siguientes modas, estilos, tipos de ropas, accesorios, y apariencias son consideradas inapropiadas:
Si la ropa se usa con rasgones, agujeros, roturas (mas arriba de las rodillas), todos los
agujeros deben estar permanentemente remendados con tela que cumple con el código de
vestimenta. Ropa interior, mallas, pantalones cortos debajo de los pantalones con agujeros no
cumplen los requisitos del código de vestimenta.
Pantalones y ropa demasiado grande
Pijamas o ropa de desgaste
Ropa reveladora, no modesta
Ropa o tatuajes con escritura, números,, láminas, gráficas, monogramas, símbolos o dibujos,
que promueva:
o La membrecía o actividad de pandillas(gangas)
o Marcas, lemas, anuncios que promuevan el uso de alcohol, tabaco, drogas
o actividades en contra de la ley.
o Discriminación cultural, religiosa, racial o sexual
Ropa o joyería considerada un riesgo a la seguridad (favor de ver el Reglamento de Disciplina)
Pantalones, faldas, abrigos, o ropa de cualquier clase que llegue hasta el suelo
El pelo pintado de cualquier color otro que no sea el color de pelo natural o que sea perturbador
al ambiente del aprendizaje.
En cuanto a lo que se lleva puesto en la cabeza (gorras, bandanas, pañuelos, gafas del sol,
capuchas) no serán permitidos en ningún momento dentro del edificio.
Cualquier objeto en partes del cuerpo que no sean las orejas. Spikes, dilatadores, etc. no son
Escritura, símbolos o signos en la parte de atrás de los pantalones regulares o cortos.
La decisión de los administradores será establecida como ha sido dispuesto en la resolución
aceptada en
los ejemplos que precedieron del vestuario inapropiado.
Durante los primeros cinco días del año escolar, el estudiante que cometa una violación al código
de vestir se le pedirá que corrija la infracción.
La entrada en vigor del Código de Vestir como el procedimiento de disciplina progresivo en el
“Código de Disciplina del Estudiante” comenzarán el sexto día de escuela para cualquier
Ningún estudiante se considerará fuera del cumplimiento del código de vestir bajo las siguientes
Cuando el padre o encargado ha asegurado una excepción a la política del reglamento siguiendo las
reglas establecidas en la siguiente sección.
Cuando el estudiante usa un botón, banda, pañuelo en el brazo, u otros accesorios que ejerciten el
derecho de libertad de expresión a menos que esos accesorios se relacionen con gangas o pandillas.
Cuando el estudiante usa un uniforme de una organización reconocida nacionalmente como la de los
Niños o Niñas Exploradores (Boy – Girl Scouts) en los días regulares de juntas.
Cuando el estudiante está usando una forma apropiada de vestir para una actividad auspiciada por la
Cuando la escuela o administración de permiso de usar otro tipo de ropa en actividades deportivas o
cualquier clase donde el código de vestimenta no se requiera en un ambiente de aprendizaje.
Cuando la administración escolar de permiso de usar ropa que este relacionada con (clubes de la
escuela, organizaciones. Deportes. etc.)
Para calificar para una excepción, los siguientes procedimientos deben ser seguidos:
1. Hacer una petición por correo, correo electrónico ( en persona
a la escuela por medio de una “Aplicación Para Una Forma de excepción”
2. La aplicación debe ser completada en su totalidad y debe ser enviada a la administración de la
escuela del estudiante.
3. Reunirse con el administrador de la escuela designado para discutir, hablar de las razones y las
metas de la política y la objeción a la política.
La persona tendrá que recibir una carta formal de aprobación /no-aprobación del administrador
designado del
Every accident in the school building, on the school grounds, at practice sessions, or at any event
sponsored by the school must be reported immediately to the person in charge and to the school office.
An accident form will be completed. The school will make every effort to inform the parents of any
accident or illness occurring at school which may need care or observation at home. However, no student
will be sent home unless a responsible adult is there to receive the student.
The building is opened at 7:00 a.m. All students should report to the cafeteria or the gym upon arriving at
school. The building closes at 4:00 p.m. Any student or group of students in the building after 4:00 p.m.
must be supervised by a faculty/staff member.
There are three lunch shifts at Southeast, each approximately thirty minutes long. The cafeteria offers a
choice of lunch items. Meals at Southeast are delicious, nutritious, and attractively prepared. Ms. Robyn
Newton is the lunchroom manager. We ask that fast food not be brought into the building for students’
lunches by adults.
The athletic program consists of varsity, junior varsity, and ninth grade competition. The sports program
includes cross-country, football, basketball, wrestling, track, baseball, girls’ softball, tennis, golf, soccer,
volleyball, and cheerleading. Any student with an interest in athletics is urged to participate in one or
more sports. Mark Lentych is the Athletic Director at Southeast. State rules and forms for eligibility can
be found at the following website:
Both breakfast and lunch are served daily in the school cafeteria. Student prices are:
Extra milk
Applications for free and reduced price meals will be conducted by the Whitfield County Food Services
High school students have a limited charge privilege. If a student arrives at school without money, they
are allowed up to three days of charges. If a child arrives at school without money for lunch and has
reached the charge limit, he/she will be provided an alternate meal (such as a cheese sandwich and milk).
Charge letters will be sent home with the students to notify parents of charges at the first negative balance
and the alternate meal policy. Charges are not allowed for extras or ala carte items. Parents will be able
to pay for student meals with case, money order, check or online at
5 minute announcements at 11:36
1st lunch – 11:46 - 12:11
2nd lunch – 12:16 – 12:41
3rd lunch – 12:46 – 1:11
3 minute announcements at 3:22
8:25 – 9:58
10:03 – 11:41
11:46 – 1:44
1:49 – 3:25
8:25 – 9:09
9:13 – 9:57
10:01 – 10:45
10:49 – 11:34
1 minute announcements at 11:33
11:38 – 1:01
1st lunch 11:38 – 12:03
2nd lunch 12:07 -12:32
3rd lunch 12:36 -1:01
1:05 – 1:49
1:53 – 2:37
2:41 – 3:25
After arriving at school students are expected to remain on the school grounds for the remainder of the
day. Exceptions include students authorized through the work-study program to go to work, students in
the Joint Enrollment Program at Dalton State College, students checking out by the proper procedures
through the attendance office, fifth-year seniors attending partial day schedules, or students attending
the Career Academy part-time.
Students are not allowed in parking areas during the school day except with written permission from the
principal or an assistant principal. All other areas outside the building (such as behind the gym, for
example) are unauthorized for students during classes or lunch breaks, with the exception of the senior
courtyard where seniors may eat lunch.
School day and 24-hour insurance, as well as football insurance, is offered to all students at the beginning
of the school year. Students in athletic programs and those who take vocational shop classes are required
to carry some form of insurance. Parents who carry insurance through non-school affiliated carriers may
sign a waiver in order to meet this requirement.
Any person who finds a lost or misplaced article should take it to the attendance office. Students looking
for lost possessions should check with school personnel in this office.
There is much students can do to help create safe schools. Talk to your teachers, parents, and counselor
to find out how you can get involved and do your part to make your school safe. Here are some ideas that
students in other schools have tried:
 Listen to your friends if they share troubling feelings or thoughts. Encourage them to get help from a
trusted adult – such as a school psychologist, counselor, social worker, leader from the faith community,
or other professional. If you are very concerned, seek help for them. Share your concerns with your
 Create, join, or support student organizations that combat violence, such as “Students Against
Destructive Decisions” and “Young Heroes Program.”
 Work with local businesses and community groups to organize youth-oriented activities that help young
people think of ways to prevent school and community violence. Share your ideas for how these
community groups and businesses can support your efforts.
 Organize an assembly and invite your school psychologist, school social worker, and counselor – in
addition to student panelists – to share ideas about how to deal with violence, intimidation, and
 Get involved in planning, implementing, and evaluating your school’s violence prevention and response
 Participate in violence prevention programs such as peer mediation and conflict resolution. Employ your
new skills in other settings, such as the home, neighborhood, and community.
 Work with your teachers and administrators to create a safe process for reporting threats, intimidation,
weapon possession, drug selling, gang activity, graffiti, and vandalism. Use the process.
 Ask for permission to invite a law enforcement officer to your school to conduct a safety audit and share
safety tips, such as traveling in groups and avoiding areas known to be unsafe. Share your ideas with the
 Help to develop and participate in activities that promote student understanding of differences and that
respect the rights of all.
 Volunteer to be a mentor for younger students and/or provide tutoring to your peers.
 Know your school’s code of conduct and model responsible behavior. Avoid being part of a crowd when
fights break out. Refrain from teasing, bullying, and intimidating peers.
 Be a role model – take personal responsibility by reacting to anger without physically or verbally
harming others.
 Seek help from your parents or a trusted adult – such as a school psychologist, social worker, counselor,
teacher – if you are experiencing intense feelings of anger, fear, anxiety, or depression.
The school office is not to deliver telephone messages to students nor will a student be called out of class
for a call. A message can be taken and an e-mail sent at the end of the day to the student’s teacher.
Emergency messages will be dealt with, as the situation requires. Telephones in the school offices and
classrooms are for use by faculty and staff members for school business only.
All visitors of both teachers and students should report to the ATTENDANCE office immediately upon
arrival on campus to receive a visitor’s pass and permission to move around the building.
Students are allowed no visitors except parents or guardians during the school day. Parents must sign in
at the attendance office for information or assistance upon entering the building.
Students nominated for the following honors must meet attendance and discipline standards.
Homecoming activities occur in the fall of every year and the date is set by the football schedule.
Homecoming representatives and queen candidates are elected through grade level advisement. A
Homecoming assembly is held on the week of the game and presents the Homecoming candidates and
their court.
The annual Junior-Senior Prom is held each spring in honor of the current graduating class at Southeast
High. The ticket sales finance this special night of fellowship, dancing, and camaraderie among the
students. Tickets begin being sold before Christmas at a low price and the price gradually increases up to
prom time. All students and their dates attending the prom must purchase tickets. The Prom is planned
by the Junior Prom committee and is fully supported by the administration, the faculty, and the parents
of the students. Leigh Ann Noll is the Prom chairperson.
Senior Field Day is a day set aside in late April or May to honor the graduating seniors with lunch and a
day of fun in the sun. Each advisement competes as a team through a series of academic and athletic
events, culminating with the famous “Tug-O-War.”
School sponsored clubs (excluding competitive interscholastic activities or events) are those under the
sponsorship, direction and control of the school that organize and meet for common goals, objectives,
and purposes. State law requires that parents have the right to withhold permission for their students
to participate in any school sponsored club or organization designated by them. A list of school sponsored
clubs can be found in the front office. If you would like more information regarding the name of each club,
its purpose, faculty sponsor and a description of past or planned activities, please contact Mrs. Pendley at
706-876-7000. You, as the parent/guardian, have the right to withhold in writing your permission for your
student’s participation in any club or organization.
Southeast Whitfield High School is a member of the Georgia High School Association, an affiliate of the
National High School Federation. We are in Region 7AAAA. Our fellow region members are:.
To be eligible to participate in GHSA activities, a student must meet all eligibility requirements, including
having passed a minimum of five (5) classes during the semester preceding the activity in which he/she
desires to participate. A student must also be on-track having accumulated the required number of
Carnegie Units.
No student is to try out for any athletic or related activity until he/she has submitted a completed physical
examination form. No student is to try out for any athletic or related activity until he/she has completed,
secured the signature of parents/guardian, and returned the medical release, insurance liability and travel
permission form. The original of all these forms should be turned in to the athletic director or athletic
A concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury. Concussions are caused by a bump or blow to the head.
Even a “ding,” “getting your bell rung,” or what seems to be a mild bump or blow to the head can be
You can’t see a concussion. Signs and symptoms of concussion can show up right after the injury or may
not appear or be noticed until days or weeks after the injury. If your child reports any symptoms of
concussion, or if you notice the symptoms yourself, seek medical attention right away.
Signs Observed by Parents or Guardians
If your child has experienced a bump or blow to the head during a game or practice, look for any
of the following signs and symptoms of a concussion:
Appears dazed or stunned
Is confused about assignment or position
Forgets an instruction
Is unsure of game, score, or opponent
Moves clumsily
Answers questions slowly
Loses consciousness (even briefly)
Shows mood, behavior, or personality changes
Symptoms Reported by Athlete
 Headache or “pressure” in head
 Feeling sluggish, hazy, foggy, or groggy
 Nausea or vomiting
 Concentration or memory problems
 Balance problems or dizziness
 Confusion
 Double or blurry vision
 Just “not feeling right” or “feeling
 Sensitivity to light
 Sensitivity to noise
 Ensure that they follow their coach’s rules for safety and the rules of the sport.
 Encourage them to practice good sportsmanship at all times.
 Make sure they wear the right protective equipment for their activity. Protective equipment
should fit properly and be well maintained.
 Wearing a helmet is a must to reduce the risk of a serious brain injury or skull fracture. However,
helmets are not designed to prevent concussions. There is no “concussion-proof” helmet. So,
even with a helmet, it is important for kids and teens to avoid hits to the head.
SEEK MEDICAL ATTENTION RIGHT AWAY. A health care professional will be able to decide how
serious the concussion is and when it is safe for your child to return to regular activities,
including sports.
KEEP YOUR CHILD OUT OF PLAY. Concussions take time to heal. Don’t let your child return to
play the day of the injury and until a health care professional says it’s OK. Children who return to
play too soon—while the brain is still healing—risk a greater chance of having a repeat
concussion. Repeat or later concussions can be very serious. They can cause permanent brain
damage, affecting your child for a lifetime.
child had a previous concussion. Your child’s coach may not know about a concussion your child
received in another sport or activity unless you tell the coach